History Exam Flashcards
What was the Harlem Renaissance?
Harlem-suburb in New York
Many African Americans moved there in the early 20th century
Overcrowded with high unemployment but became the centre of black cultural activity in the 1920s
Contributed to by black musicians , artists, poets and novelist
Cultural form of pan Africanist because the artists drew on their African heritage and took pride in it to create a new positive black identity
What is negritude? (Development of pan African movement)
Developed by french speaking writers. In the Caribbean and west Africa . It was an interest and pride in the history of black culture and the history of Africa. It was seen as a sense of developing black self respect at a time when Africa was ruled by colonial powers. Contributed to the growth of pan Africanism
Where did pan africanism begin
Began in America
Who started pan africanism
Began among the descendants of slaves and spread back to Africa
What role did du bois play?
Wrote 20 books on black history and culture
Influence among black intellectuals outside of Africa
Believed African Americans should play a leading role in prnokoting pan africanism
Leading organizer of pan africanism conferences
When did pan African congresses begin to influence political change
After ww2
What was the black star steamship line
Shipping company encouraged trade between black entrepreneurs in usa Africa and Caribbean, ships provided a way for Africans to get back to Africa
Which was the most popular form of pan africanism among the West Indies and African Americans
What slogan and idea did garveyism promote
Promoted idea of black republic
Africa for the Africans
How did garveyism influence South Africa
Before it became influential African leaders looked to Britain to protect their African interests and fight for liberation on their behalf.
Garveyism brought a new political vision because Africans began to feel that they could fight for their own liberation without white help
Increased their awareness of African nationalism
What did Garvey believe in?
Black Economic self reliance
Rights to black self determination
Africa for the Africans
- Is an ideology and movement that encourages the solidarity of Africans worldwide.
- Idea that all Africans should be united.
A scattering of a certain race
- Is a belief or political ideology that involves an individual becoming attached to ones nation.
- Nationalism is a sense of identity with the nation.
- People who share a common, culture, language, religion and traditions.
Who was web du bois?
• From the USA. First African American to enroll in harvard
• Wrote many books on black history and culture.
• Called for better conditions for people in the African colonies.
• Organized Pan-African Conferences where Africans could meet and exchange ideas.
Stressed the importance of education for black people and civil rights
In 1945 a Pan-African conference was held in Manchester in England.
The conference demanded an end to colonialism and for the eventual union of independent African states. It called on workers, intellectuals and peasants to unite and fight to achieve this. It supported the use of strikes, boycotts.
When did the Gold Coast become Ghana
Gained full independence in 1957
What was the economy in the Gold Coast based on
What happened in the cocoa strike?
- During the depression in the 1930’s, cocoa prices had dropped to half of what they had been.
- Farmers resisted this by holding back production, to force companies to pay higher prices.
- In 1937 local cocoa farmers went on strike, refusing to send supplies to large companies.
- Dock and transport workers who refused to load cocoa supplies to Britain supported them.
- Strikers called for an end to company to controls and demanded fairer prices for their produce.
- The strike became a nationalist movement against British political control.
- The strike lasted for 8 months.
- Ghana faced problems after gaining independence.
- Nkrumah was criticized for failure of his policies and other protests that were illegal.
- In 1966 MILITARY COUP = Nkrumah was overthrown.
What are the reasons why African nationalism spread?
African soldiers
World opinion/ ww2
When did Britain make trade unions legal?