HLTAAP001-The Nervous System & Special Senses Flashcards
The nervous system is made up of:
the Central Nervous System (CNS) and Peripheral Nervous System (PNS)
The CNS is made up of:
the brain and spinal cord.
The PNS is made up of:
the nerves and ganglia that lay outside the brain and spinal cord.
The main function of the CNS is:
to control the body and mind.
There are ____ types of general functions of the CNS. They are called, a s__________ function, an i__________ function and a m__________ function.
three, sensory, interpretive, motor
The sensory function involves:
sensory nerves gathering information from the body’s internal and external environment. The nerves will then carry the information to the CNS.
The interpretive function involves:
sensory information being brought to the CNS, processed and finally interpreted.
The motor function involves:
motor nerves conveying information from the CNS to the muscles within the glands of the body.
CSF stands for:
cerebrospinal fluid.
The nervous system structure is protected by:
bone and cushioned from injury by the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF).
The brain is a:
mass of soft nerve tissue, encapsulated within the skull.
The brain is made up of:
grey matter, mainly nerve cell bodies, and white matter which are the cell processes.
The brain is divided into ____ many parts.
The four parts of the brain are:
the cerebrum, cerebral cortex, cerebellum and medulla.
The largest part of the brain is:
the cerebrum.
The cerebrum is divided into the:
right and left hemispheres.
The right hemisphere is responsible for:
controlling movement and activities on the left side of the body.
The left hemisphere is responsible for:
controlling the right side of the body.
Within the cerebrum there are areas for:
speech, hearing, smell, sight, memory, learning and motor and sensory areas.
The cerebral cortex lays:
outside of the cerebrum.
The function of the cerebral cortex is:
is learning, reasoning, language and memory
The cerebellum is located:
below the cerebrum at the back of the skull.
The function of the cerebellum is to:
control voluntary muscles, balance and muscle tone.
The medulla controls:
heart rate, breathing, swallowing, coughing and vomiting.
The medulla along with the p____ and the m________ forms the brainstem that connects to the cerebrum and spinal cord.
pons, midbrian
Can you name all of the lobes of the brain?
Frontal, temporal, parietal, occipital.
Thinking, speech production and movement control are the function of the:
frontal lobe.
Hearing, memory, speech interpretation are the functions of the:
temporal lobe.
Perceiving sensations and processing sounds are the functions of the:
parietal lobe.
The ______ lobe is responsible for visual perception.
The spinal cord is approx ______ cm long.
The spinal cord extends from the ______ to the _____________.
medulla, second lumbar vertebrae
Nerves convey ______ from the brain.
The nerves that carry impulses from the brain can also be known as _____ _______.
motor nerves
The main function of the PNS is:
to connect the CNS to the rest of the body.
The PNS is divided into _______ parts.
The divisions of the PNS are:
the autonomic nervous system, the somatic nervous system and nerves.
The autonomic nervous system’s main function is:
to control the automatic functions (things that function automatically- without you having to move them e.g. heart). The autonomic nervous system includes the heart, smooth muscle (organs) and glands.
The autonomic nervous system is divided up into:
the “fight-or-flight” system and the “resting and digesting” system.
The somatic nervous system contains:
12 cranial nerves and 31 spinal nerves.
The function of the somatic nervous system is to:
allow us to consciously or voluntarily control our skeletal muscles.
______ are made up of special cells called neurons.
Neurons are comprised of:
a dendrite, a cell body and an axon.
Neurons move across a synapse when:
as messages travel from one neuron to another.
The neurone is comprised of:
a nerve cell and its adjoining processes called an axon and dendrites.
E_________ i__________ enter the neurone via the d__________ and leave via the a__________.
Electrical impulses, dendrites, axon
The sense organs are:
the ear, eyes, nose, tongue and skin.
The five senses are:
sight, touch, smell, taste and hearing.