HISTORY1 Flashcards
The Prohibition Era ended with the 21st amendment that repeals which amendment?
18th amendment. 21st amendment was in Dec 5 1933
Francisco Franco, the dictator of Spain for much of the 20th century was born in what year?
During which century did the Franco-Prussian war occur?
19th century 1800s
The Battle of Teutoburg Forest which lead to a major Roman defeat occured in which year?
9 AD
What document was signed in Runnymede in 1215?
Magna Carta
The Velvet revolution of 1989 occurred in what country?
Who conquered the Persian Empire?
Alexander the Great
The transfer of Hong Kong from the UK to China occurred in what year?
In which century did the “Classical Antiquity” time period end?
6th Century AD
The Battle of Hastings was fought between King Harold and William the Conquerer from where?
Upon his death in 1945, who succeeded Hitler as head of state of Nazi Germany?
Karl Donitz
The Anglo Irish Treaty of Irish Independence from the UK was signed by which British Prime Minister?
David Lloyd George (1921)
During what century did the Balkan Wars occur?
20th century (1912-1913)
In which city was John F Kennedy assassinated in 1963?
Dallas, TX
Between 1453 and 1922 (a 469 year period) what was the name of capital of the Ottoman Empire?
Alexander Fleming discovered what medication in 1928?
What is James Earl Ray infamous for?
Assassinating Martin Luther King
What was the Roman name for Paris?
What month did the fall of the Berlin wall occur?
November 9th 1989
What is the name of the tunnel that connects UK to France and was completed in 1994?
The Channel Tunnel
Finland declared independence from Russia in which year?
The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo marked the end of the war between the US and what country?
Mexico in 1848
What Eastern Bloc communist regime was violently overthrown in 1989?
Lutetia is the Roman name of which city?
Who was Japan’s emperor in WW2?
As of 2020, what was the last NASA mission to land on the moon and in what year did it occur?
Apollo 17, 1972
What dynasty oversaw the construction of the most well-known parts of the Great Wall of China?
Ming Dynasty
What ship is permanently moored in the River Thames between London and Tower Bridge?
HMS Belfast
In 1997, Hong Kong was transferred from _________ to China
United Kingdom
Who was Henry VIII’s first wife?
Catherine of Aragon
The Chrysler building follows which art movement, often associated with the roaring 20s?
Art Deco
The Magna Carta was signed in what year?
The Korean War lasted for how many years?
3 years though technically the peace treaty only was signed when Trump was in office
The Battle of Ypres was fought in which country during WW1?
When was the wreck of the Titanic discovered?
Human activity infamously caused the Dodo bird to become extinct in what century?
17th Century (Mauritius) - Maruitius is an island in the Indian Ocean
During what century did the Russo-Turkish war occur?
19th century 1800s
How is Edward Teach better known as?
Serving from 1817 to 1825, who was the US 5th president?
James Monroe
In which English county was William Shakespeare born in?
The American Civil War began after the confederate attack on what fort?
Fort Sumter in Charleston South Carolina
In which year did the Soviet-Afghan war end?
The Battle of Trafalgar occurred in which year?
Cecil Chubb, the last private owner of Stonehenge, donated it to the government in what decade?
What type of building did the Great Fire of London begin?
Which scientist endorsed a letter that contributed to the US development of the atomic bomb?
Albert Einstein
Constantinople is the former name of what modern day city?
In what decade did France adopt the Euro?
2000s (Well really January 1st 1999)
Who was the last Persian King before Alexander The Great conquered the Persian Empire?
Darius III
The League of Nations was tasked with maintaining world peace after WW1. How many years did it last?
26 years
Which US president gave the Gettysburg address?
Abraham Lincoln
What empire was Mansa Musa the ruler of in the 14th century?
In 1588, who sent the Spanish Armada to the UK?
Phillip II
James Cook, a British explorer, was killed while trying to do what to Hawaii’s monarch Kalani’opu’u?
Kidnap him
What is the first name of Admiral Nelson, a heroic figure in the Napoleonic Wars?
What is Mansa Musa generally regarded as?
The wealthiest person (ruler of the Empire of Mali in 14th century)
What was Sri Lanka formerly known as?
What country was founded after a successful slave revolt?
Haiti- Slave Revolt of Saint Domingue in 1791-1804 i.e. the Haitian Revolution
What was the last place that the Titanic visited before her sinking en route to New York?
Queenstown (now known as Cobh) a town in Ireland
King Leonidas led 300 Spartans into which battle?
Battle of Thermopylae
The Ides of March is the name of the 15th of March after the death of Julius Caesar in which year?
44 BC
In what year did Frederick the Great rise to power in Prussia?
What did the 21st amendment put an end to?
The Prohibition Era- passed in 1933 and repealed the 18th amendment
Alexander Graham Bell obtained the first patent for the telephone in what year?
In what year did the Space Shuttle Challenger disaster occur?
1986, same as Chernobyl
How much did the USA pay in the Alaska Purchase?
7.2 million (March 30th, 1867)
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart died at what age?
Mary Anning was a famous paleontologist whose finds were fossils from what era?
Which French King married Catherine De Medici?
Henry II
From 1969 to 1974, Golda Meir served as the prime minister of what country?
Mahatma Gandhi attended University College London and graduated with what degree?
The Golden Era of Piracy generally started around 1650 and ended when?
1730s (lasted 80 years)
Who discovered Penicillin in 1928? When did it become available to the public?
Alexander Fleming- after WW2 i.e. 1945
In 1917, Finland declared independence from this country?
Who was the last private owner of Stonehenge before donating it to the government in the 1810s?
Cecil Chubb
The Channel Tunnel, connecting the UK to France was completed in what year?
Where was the Magna Carta signed in 1215?
What is Howard Carter famous for discovering in 1922?
Tutankhamun’s Tomb
Amelia Earhart was the first solo female aviator to fly across the Atlantic Ocean in what year?
What British prime minister is the only to be assassinated?
Spencer Perceval- assassinated in 1812
Who was Russia’s last Tsar?
Nicholas II
In what year did the kingdoms of England and Scotland unite?
Cleopatra was the last ruler of what kingdom?
The Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt
During what century did the Austro-Prussian war occur?
19th century 1800s
Who was the last king of France before the fall of the monarchy during the French Revolution?
Louis the 16th i.e. Louis XVI
Which of the following countries was the last invaded by Germany in WW2?
Norway, France, Ukraine, Greece?
The Peasants Revolt in England (also known as Wat Tylers rebellion) occurred in what century?
14th (i.e. 1381)
In which year was the Soviet Union formed?
Who assassinated Martin Luther King?
James Earl Ray
The See of Rome, or Holy See was found by St. Peter and what other saint?
Who was the dictator of Spain during the Spanish Civil War?
Francisco Franco
What was the name of Julius Caesars invasion of much of modern day France and UK?
The Gallic Wars
Who assassinated Abraham Lincoln?
John Wilkes Booth
In which year was Apollo 17, NASA’s last mission to land on the moon (as of 2020)?
Sirimavo Bandaranaike was the first female prime minister in the world. What country?
Sri Lanka (as Ceylon)
Who was the last ruler of the Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt?
Which British Monarch was best known for their vigorous attempt at reversing protestant reform
Mary I
Which person famously discovered Tutankhamun’s tomb in 1922?
Howard Carter
What document, signed in 1848, ended the Mexcian American War?
The treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo