History and Approaches Flashcards
Seeing mind and body as different aspects of the same thing.
Seeing mind and body as two different things that interact.
Nature-Nurture Controversy
The extent to which behavior results from heredity or experience.
Plato and Descartes = nature
Aristotle, Locke, Watson, and Skinner = nurture
School of Structuralism
Early psychological perspective that emphasized units of consciousness and identification of elements of thought using introspection.
Wilhelm Wundt
Founder of scientific psychology. Studied consciousness using introspection.
G. Stanley Hall
Brought introspection to his lab at John Hopkins University. 1st president of the American Psychological Association.
School of Functionalism
Early psychological perspective concerned with how an organism uses its perceptual abilities to adapt to its environment.
William James
Wrote Principles of Psychology
Mary Whiton Calkins
1st woman president of the Amee Psychological Association.
Behavioral Approach
Psychological perspective concerned with behavioral reactions to stimuli; learning as a result of experience.
Ivan Pavlov
Known for classical conditioning of dogs.
John Watson
Known for experiments in classical aversive conditioning.
B. F. Skinner
Known for experiments in operant conditioning.
Psychoanalytical/Psychodynamic Approach
Psychological perspective concerned with how unconscious instincts, conflicts, motives, and defenses influence behavior.
Sigmund Freud
Father of psychoanalysis
Humanistic Approach
Psychological perspective concerned with individual potential for growth and the role of unique perceptions in growth toward one’s potential.
Biological Approach
Psychological perspective concerned with physiological and biochemical factors that determine behavior and mental processes.
Cognitive Approach
Psychological perspective concerned with how we receive, store, and process information; think/reason; and use language.
Jean Piaget
Studied cognitive development in children.
Evolutionary Approach
Psychological perspective concerned with how natural selection favored behaviors that contributed to survival and spread of our ancestor’s genes; evolutionary psychologists take a Darwinian approach to the study of human behavior.
Sociocultural Approach
Psychological perspective concerned with how cultural differences affect behavior.
Biopsychosocial Model
Overarching psychological perspective that integrates biological processes, psychological factors, and social forces to provide a more complete picture of behavior and mental processes than in a single approach.
Use of techniques and ideas from a variety of approaches.
Clinical Psychologist
Evaluate and treat mental, emotional, and behavioral disorders.
Counseling Psychologist
Help people adapt to change or make changes in their lifestyle.
Developmental Psychologist
Study psychological development throughout the lifespan.
The science of behavior and mental processes.
Educational Psychologist
Focus on how effective teaching and learning take place.
Engineering Psychologist
Do research on how people function best with machines
Experimental Psychologist
Do research to add new knowledge to the field.
Forensic Psychologist
Apply psychological principles to legal issues.
Health Psychologist
Concentrate on biological, psychological, and social factors involved in health and illness.
Industrial/Organizational Psychologist
Aim to improve productivity and the quality of work life by applying psychological principles and methods to the workplace.
Explore the relationships between brain/nervous systems and behavior. AKA biological psychologist/biopsychologists, behavioral geneticist, physiological psychologist, and behavioral neuroscientists.
Personality Psychologist
Focus on traits, attitudes, and goals of the individual.
Focus on methods for acquiring and analyzing psychological data.
Rehabilitation Psychologist
Help clients with mental retardation, developmental disabilities, and disabilities resulting from a stroke or accidents adapt to their situation.
School Psychologist
Asses and counsel students, consult with educators and parents, and preform behavioral intervention when necessary.
Social Psychologist
Focus on how a person’s mental life and behavior are shaped by interactions with other people.
Sports Psychologist
Help athletes refine their focus an competition goals, increase motivation, and deal with anxiety and fear of failure.