History Module 7 Flashcards
How did Jospeh Goebbels control public opinion?
Propaganda through the control of mass media
What mediums of mass media did the Nazis control?
- Books
- Art
- Newspapers
- Cinema
- Music
- Posters
- Radio
How did the Nazis spread propaganda (outside of media)?
The Nuremberg Rallies - every summer, displays of power
What were propaganda failures of the 1936 Olympics?
- Visitors shocked by military presence (SS & SA)
- Visitors shocked by fanatical devotion to Hitler
Why did countries like the US not boycott the 1936 Olympics due to Germany’s discrimination against Jews?
Because in response Germany allowed one part-Jewish person on their team, and removed overt antisemitic sentiments from the streets over the event
Why was the 1936 Olympics held in Berlin?
Because Joseph Goebbels believed it would be good for propaganda inside and outside Germany
What were propaganda successes of the 1936 Olympics?
- Visitors flattered by red-carpet treatment
- Visitors dazzled by new technology/overall grandeur
- Nazi regime achieved international respectability
How were Jews persecuted beginning 1933?
- Banned from civil service
- Boycotts of businesses
- Refused jobs
- Children humiliated/segregated
What were the Nuremberg Laws (including Reich Citizenship Law) and when were they passed?
- September 1935
- Illegal for Aryans and Jews to marry/have sex
- Reich Citizenship Law: population split into 3 groups - Aryans, mixed, and non-Aryans (Jews and Roma)
What were the events of Kristallnacht (The Night of the Broken Glass)?
- November 1938
- Young Jewish man killed German diplomat in Paris
- In ‘retaliation’ SS men ordered to destroy Jewish businesses dressed in ordinary clothes
- People told this was done by citizens, not SS (though most didn’t believe this lie)
What was the aftermath of Kristallnacht?
- 91 Jews murdered
- Hundreds of synagogues burned
- 21,000 Jews taken to concentration camps
- Thousands more leave the country
How else were Jews persecuted following Kristallnacht?
- Children banned from schools
- All businesses confiscated
- ‘J’ stamped on passports
- New first names on identification (‘Israel’ for men, ‘Sarah’ for women)
What other minorities were persecuted?
- Gay/lesbian people
- The mentally ill & disabled
- Roma
- ‘Asocials’ (alcoholics, prostitutes, beggars)
How did the Nazis attempt to control religion?
- Concordat signed with the Catholic Church (agree they’d leave each other alone)
- Protestant Reich Church (official state church) set up
- Pro-Nazi pagan ‘German Faith Movement’ supported
How did some Bishops/pastors rebel?
- Protest against the Euthanasia programme (mass murder of mentally ill/disabled people)
- Alternative Protestant church from Reich Church set up
- Protecting Jews
- Refusing to fly Nazi flags
What was the political opposition to the Nazis?
Socialists met in secret - they sabotaged railways, factories and army stores, and they distributed anti-Nazi leaflets
What was the social opposition to the Nazis?
- People refused to conform to Nazi ideals
- They complained
- Joked about Hitler
- Refused to do the Heil Hitler salute
- Refused to contribute to party funds
How did women oppose the Nazis?
- They made up around 15% of all anti-Nazi movements
- They informed foreign governments of rearmament plans and the treatment of Jews
- They helped Jews flee abroad
How did youth oppose the Nazis?
- The Swing Movement - middle class teenagers listened to foreign music, openly discussed sex, and accepted Jewish people
- The Edelweiss Pirates - working class teenagers mocked and attacked Nazi Youth, and in 1944 sheltered escaped prisoners and army deserters, and also attacked the Gestapo (in which its leader was killed)