- a person who uses or supports strong actions (such as public protests) to help make changes in politics or society
Baby Boomers
- is a person born in the years 1946 to 1964 due to the increase of birth rates after WWII Canada’s birth rate ballooned from the end of the Second World War until about 1965, thanks to improving economic conditions and a related trend over the same period toward larger families. The result was a 20-year bulge in the population known as the baby boom
- civil defence plan/force, an effort to protect the citizens of a state (generally non-combatants) from human-made and natural disasters.
- The Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND) The elimination of British nuclear weapons and global abolition of nuclear weapons (made the peace sign)
Counter Culture
- a subculture, especially of young people, with values or lifestyles that are in opposition to those of the dominant established culture
Cuban Missile Crisis
- The Cuban Missile Crisis, also known as the October Crisis in Cuba, or the Caribbean Crisis, was a 13-day confrontation between the governments of the United States and the Soviet Union, when American deployments of nuclear missiles in Italy and Turkey were matched by Soviet deployments of nuclear missiles in Cuba
- aimed mainly at preventing aggression by the hostile Communist power centres
Draft resister/Dodger
- citizens who refuse to join the army to fight in a war during conscription
Dew line - Distant Early Warning Line
- radar stations in Northern Canada Set up between 1958 - 1960 to defect Soviet Activity over the North Pole
Emergency Act
The Emergencies Act is a statute passed by the Parliament of Canada in 1988 which authorises the Government of Canada to take extraordinary temporary measures to respond to public welfare emergencies, public order emergencies, international emergencies and war emergencies. The law replaces the War Measures Act passed in 1914.
- Front de liberation du Quebec is revolutionary movement founded to work for an independent socialist Quebec
Generation GAP
- The term “generation gap” was coined in the 1960s to describe the significant differences in beliefs, values, and behaviours between younger and older generations, particularly between baby boomers (youth) and their parents
INF Treaty
- The Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty was an arms control treaty between the United States and the Soviet Union. US President Ronald Reagan and Soviet General Secretary Mikhail Gorbachev signed the treaty on 8 December 1987
“Hippies” is a term used to describe young people who participated in the 1960s counterculture movement, which originated in the United States and spread throughout Canada in the second half of that decade. Hippies were part of the “baby boom” generation, born immediately following the end of the Second World War. This demographic wave was significant enough to transform Canadian society; by the mid-1960s more than half of Canada’s population of 20 million was under the age of 25.
-Inter Continental Ballistic Missile - Those are launched from individual underground silos
Iron Curtain
- The Iron Curtain was a political, military, and ideological barrier that divided Europe into two separate areas from the end of World War II in 1945 until the end of the Cold War in 1991. It symbolised the efforts by the Soviet Union to block itself and its satellite states from open contact with the West and its allies.
- Mutual assured destruction (MAD) is a doctrine of military strategy and national security policy which posits that a full-scale use of nuclear weapons by an attacker on a nuclear-armed defender with second-strike capabilities would result in the complete annihilation of both the attacker and the defender.
Maître chez nous
- The slogan was “Maîtres chez nous” (Masters of our own house). The goal was for francophones to take leadership positions in Quebec and to guide Quebec into the future. The goal was met. The Quiet Revolution contributed to changing Quebec, and Canada, forever.
- engaged in warfare or combat
- Multiples independently Target Re-enters Vehicles - One missile that can fit several warheads that it can release so each can go to its own target, Even if 1 in 8 missiles is missed by defending forces that one missile can launch towards coastal targets
- North Atlantic Treaty Organization - the mutual defence organisation set up to protect several Western European countries, Canada and the US from possible aggression from the USSR after the Second World War. The 12 founding members of the alliance were Belgium, Canada, Denmark, France, Iceland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, the United Kingdom, and the United States.
- North American Aerospace Defence Command - a defence agreement signed in1958 between Canada and the US
-Nuclear utilisation target selection theory, or NUTs: Developed in the 1980s. Was a theory President Reagan believed in. He thought a limited nuclear war was possible as long as the USA struck the USSR first and wiped out its nuclear weapons.
- the spread of nuclear weapons, nuclear weapons technology, or fissile material to countries that do not already possess them.
Proxy war
- are conflicts in which a third party intervenes indirectly in a pre-existing war in order to influence the strategic outcome in favour of its preferred faction.The superpowers were also involved in so-called “proxy wars” – conflicts where they supplied and supported one side, without American or Soviet troops being directly involved. Four major proxy wars of the Cold War, including the Korean War, the Vietnamese War, the Cuban Missile Crisis, and the Afghan-Soviet War.
Quiet Revolution
- a period of rapid change and reform that modernised Quebec society during the years 1960 to 1966 under the Liberal provincial government Jean Lesage
- The Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (SALT) were a series of bilateral conferences and international treaties signed between the United States and the Soviet Union. These treaties had the goal of reducing the number of long-range ballistic missiles (strategic arms) that each side could possess and manufacture.
a person who separates, withdraws, or secedes, as from an established church. (Many people from Quebec wanted to separate for Canada)
- Submarine Launched Ballistic Missiles - Nuclear Submarines can sit offshore and fire towards coastal targets
Special Status
is a method used historically to deal with Quebec’s distinct culture and a formula proposed since the 1960’s by which Quebec would be given further special considerations and powers so that its distinct culture could be protected and developed while continuing to be part of the Canadian federal system.
Star Wars Program
-The Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI), nicknamed the Star Wars program, was a proposed missile defence system intended to protect the United States from attack by ballistic nuclear missiles.
Super Power
- the term used to refer to the US and USSR in the post-war period when both were engaged in building up a powerful arsenal of weapons of Mass Destruction.
La Survivance is an expression used by French Canadians denoting the phlegmatic survival of francophone culture, typically in the face of Canadian anglophone or Anglo-American hegemony.
- United Nations Children’s Fund - UN organisation that works to protect children’s right to make sure the basic needs of children are met and to help children reach their full potential originally called the United Nations International Children Emergency Fund
- a post WWII military alliance established in 1955 involving the Soviet Union and the Soviet-bloc countries of Albania, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, East Germany, Hungary, Poland and Romania
- World Health Organization - the United Nations health organisation responsible for providing leadership for global health