National Building Code of the PH with its IRR
February 19, 1977
PD. No. 1096
DPWC renamed to [] under [] signed by []
Department of Public Works, Transportation, and Communication (DPWTC), E.O. No. 392, Pres. Elpidio Quirino
UST-COE headed by []. The collage was patterned after the [] on Cuba and was first set up at the [] of the []
Don Ramon Irureta-Goyena, univ. Of havana, second floor, old building in intramuros
Bar examinations and examinations by board examiners of the government is equivalent to first grade civil service eligibility
RA No. 1080, June 15, 1954
During the inauguration of the commonwealth gov. [] a reorganization of DPWC is undertaken
Nov. 15
When spain caded the PH to US in [], the public works and activities were placed under the []
1898, US army engineers
The [] was dissolved when the [] and other engineering professions withdrew to form their own professional organization ()
But not before it has struggled for the passage of an []
AIAAF, civil engineers, The Philippine Society of Engjneers
Engineers and Architects Law
build and maintain roads, bridges, and other public works
1898; department of national defense
National Irrigation Administration signed by [] the []
Pres. Diosdado Macapagal, RA No. 3601
To mitigate the sufferings of the people from the iron clad rule of Japanese. The PH Commission was established under [] and [] as Minister of PW and Communication
Jose P. Laurel, Quintin Paredes
Bureau of Public Highways were expanded and reconstructed to [] under [] signed []
Department of Public Highways, Administrative Order No. 2, July 1, 1974
AAAF changed the name to [] - including civil engineers and surveyors
Academia de Arquitectura, ingeniera y agrimensura de filipinas (AIAAF)
The PH commission passed [] and [] creating [] which gave birth to the [] and []
act no. 222 & 268, department of commerce and police, bureau of engineering and construction of public works, bureau of architecture and construction of public buildings
The first appearance of [] in the PH Highways. (e.g. )
Motor vehicles, jeepneys
The [] was created 1954 by [] placed under []
Bureau of Public Highways, RA No. 1192, DPWTC
Water supply in areas where neither MWSS and LWUA comes out of service
To create rural water supply to rural areas; fewer 20,000 cohabitants
Rural Waterworks Development Corporation
Issued E.O. No. 396 which reorganized and grouped the cabinet.
Exiled Commonwealth Gov. Pres. Manuel L. Quezon
The Irrigation Division was placed under the [] and was established in []
Bureau of Public Works (BPW), 1908
The [] under the american regime. The gov. initiated policies to stimulate national economic growth through irrigation development
Irrigation Act of 1912
The faculty of engineering of the [] is the [] engineering school in the PH. established []
UST, oldest, may 18, 1907
Filipinos were allowed to practice as architects and engineers given their experience as maestro de obras
Engineers and Architects Law
true or false
History of the architecture and civil engineering professions in the PH were almost synonymous with each other
what period?
during spanish period
Introduction of [] in the PH was in [] and its use in the construction of the [] or [].
reinforced concrete, 1900, masonic temple, grand lodge in the PH
consisted of [] probably taken from [] varying in sizes from []
rubble-stone pavement / cobblestone pavement
boulders, river beds, 10-30 cm in diameter
how much the PH Commission allocated to aid such construction in rural areas and provincial boards were created in [] to collect []
double cedula taxes
the first [] passed granting the [] the right to construct branch lines
Dec 8, 1902
railroad legislation act or PH Commission Act No. 554, manila railroad company (MRRCo)
By virtue of [] passed by the PH Commission on [], public works and projects were placed under the provincial supervisions
Act No. 83
Foundation of the [], a private institution offering academic course for [] and headed by []
liceo de manila, maestro de obras, Leon Ma. Guerrero
In more than 3 1/2 centuries of Spanish subjugation, there were []
no filipino civil engineer
the first multi structure in [] manila
masonic temple or grand lodge in the PH, escolta
The coming of Americans brought about drastic changes in our engineering culture. the new colonizers pursued [] policies
The escuela was closed
This pavement was very [] and had a [] and [] course of small [] been used.
rubble-stone pavement / cobblestone pavement
rough, second, top, gravel
PRC released the syllabi of the subjects of CE in licensure examinations
February 28, 1995
UST as school of civil engineering with one program offering leading to the degree []
Master of Science in Civil Engineering (MSCE)
The Board of CE held its first fully computerized Board exam on [] and released results on []
May 29, 1993, Nov. 9, 1993
the [] ceased to operate after its first year of inception
the [] was created and placed under the [] on []
bureau of public works, department of commerce and police, oct 26 1905
true or false
Grade have been improved and methods of construction changed
Created PRC regulating all professions and accrediting only one org. Per profession
June 1973, PD 223
The WW II outbreaks, the DPWC was abolished
MPWH became []
The primary engineering and construction arm of the PH
Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH)
Holder of PRC Registration No. 1 in Ce and holds high ranking position in the gov. And the early members of PSCE are gov. engrs.
Engr. Marcial Kasilag
PRC recognized PICE as the only official org of CE in the PH
August 13, 1975
[] - []
With [] as the president of the cabinet, [] served as the secretary of [] which included [] and []
Jan 21 - May 7
Apolinario Mabini, Gracio Gonzaga, Public Welfare, the transportation, communications portfolio
[] passed on [] abolished engineering districts and positions of district engineers
Act no. 1401, oct 4
Provincial Water Utilities Act of 1973
PD No. 198, May 25
Social prejudice constrained the repressed indio builders to be content themselves to be called as a mere [] even if they could design and built any type of structure that technology would allow that time.
maestro de obras / master builders
spanish period
The Association of Structural Engineers (ASEP) first Pres. Ambrosio Flores
September 30, 1961
The instructions stated that the management of public property and revenue and the use of all public means of transportation were to be conducted by the []. The ports were opened to commerce for all foreign nations.
military authorities (us army)
Magat Dam was constructed in [] inaugurated on [] and operated in [] under [] signed on []
Based on the study conducted [] of [] with the assistance of [] and []
1978, October 27, 1982, 1983
PD. No. 693
May 7, 1975
1973, National Irrigation Administration, US Bureau of Reclamation, US Agency for International Development
PRC releases only the top 10 scorers and stopped relasing the 11th to 20th
November 2006
DPWTC became []
DPH became []
Ministry of Public Works, Transpo, and Comms
Ministry of Public Highways
Manila Railroad Company (MRRCo) changed to []
June 20, 1964
Philippine National Railway (PNR)
The CAA was transferred under []
MPWTC - divided into 2 ministries
July 23, 1979
The first private school in the PH to offer an academic title for maestro de obras (__)
liceo de manila, the forerunner of formal education in architecture/engineering
SI units for worldwide adoption
International Bureau of Weights and Measures
Systeme Internationale d unites (SI)
Civil Engineering Week
Nov. 3 to 9, 1991
Proclamation No. 799: Sept. 20, 1991 by Pres. Corazon C. Aquino
pavement of cut spanish road / cut adobe stone pavement
the size used called is []
20x20 cm, 50 cm long
In [], The archi act was passed and signed into law but on [], a petition for declatory relief filed on [] by PICE and [] to declare null and void [] of the revised IRR of []
2004, 2005, May 3, 2005, Engr. Leo Cleto Gamolo, sections 302.3 and 302.4, PD. No. 1096
The CE Law was further amended by [] and the Architects Law is []
RA No. 1582, RA No. 1581
True or False
1400 plus registered participants during the PICE National Culminating Board
pavement of cut spanish road / cut adobe stone pavement
this makes a very [] and [] pavement but when an ordinary amount of [] is encountered, [] rapidly
smooth, pretty, traffic, wears
The [] issued by [] establishing PH revolutionary government created [] among which was the []
organic decree, gen emillio aguinaldo, 4 government departments, department of war and public works
The [] was reorganized and reopened but this time offered a [] for [], [], and [] (diploma courses)
Escuela, 3 year course, architecture, civil engineering, electrical engineering
Abolition of National Airport Corp. (1951) transferred to
Civil Aeronautics Administration (CAA) under the Department of Commerce and Industry
Public Act No. 2985
Created board members for archi and ce proffession
The SEC issued the Registration Certificate No. [] to []
15896, Philippine Institute of Civil Engineers (PICE)
First CE Org in the PH from a goverment sector
Philippine Society of Civil Engineers
The Prescribing policies, guidelines, rules and regulations for gov. Infras. Contracts
June 11, 1978
PD. No. 1594
MPW and MPH were merged -
Ministry of Public Works and Highways (MPWH)
This type was very [] and [] so long as individual stones retained their position in a bed of []
rubble-stone pavement / cobblestone pavement
durable, lasting, earth
First President of PSCE
Engr. Marcial Kasilag
NAWASA changed to [] by RA __
Metropolitan Waterworks and Sewerages System (MWSS)
RA No. 623
First Internation Convention in the PH was held on [] with the theme []
May 20-25, 1975, CE in Disaster Prevention Control
The authority of DPWC was further expanded due to the []
Motor Vehicle office
when the [] and [] were organized under a civil engineer known as []
bureau of public works and highways, bureau of communications and transportation, director general
E.O. No. 396 renamed DPWC to [] and [] as secretary
Department of national defense, public works, communication and labor
Basilio Valdes
The project is called [] was oerated by a sister company called []
Metrorail, MERALCO or Metro Inc.
True or false
PD - the SI units were mandated in PH
PACE Pres. Engr. Cesar A. Caliwara exerted effort to merge the two orgs.
Engr Caliwara was also []
ASEP President 1969-1970
The first professional association of architecture and surveyors
Academia de Arquitectura y agrimensura de filipinas (AAAF)
Major highways and expressways were constructed through financial assistance and loans from foreign banks
The first [] to be appointed was [] of the [] of Manila as instructor in [] on a part time basis
Jose P. Katigbak, City engineers office, graphics(drawing)
First election of PICE officers as Engr. Caliwara as Pres of PICE and to unite CE in the PH, provincial chapter were created
February 1974
True or False
During 1980’s, the increased in handheld calculators revolutionized engineering w/ faster and more efficient calculations leaving old slide rule behind
The [] on [], the Department of National defense and communication was again named as []
E.O. No. 27 on Feb 27, DPWC
Department of Commerce and Communications were renamed as
Department of Public Works and Communication
The architects law passed named [] and so with the CE law [] with the efforts of []. They celebrated the passing of law in []
July 17 1950
RA 545, RA 544, Alberto Guevarra, Manila Hotel Winter Garden
The Engineers and Architects Law () passed on [] the law created separate board examiners for ce and archi.
Act No. 2985, Feb 23
The US Congress authorizes PH gov. to grant [] and [] for the construction of [] and []
franchise and concession, public utilities and services; 1902
The automobile age: road construction is a priority in the gov.: the nation is on wheels
true or false
highways, bridges, schools, hospitals and gov.t buildings steadily transformed the PH landscape
1899; true
There was no [], and can be easily [] unless covered with [], [], and []
rubble-stone pavement / cobblestone pavement
bond, displaced, earth, sand, gravel
Two types of construction under spanish regime
- pavement of cut spanish road / cut adobe stone pavement
- rubble-stone pavement / cobblestone pavement
Changed the number of questions to 35 ques to 100 ques per subject having a total of 300 ques
The [] provided for popularly elected municipals board members who were responsible for collecting taxes maintaining municipal properties and undertaking necessary construction projects
1901 municipal code
The inclusion of public works in the War Dept. can be explained by the [] of the rev. period
1898; exigencies
DPWC named as []
Ministry of Public Works, Transpo, and Comms
[] was founded
Metropolitan Water District
True or false
PACE being more active than PSCE led to the transfer of PSCE members to PACE
How long is the manila to dagupan line
195.4 km
The [] created during [] headed by []
Light Rail Transit Authority, July 12, Imelda Romualdez Marcos
Shortage of Projects led to influx of Filipino architects and engineers migration to US and Europe
Boards of Regents of the UP in a resolution passed on [] appointed [] as acting [] of COE. His appointment was set to effect on [].
Initially, a [] leading to the degree of [] with an additional degree of [] upon completion of an [] of study
June 3, 1910, W.J. Colbert, Dean, June 13, 1910.
4 year course, Bachelor or Science, Civil Engineering, extra year
the academia merged with [] and established the [] offered a []
liceo de manila, 5 year course in architecture and civil engineering (pero nandito pa rin si maestro de obras)
there were no [] in the country at that time and the [] with academic degrees were []
civil engineer schools, only architects/engineer, spaniards
this was usually of the [] probably used because it is easily [], [], and []
pavement of cut spanish road / cut adobe stone pavement
adobe quality, quarried, cut, handled
Statues of practice for civil engineers and architects are separated
National Assembly Bill No. 1850
Providing effective highway administration modified appointment of highway finds and gave aid to provinces and cities for the improvement and maintenance of roads
Philippine Highway Act of 1973 or RA No. 917
The [] was created through the [] to coordinate policies concerning water resources
National Water Resources Board, National Water Code of the PH
Protection of Students right to enroll in review centers act of 2013
RA. No. 10609
August 23, 2013
[] on [] permitting all under aged to take the board exam on one condition that they will not practice their profession until they are 21 yrs. Old
Act No. 4211, August 2
in his letter dated [], US Major General [], the military governor of the PH announced US Pres. [] instructions for the island’s benevolent assimilation
jan 4, 1899, Elwell S. Otis, William Mckinley’s
Provincial Water Utilities Act of 1973 created []
Local Water Utilities Administration or LWUA
Allowing applicants for citizenship to take board exams pendjng the approval of their petition
April 7, 1978
PD. No. 1350
[], as practiced in the PH during spanish era was not by virtue of an academic title
civil engineering
The [] was formed from a group of CE in private sector under [] as its first president
Philippine Association of Civil Engineers (PACE)
Engr. Enrique Sto. Tomas Cortes
Road work in the PH islands during [] and [] under spanish regime consisted in the []
18th and 19th centuries, opening of routes of communication throughout the islands
Tides of War in Pacific came in [] causing interruptions in school/colleges operations. By the order of the Presidents, all schools are closed. Since Japanese entered Manila and occupied school colleges
National Waterworks and Sewerage System Authority (NAWASA) was created
RA 1383
the [] was ratified during a general assembly of congress and the first council of gov. of the first PH republic was created
Malolos constitution
After WW II the rehabilitation and construction of infrastructure was paid by Japanese and other grants was received from US Gov. To rehabilitate the constructions
Department of war is replaced by []
1898; department of national defense
The need for more [] that would penetrate the []
extensive road networks, rural areas
When Mabini was replaced by [] among the 7 dept set up was the []. [] was appointed as secretary of []
Since then, [], [], and [] was grouped into 1
pedro paterno, communicaciones y obras publicas, maximo paterno, public works and communication
public works, transportation, communication
When was the entire line of manila to dagupan created?
November 24, 1892
Master builders as of today were equivalent to
construction foreman
The [], during [] or called as [] authorized gov. of PH islands to provide for the needs of commerce
PH Bill of 1902, July 1, 1902, the PH organic Act