History of Deception--week 1 Flashcards
Luigi Galvani
credited with discovery of galvanic skin response
Steven Hales
“Horsey Hales”
experimented on horses to pioneer sphygmomanometer
Sir Francis Galton
English explorer and anthropologist
first known person to use Irrelevant Words
Galton Irrelevant Words
A. Sticker
“A. G Sticker Response Deception”
German scientist
suggested GSR could be used to detect deception
Vittorio Benussi
studied Inhalation/Exhalation ratios
used to detect deception
believed that when body was stressed that exhalation slowed
Dr. William Marston
“Marston Warston”
- -first instrument that measured systolic bp
- -Examiner in landmark Frye v US
- -developed “guilty knowledge” test
- -created Wonder Woman
- -developed idea of R/I test
Dr. Ludwig Binswanger
first to consider “outside issue”
“bins are outside”
Dr. John Larson
“mobile lobile larson”
Psychology, University of California
developed first polygraph apparatus–measured cardio and pneumo
employed by Berkeley PD
created first portable polygraph instrument
Leonarde Keeler
“Father Kymo Keeler learned from Larson, then bumped the cuff and blew the technique with his GSR”
1925 Father of modern day polygraph student of Larson @ Berkley added bp cuff and pneumograph tube added kymograph added GSR in 1938 developed R/I technique
Who developed Peak of Tension and Searching Peak of Tension (POT and SPOT) tests?
Leonarde Keeler (1925)
who developed R/I technique?
Keeler (1925)
Father Walter G. Summers
“Father Walter “Control” Summers”
Professor of Psychology @ Fordham University
Experimented c GSR
first to use control question
Who was the first to use Control Questions?
Father Walter Summers (1932)
Captain Clarence D. Lee
Berkley PD
improved Keeler’s polygraph
developed control test–early STIM test
National Center for Credibility Assessment
new name for DoDPI in 2010
John Reid
Atty who joined Chicago PD
developed ‘comparison question technique’
developed countermeasure device
Cleve Backster
“Backster SpyAckster”
1961 developed CIA polygraph program developed ZONE COMPARISON test developed standardized quantification (scoring that allowed independent review) plant life psychological set
Cleve Backster’s Theories used today
Psychological Set Anti climax dampening concept spot analysis outside superdampening factor total charts minute concept seven position numerical scale
What is the Backster Effect?
plants emit electrical charges when under stress
Texas Polygraph Examiners Act
created texas poly examiners board
licensed examiners
ended in 2009
American Polygraph Association
over 2800 members
31 accredited schools
Richard O. Arther
used clinical approach
experimented with GSR in auto and manual
founded Journal of Polygraph Science
Dr.. James Allen Matte
numerous studies testing the deaf
When was the American Association of Police Polygraphist established?
When was the Stoelting Ultra Scribe produced?
Who created the Directed Lie Technique?
Dr. David Raskin 1983-1987
Who developed the first computerized polygraph instrument?
Stoelting in 1991
Bruce White began Axiciton in 1988
Employee Polygraph Protection Act
abolished preemployment polygraphs in private sector
allows private sector to use poly to resolve specific losses and injuries
Texas Association of LE Polygraph Investigators established when?
Texas DPS Polygraph School established when?
Otto Verasuth
“Psycho Otto”
coined term “psychogalvanic reflex” which was later changed to “electrodermal response”
Cesare Lombroso
1895 Italian Anthropologist/Criminologist used poly to detect deception experimented on criminals hydrosphysmograph
Angelo Mosso
“Mosso Cradle & sphyg”
scientific cradle
Harold Burtt
confirmed “BenRatio” Benussis’ work on ratios
BP was more accurate
Dr Hugo Munsterberg
Harvard Psychology prof
advocate of word association technique for diagnosing guilt