Data Collection Flashcards
Method used for observing data that cannot easily be observed. Sample of the population.
Cross-Sectional Survey
At a single point in time
Longitudinal Survey
Over a period of time
Written Survey
Good for broad audience, less than 20% response rate.
Group Survey
Specific target population, small sample size, quick response rate.
Drop-Off Survey
Smaller sample size, lower response rate, expensive.
Oral Survey
1) Phone - good for yes/no questions and follow up. 2) In-person.
Online Survey
Inexpensive, quick response time.
Part of a population.
Probability Sample
Used for direct correlation between a sample and the larger population - can draw direct conclusions from this type.
(Probability) Everyone has equal chance of being selected for survey.
(Probability) Population is divided and then sampled.
(Probability) Specific target group sampled from.
No precise connection between sample and population
(Non-Probability) Self-selected respondents
(Non-Probability) Individuals readily available
(Non-Probability) Interviewee suggests others to be other potential respondents
(Non-Probability) Respondents enter information on web map
Nominal Data
Categories. Mutually exclusive groups (have no bearing on each other)
Ordinal Data
Ranked. Order matters but not the difference between the values (scales)
Interval Data
Continuous. Order matters and so does the difference between the vaules (temperature)
Absolute and relative differences have meaning (distance)
Variables: continuous v. discrete
Continuous: infinite (can be + or -)
Discrete: finite (+ or binary)
Totality of some entity
Subset of population
Descriptive satistics
Applying mean, median, range, mode to describe a population
Inferential statistics
Using probability to determine characteristics
Shape of the data
Gaussian Distribution
Bell curve - 95% of data is within 2 standard deviations of the mean
Systemic Distribution
Equal number above and below the mean
Skewed Distribution
More below or above the mean
Central Tendency
Representative value for distribution (mean, median, mode)
Standard deviation units.
Inter-Quartile Range
Value between the 25th percentile and 75th
Difference between the means of two data sets.
Analysis of variance - testing equality by classifying groups
Chi Square Test
Goodness of fit. Tests sample and hypothesized distribution - determine if one variable is related to another
Correlation is not causation - linear relationship
Population Estimate: Linear
Change in population over time
Population Estimate: Exponential & Modified Exponential
Percentage change extrapolated into the future - curved line
Population Estimate: Symptomatic
Uses data indirectly related to population (i.e. drivers licenses, housing)
Population Estimate: Step-Down Ratio
Uses population at known point in time as compared to larger city/county
Population Estimate: Distributed Housing Unit
Uses housing units multiplied by occupancy rate
Population Estimate: Cohort Survival
Current population plus natural increases (birth/migration)
Economic Base
Basic + non-basic activities
Basic = exported
Non-basic = local
Location Quotient
Industry’s share of local employment divided by share of the nation (>1 means exporting economy)
Shift Share
Employment growth by sector. National (share) Industry (mix) Regional Competitiveness (shift) - = lagging sector; + = leading sector
Based on suppliers & purchasers
Gompertz Curve
Growth is slowest at the beginning and end.
Making a decision when all of the information is not available.