Histology Of The Reproductive System Flashcards
What is the connective tissue that covers the testis called?
Covered by a connective tissue called the tunica albunginea
What are the main types of cells found in the testes?
The germ cells, the sertoli cells and the leydig cells
What are the roles of the sertoli cells?
Supprotive role and create the blood sperm barrier
What are the roles of the leydig cells?
Produce testosterone
What is the epithelium of the rete testis?
Lined by a simple cubodial epithelium
How would you describe the epithelium of the efferent duct?4
Characteristic scalloped epithelium
How would you describe the epithelium?
Lined by a pseudostrafied epithelium, characterised by the presence of sterocilia
How many layers of smooth muscle are found in the vans deferns?
What are the different zones of the prostate?
The central zone, the transitional zone and the peripheral zone
Where in the histology would benign prostatic hyperplasia occur?
The transition zone
Where would a prostatic adenocarcinoma occur?
The peripheral zone
What are the stages on ovarian follicular development?
Primodial, primary, preantral, early antra, mature, and corpus leuteum
What are some of the features of the primodial follicle?
A small oocyte with flat follicular cells,
Where do 90% of ovarian cancers develop?
In the mesothelium of the uterus
What are the different parts of the fallopian tube runnning from the ovary?
Fibramae, the infundibulum the ampulla and the isthmus
What are the clincially imortant layers of the uterus?
The straum basials and the stratum functionlas
Which layer of the endometirum is most involved in the menstrak cycle?
The straum functionaliis
How is the glandualr appearance at the end of the secertory stage described?
A saw tooth appearance
What is the epithelium in the endocervial canal?
Mucus secreting and simple columna r
What is the eptihelium that is found in the ectocervix?
Startified sauamous non kertainised epithelium
Where are the maliganices in the cevix mostly likely to arise?
The transformation zone close to the sqaumo columnar junction
What is the eptihelium in the vagina?
Glycogen producing non kertainsied startified swuamous epthileum
What are some of the features of the histology of the breast tissue?
The main duct branches reapeadyly, to terminal ducts, and there is a lobular unit consisting of multiple acinin,
What is the difference between active and inactive breast tissue?
Inactive- there is limited development of the ductal avelor system, and relatively dense fibrous interlobular tissue
Active- hihgly developed wiht milk secretions in the alveolar lumne, and interlobular tissue of reduced frequency