history 9 Flashcards
Taught purgatory and many regard him as the first true pope:
Gregory I
Persuaded Attila the Hun to spare the city of Rome in 452 and earned the name Father-Protector (Papa)
Leo I
Apostle to the Germans:
The Battle of Hastings took place in the year:
1066 (william won)
Was crowned by the pope on Christmas day 800:
Defeated Muslims at the Battle of Tours in 732.
Charles Martel
Founded the Holy Roman Empire in 962.
Otto I
Missionary to Ireland.
Savage horsemen who terrorized southeastern Europe:
Germanic invaders from Norway, Sweden, and Denmark:
One of the northern German tribes who transformed “Roman” Britain into England:
During the reign of Alfred the Great, monks began to compile the Anglo-Saxon Chronicles which is about:
The history of Britain from the Romes to the Anglo-Saxons
- People of northern Gaul; united by Clovis:
- A boy placed under the care of the knight for the purpose of becoming a knight:
- The more privileged peasant who provided skilled labor (blacksmith, miller, carpenter):
The recipient of a fief who owed allegiance to a king or lord:
Germanic invaders in northern Italy; defeated by Pepin the Short:
Defeated King Harold II in the Battle of Hastings.
William the Conqueror
- Prohibited laymen from appointing church officials.
Gregory VII
Seen as the “real” founder of France.
Phillip II
The personal servant of the knight:
The land grant given in return for services:
Their status was midway between an ancient slave and the medieval freemen:
The landholding noble:
Medieval warrior who protected life and property:
What man united the Frankish tribes and became known as “King of the Franks”?
His death marked the decline of the Holy Roman Empire.
Frederick II
Name one of the three major modern European nations did Charlemagne lay the foundation:
Define Feudalism
local leaders give people protection in return for their services
What organization was created in 1059 to ensure that churchmen rather than Roman nobles or German
kings would choose the popes?
College of Cardinals
What Saxon king defeated the Danes, founded schools, and built a navy?
Alfred the Great
The meaning of the word Catholic:
Name the book that William the Conqueror compiled information for tax purposes:
The medieval decree that forbade pillaging of church property:
Peace of God
The medieval decree which forbade fighting from Wednesday evening to Monday morning:
Truce of God
The strict code of behavior for knights:
Castle in Latin means:
fortress or fort