When was the first degree in civil engineering in the U.S. rewarded
1835, rensselaer polytechnic institute
[] constructed the Eddystone lighthouse on [] and formed the []
John Smeaton, 1771, Smeatonian society of civil engineers
the term [] came into use to describe [] that was performed by [] for []
18th century
civil engineering, engineering work, civilians, non military purposes
John Smeaton pioneered []
hydraulic lime
The first civil engineering degree awarded to a [] was granted by [] to []
woman, Cornell University, Nora Stanton Blatch in 1905
shelter during 4000 BC - 2000 BC was made in
When and what was The first institution for teaching civil engineering, established in France
ecole nationale des ponts et chaussees
Most architectural designs and structures were carried out by [], and [] rising to the role of []
stonemasons, carpenters, master builder
No concrete yet
27 BC
ecole nationale des ponts et chaussees was under the ministry of
ecology, sustainable development, and energy
18th century
The [] why civil engineering has such a very [], [], and []
main reason, broad definition, disciplines, specializations
[] - []
The construction of [] in [] was one of the first instances of large structure construction
2700 BC - 2500 BC
pyramids, egpyt
one of the most prestigious and oldest french grandes escoles
ecole nationale des ponts et chaussees
true or false
Knowledge was retained in guilds and was seldom supplanted by advances.
[] - []
Structures built that time
Colosseum in Rome
Great Wall of China
Taj Mahal of India
true or false
structures were not repetitive and decreases in scale were incremental
false - were repetitive, increases
[] - []
earliest practices of civil engineering were in [] and [] when humans abandoned the [] and first built a roof for its []
4000 BC - 2000 BC
ancient Egypt, ancient Mesopotamia, nomadic way of living, shelter
a concrete that cured under water
hydraulic lime
Developed a technique of securing the blocks using [] and []
dovetail joints, marble dowel
the first major Roman road called [] or [] was constructed to serve as [] between republican rome and its allies in capua during the []
312 BC
appian way, queen of the road, supply route, second samnite war
Wala pang bakal kaya yung earliest structures like church sila yung madaling masira pag may earthquake, kaya today nireretrofit sila pinapatibay
27 BC
[] or Roman concrete paved the way for the architectural frenzies of the first roman emperor Augustus
opus caementicium
The romans mixed [] with [] to form a [] which was packed with chunk of bricks or [] to form the basic material for roads, bridges, aqueducts, and buildings.
27 BC
limestone, volcanic ash, mortar, volcanic tuff
true or false
Today’s scientist have concluded that roman concrete though weaker than modern cement is astonishingly long lasting, remaining relatively intact even after centuries of exposure to sweater and other damaging elements
ecole nationale des ponts et chaussees was founded by
daniel-charles trudaine