History Flashcards
Code of Ethics
Adopted in 1977 by AIP
Standard State Zoning Enabling Act
1924, Herbert Hoover
Standard City Planning Enabling Act
1928, Herbert Hoover
How the Other Half Lives
Jacob Riis - housing reform in NYC
Tomorrow: A Path to Peaceful Reform
Ebenezer Howard, Garden Cities Movement
Wecker’s Manual of the Plan fo Chicago
Walter Moody - textbook for 8th graders
Carrying Out the City Plan
Flavel Shurtleff - first major textbook
Cities in Evolution
Patrick Geddes - regional planning
Planning in a Modern City
Nelson Lewis - many city issues were engineering problems
Local Planning Administration
Ladislas Segoe - published by international city/county management association
Urban Land Use Planning
F. Stuart Chapin, common text book
Image of the City
Kevin Lynch, defines basic concepts such as edges and nodes
The Death and Life of Great American Cities
Jane Jacobs - mistakes of urban renewal, eyes on the street
Silent Spring
Rachel Carson - effects of pesticides on environment
Urban General Plan
TJ Kent - social and economic goals of planning
With Heritage So Rich
Albert Reins - historic preservation
Design with Nature
Ian McHarg - conservation design, GIS overlays
The Social Life of Small Urban Spaces
William Whyte - sociology and environmental psychology in design
City Beautiful
[late 18-early 1900’s] Burnham; beautiful city to inspire residents to lead virtuous lives
Garden City
[1889] Ebenezer Howard; self-contained 32,000 population, 6,000 acres, fairly dense (30,000 in 1,000 acres). Ex. Letchworth, Sunnyside Gardens
City Efficient
[1909] Roosevelt & New Towns Programs; function more important than beauty; Greenhills, Greenbelt, Greendale
Homestead Act
[1832] 160 acres of land and 5 year residence, promoted settlement in US
General Land Law Revision Act
[1891] Gave president power to create forest preserves
Forest Management Act
[1897] to manage preserves
US Reclamation Act
[1902] sale of public lands to provide water infrastructure
Antiquities Act
[1906] protection for archaeological sites, national monuments
Resettlement Administration
1935 - Used New Deal funds to develop communities including greenbelt communities.
Servicemen’s Readjustment Act
[1944] GI Bill - guaranteed home loans to veterans
Regional Plan for NY and Environs
[1922-1929] Focused on suburban development
Second Regional Plan for NY and Environs
Focused on comp plans
Tenement Housing Act of 1867
Required all rooms to have windows (note necessarily to outside).
Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act [1998]
Gave authority to federal gov/FEMA to respond to disasters.
Disaster Mitigation Act [2000]
Requires local governments to prep and adopt mitigation plans.
Tenement Housing Act of 1879
Required windows to open to outside - resulted in dumbbell tenements.
Tenement Housing Law of 1901
Outlawed dumbbell tenements, required toilets, running water, etc.
Housing Act of 1934
Established FHA to insure home mortgages.
Housing Act of 1937
Provided $500M in home loans for low-cost housing. Tied slum clearance to public housing.
Housing Act of 1949
First comprehensive housing legislation. Created federal urban renewal program.
Housing Act of 1954
Slum prevention and urban renewal - provided funding for planning cities under 25K people. Funding for comp plans in Section 701.
Housing Act of 1961
Subsidies for nonprofits, public agencies to construct public housing.
Civil Rights Act of 1968
Made racial discrimination in sale or rental of housing illegal.
Housing and Urban Development Act of 1968
Provided for construction of 6M subsidized housing units.
National Affordable Housing Act of 1990
Created HOME program for housing rehabilitation.
National Manufactured Housing and Safety Act of 1974
Regulation of mobile homes.
Community Development Block Grant (CDBG)
Created Section 8 housing voucher program.
Urban Development Action Grant Program (UDAG)
Promoted public private partnerships for redevelopment of urban areas.
Demonstration Cities and Metropolitan Development Act
Model cities - quasi-judicial organizations that decided their own problems, solutions. Federal government then funded these solutions.
Public Roads Administration (PRA)
Implemented highway system beginning in 1947.
Federal Highway Act of 1962
Authorized $25 billion in road construction initially and created mandate for transportation planning processes in urbanized areas over 50,000 people
Fixing America’s Surface Transportation Act (FAST) [2015]
Allowed planners to set own street standards for federally funded projects.
2012, Streamlined, performance based funding for surface transportation; long-term highways.
Wheeler-Howard Act
Restored land management to Native Americans in order to create an economic foundation for residents.
Federal Highway Act of 1973
Funding for highways. Creation of MPO’s. Creation of TIP programs.
ISTEA [1991]
Multimodal infrastructure. Public participation.
TEA-21 [1998]
Less funding for highways. Transit links to suburbs.
SAFETEA [2005]
Highway safety. Public-private partnerships.
HOPE VI Program
Eradicate distressed public housing - mixed use communities.
HOME Program
Largest Block Grant program that allocates funding to create affordable housing.
Housing Act of 1959
Funds for comp plans at metro, regional, state, interstate level.
Housing and Urban Development Act of 1965
Created HUD.
Housing and Urban Development Act of 1968
Allowed HUD to subsidize private homes.
Intergovernmental Cooperation Act of 1968
Basis for regional planning.
Housing and Community Development Act of 1974
Created CDBG Program. Section 8 vouchers.
Housing and Community Development Act of 1977
Created UDAG and HoDAG program.