Antomy Of The Female Reproductive Tract Flashcards
How would you antatomically describe the ovary?
Oavaries are paried oval organs attahed by the posterior surface of the broad ligmament of the uterus by mesovarian
What are some of the compnetns of the ovar?
Surface- simple cubdoial epithelium
Cortex- largely composed of a connective tissue stroma
Medulla is a supporting stroma which contains a rich neurovascular network which enters the hilium from the mesovarium
What are the main ligaments of the ovary?
The suspensory ligmane of ovary, a fold of peritoneum extending from the mesovarium to the plevic wall
Ligament of ovary that extends from the ovary to the fundus of the uterus, and continues as the round ligament of the uterus
Where do the ovaries get blood from?
The ovarian ateries that arise directly from the abdominal aorta
Where do the left and right ovarian vein drain?
Left ovarian vein drains to the left renal vein, and the right ovarian vein drains to the vena cava
What are ovarian cysts?
Fluid filled molecules that develop in the ovary and are dervived from the ovarian follicles, most begin and develop in a womens childbearing years
What are polycystic ovaries?
Characterised by hormone dysfucntion and multiple ovarian cysts, and are associated with inferitility
What are ovarian tumour?
Arise from the epitheal components or the germ cells, 90% are from epithelia and the adenocarcinomas, most of the tumours are tetraomas
What are the three parts of the uterus?
The fundus (the top of the uterus) The body (the usual site of implatation of the uterus) The cervix- the lower part of the uterus linking it to the vagina
What is the vesicouterine pouch?
Found anteriory and seperates the uterine body from the bladder
What is the rectouterine pouch or the pouch of dogulas?
Seperates the uterine body from the sigmoid colon
How does the uterus develop?
The paramesopnephric ducts are open cranially and connect to the urogenital sinus caudally, persist in the absence of MIH and fusion in the deucts in the midline creastes a broad tranverse fold draped by perioneum
What is the broad ligamet?
A double layer of peritoneum that attaches the sides of the uterus to the pelvis, and acts as a mesentery as well as holding it in position
What is the round ligament?
A remenant of the gubernaculum, externs from the uterinus to the labia majora via the inginal canal, and functions to matin the anteverted position of the uterus
What is the ovarian ligmament?
Joins the ovarys to the uterus
What is the cardianl ligmanet?
Extends from the cervix to the lateral pelvic walls
What is the uteroscaral ligmament?
From the cervix to the sacrum, and provides support to the uterus
What is the exact antomical positon of the uterus?
Anteverted wiht respect to the vagina, and anteflexed with respect to the cervix
What can be some of the abnromal positon of the uterus?
Excessively anteflexed, anteflexed and retroverted, and retroflexed and retroverted
What are the key parts of the fallopian tubes?
Fimbrae, infundibulum, ampulla and ithmus
What is the ectocervix?
Is a portion of the cervix that projects into the vagina , stratified sqamous non kertainsed epithelium
What is the external os?
Marks the change from ectocervix to endocervical canal
What is the endocervical canal?
More procximal and inner part of the cervix, lined by a mucus secreting simple columnar epithelium
What is the internal os?
Between where the endocervical canal ends and the uterine cavity begins
What is the tranverse cervailca lgiament?
A thickeing of the broad ligament that allows for lateral stability of the cervix
What is the uterosacral ligament?
Opposes the anterior pull of the round ligmaent and assists in maintaind anteversion and attaches the cervix to the sacrum
What are the three key ateries involved in the blood supply to the female internal gentialia?
The ovarian atery- a branch of the abdominal aorta
The uterine atery- and anterior divsiion of the internal iliac
The internal pudenal- anterior divsion of the internal iliac
Where do the lymphatics of the ovary drain?
The paraarotic nodes
Where do the lymphatics of the fundus of the uterus drain?
Aortic nodes and the inguinal nodes
Where do the lymphatics of the body of the uterus drain?
The external iliac nodes,
Where do the lymphatics of the cervix drain?
The external and internal iliac nodes and sacral nodes
What is the labia majora?
Promient folds of skin that protect the clitoris and the urethra and the vaginal orifices
Wht is the labia minora?
Rounded folds of fat free hariless skin, that surround and enclose the vestibule of the vagina
What are the bulbs of the vestubule?
Paired masses of elongated erectile tissue, superior or deep to labia minora
What is the clitoris?
An erectile organ located where the labia minora are inferiorly, erect and small cylcindical body that functions as a organ of sexual arosal
What is the vestibule?
Orifices of the urethra, vagina dn teh greater and lesser vestibular glands
What is a bartholin galnd cysts?
An occulsion can result in the acculumation of mucin and a cyst wihtout infection
What are the functions of the vagina?
Recieves the penis and the ejaculate during sexual intercourse, and expands to provide a channel of delivery during childrbirht, and is a canal for menstural fluid and tissue to leave the body
What are the vaginal fornices?
Recesses of the vagina around the cervix
What is the innervation of the inferior 1/3 of the vagina?
The puedenal nerve
What is the innervation of the superior 4/5 of the vagina?
Recieves innervation from the uterovaginal plexuses
Where does the innervation of the perineum come from?
The peudenal nevre and the illioinguinal nerve
What is the course of the puedenal nerve?
Exits the pelvis via the greater sciatic forament, enteres the perineum via the lesser sciatic fromament and travels through the peudenal canal