Hitler's Rise To Power Flashcards
What was Hitler’s educational background like?
He loved history, literature and the music of Germanic people. He dreamed of being an artist or architect but did badly in his exams and failed to gain a place at an art academy.
What previous jobs had Hitler had?
He had been a sign writer, a house painter and a road sweeper in Vienna.
What was Hitler’s military experience?
After WW1 broke out, he served in the 16th Bavarian infantry regiment in France and saw harsh times. Hitler was a good soldier and was awarded an iron cross for his bravery.
What happened to Hitler post-WW1?
He joined the German Workers party (DAP) which later turned in the National Socialist German Workers Party (NSDAP) or Nazi party.
What was Hitler’s 25 point programme?
It was the party programme by the DAP which involved scrapping the treaty of Versailles, expanding Germany’s borders and depriving Jews of German citizenship. They were willing to use force to achieve these things.
Why was Hitler a good leader?
He was energetic and passionate as a speaker, he could attract large numbers, people where dissatisfied with the Weimar Republic which he opposed and he attracted supporters from the army?
What made Hitler a good public speaker?
He used his hands a lot to point and clutch his fists, he was confident, he was patriotic, he changes his volume and he thoroughly rehearsed his speeches.
What changes were made to the DAP in August 1920?
The party changed its name, adopted the swastika as its emblem and used the raised arm salute. They also bought their own newspaper for 180,000 marks.
What happened to Hitler in mid 1921?
He became the party Fuhrer (leader) and gathered around him loyal party leaders like Ernst Rohm, Hermann Goering, Rudolf Hess and Julius Streicher.
Who were Ernst Rohm, Hermann Goering, Rudolf Hess and Julius Streicher?
Ernst Rohm: an ex-soldier in charge of the SA
Hermann Goering: Head of the German Air force
Rudolf Hess: Hitler’s deputy
Julius Streicher: founder of the Nazi party paper
What were the SA or storm troopers?
They were the party’s private army recruited from demobbed soldiers.
What was the role of the SA?
They provided security at meetings and acted as body guards for Nazi leaders, along with breaking up meetings with opposition groups.
How did the economy cause Munich Putsch?
Hyperinflation made the lives of many Germans miserable along with the French occupation of the Ruhr. This made NSDAP membership grow mainly from people around Munich.
How did the success of Stresemann cause Munich Putsch?
Hitler realised that the new government would get on top of Germany’s economic issues so he had to act fast.
How did the crackdown of extremists cause Munich Putsch?
Stresemann’s government was starting to crackdown on extremists as they had recently put down a left wing revolt in Saxony.
What happened in Munich Putsch?
Hitler burst into Munich with 600 SA and said he was taking over the Bavarian government, claiming after Munich he would march against the government itself. The next morning he heard that Seisser and Lossow had changed their minds and opposed him meaning the SA only had 2,000 rifles, far fewer than the local police and army.
What happened after this in Munich Putsch?
Hitler sent 300 supporters to key buildings around the town supported by the SA. Hitler and his key supporters and his shock troop then marched on to the town centre to declare him the president of Germany but police opened fire and a body guard jumped in front of Hitler to save him.
What happened to Hitler and his supporters as a result of Munich Putsch?
14 of Hitler’s supporters were killed, Ludendorff was arrested, other rebels fled including Hitler but was later found and arrested.
How would Hitler rule Germany in terms of traditional values?
He would want strong family values with male and female roles, Christian morality and old style German culture in art music and theatre.
How would Hitler rule Germany in terms of racial purity?
They saw Aryans as superior (Germanic people of northern Europe), they saw other races as inferior especially Jews who they described as parasites that fed off the countries they lived in.
How would Hitler rule Germany in terms of totalitarianism?
They would have no democracy, total control over all aspects of life and would require total loyalty to their leader.
How would Hitler rule Germany in terms of nationalism?
They wanted expanded borders, a purified German race, the removal of TTOV and to revive the power of Germany.
How would Hitler rule Germany in terms of socialism?
They would want to run the country in the national interest so agriculture and industry would flourish, Jews would not be able to control businesses and workers would be treated fairly.
In what ways was Munich Putsch not a failure?
Only 14 supporters were killed, Hitler used his trial as publicity, Hitler used the time to write Mein Kampf (his autobiography) and was released after only nine months.
In what ways was Munich Putsch a failure?
Hitler and Ludendorff were arrested, the NSDAP was banned and Hitler was found guilty of treason and sentenced to 5 years.
When did Hitler re-launch the Nazi Party and what did he do?
It was re-launched on 27th February 1925. Hitler appointed two efficient organisers to run Nazi headquarters, the party was divided into regions and Hitler appointed a network of gauleiters answerable only to him.
What did Hitler do to improve the party’s finances?
He befriended Germany’s most wealthy businessmen who shared his hatred of communism and hoped Hitler would limit the power of trade unions.
What did Hitler do with the extra income?
He expanded the SA, with 400,000 members by 1930.
What was the SS and why was it set up?
It was Hitler’s private army for his security, set up due to the SA’s loyalty being with Rohm when Hitler spent time in prison.
What did Nazi propaganda use?
They used scapegoats to blame for Germany’s problems including the Jews, communists and leaders of the Weimar Republic. They prompted Hitler as head of the party.
What did the Nazis use for propaganda?
They used radio, films, gramophone records and he had his speeches reported in daily newspapers.
What were the economic effects of the wall street crash?
Banks were major investors of shares so they suffered huge losses, banks lost so much money that people feared that they would not be able to take their money out of their accounts causing them to rush to the banks which had no cash.
What happened to industry as a result of the wall street crash?
German industry closed as industries were reliant on loans they did not have.
What were the social and political effects of the wall street crash?
middle class people lost savings, businesses and homes, workers became unemployed, taxes had to be raised and unemployment benefit had to go down.
Why were working class people attracted to the Nazi party?
Many wanted traditional German values and a strong Germany, the Nazis used posters to portray that workers support the Nazis.
Why were middle class people attracted to the Nazi party?
The great depression hurt the middle classes so saw Hitler as a strong leader who could help the country recover. They were also afraid of the growing support of the communist party who opposed private ownership of land.
Why were farmers attracted to the Nazi party?
The Nazis promised to protect farmer’s land from the communists as they would only take land away from Jews.
Why were big businesses attracted to the Nazi party?
Nazi finances relied on big businesses as they protected them from communists.
What happened in the July 1932 elections?
The NSDAP won 230 seats in the Reichstag, making them the largest party, but Hitler was refused to be made chancellor.
What happened in the Reichstag fire?
The Reichstag building was set on fire. A Dutch communist was caught and blamed which the Nazis used as evidence that communists were plotting against the government. Hitler used this to persuade Hindenburg to pass a law enabling them to imprison communist leaders, stopping them campaigning for the upcoming election.
What happened in the March 1933 election?
The Nazis won 288 seat which still wasn’t a majority so they joined with the nationalists. This allowed him to pass the enabling act.
What was the Enabling Act?
An act that gave Hitler the right to make laws without the approval of the Reichstag. They managed to get a two thirds majority by imprisoning communists and intimidating other parties to allow this to happen.
What did the Nazis do to opposition?
They removed all political opposition, took over all state governments and banned trade unions.
What happened on the night of the long knives?
Members of the SA including Rohm were demanding that the Nazi party should carry out its socialist agenda taking the SA above the army. Hitler did not want to annoy businessmen so the SS murdered roughly 400 members of the SA including Rohm.
What happened after Hindenburg died?
Hitler became Fuhrer and he declared himself jointly president, chancellor and head of the army. Members of the armed forces had to swear oath of alliance to him.