Environmental Quality Flashcards
George Perkins Marsh
Wrote “Man & Nature” [1864]
Impact of human action on the natural environment.
John Wesley Powell
Wrote “Report on the Lands of the Arid Region of the United States” [1878]
Foster settlement of arid west and conserve water resources.
John Muir
Founded Sierra Club [1892]
Preservation of natural environment.
Giffort Pinchot
Director of U.S. Forest Service [1905]
First professionally trained forester.
William Whyte
Coined term and wrote about “greenways” in “The Last Landscape.”
Rachel Carson
Wrote “Silent Spring” [1962]
Harmful effects of pesticides.
First National Wildlife Refuge
Pelican Island, FL
Est. by Theodore Roosevelt
National Park Service
[1916] Preserve environment.
Metropolitan Water District of Southern California
[1927] Bring water from Colorado River to Colorado
Civilian Conservation Corps
[1933] Provide work for youth and preserve environment.
Tennessee Valley Authority
Most famous experiment in river-basin planning.
Taylor Grazing Act
[1934] Regulated use of the rage in West for conservation purposes.
Natural Resource Planning Board
[1939] Assist in the the preparation of comprehensive plan for public works.
Grand Coulee Dam
[1941] Largest concrete structure - irrigation and power generation in Washington State.
First “Earth Day”
April 22, 1970
[1972] High-res images of the earth’s surface.
Large Lot Zoning
Used in areas without public water and sewage systems.
Conservation Easements
Separates ownership from the right to develop land. Easement held by governmental agency, nonprofit, land trust.
Purchase of Development Rights (PDR)
Separates ownership from the right to develop land. Right to develop is purchased.
Transfer of Development Rights (TDR)
Separates ownership from the right to develop land. Right to develop can be purchased and used to develop land in receiving area more intensely.
Development of Regional Impact (DRI)
Large-scale developments have regional effects beyond the local government jurisdiction. Review required in some places.
U.S. Reclamation “Newlands” Act [1902]
Created fund from sale of public land in arid Western states to supply water there.
Soil Conservation Act [1935]
Created Natural Resources Conservation Service - erosion measures.
Wilderness Act [1964]
Prohibited development of all forms in federally owned wilderness areas.