Anatomy Of Male Reproductive Tract Flashcards
What are the contents of the scrotum
The testis- site of sperm production
Epidiymis- act as a storage resevoir of sper
Spermatic cord- a collection of muscle fibres, vessels nerves and ducts
What are some of the structural features of the testis?
Consists of a series of lobules, each containing semiferous tubules that are supported by interstitial tissue, and developing sperm collects in the rete testis, and the ducts known as efferent tubules transport sperm from the rete testis to epididymis for strorage
What are the two coverings of the testis?
The tunica vaginalis is situated externally, and the tunica albuignea is a fibrous capulse that encloses the testis and helps to form lobules
What are the stages in the development of the testis?
Gondas develop within the mesonephric ridge
Descend through the abdomen
Testes cross the inguinal canal
Testes exit the antero-lateeral abdominal wall
What is the blood supply of the testis?
Aterial supply is from paired testicular ateries, which arise from the abdominal aorta
What is the venous drainage of the tesits?
Pired testicular veins are fomred from the panifrom plexus within the scrotum
R testicular vein drains the IVC
Left testicular vein froains to the L renal vein
What are some of the features of the epidiymis?
Is a single heavily coiled duct, has a head which is the most proximal part formed by the efferent tubes of the testis, and a tail that is the most distal part that marks the origin of the vas deferns
What are some of the features of the vas deferns?
Is a straight musclular tube that emerges from the caudal epeipdymis, is contained within the spermatic cord and transports sperm rapidly to the prostatic urethra
What are the neurovascular contents of the spermatic cord?
Neurovasula- include the testicular atery, the cresmateric A and the atery to vas, and the paniform plexus and the genital brach of the geneo fermal nerve
What are the non- neurovasuclar structures of the spermatic cord?
Vas deferns, lympahatics, proccessus vaginalis
What are the coverings of the spermatic cord?
The external spematic fascia formed from the aponeursosi of the external oblqiue
The cresmateric muscle and fasci of the internal oblique and the tranverali
And the internal spermatic fascia that is formed by the tranveralsi fascia
What is a hydrocele?
A collection of serous fluid within the tuncia vaginalis
What is a haemotcele?
A collection of blood in the tunica vaginalis
Hwo would you differentate between a hyrdocele and a hameotocele?
Using transilumination, as light would not be able to shine through the blood in a hematocele
What is a varicocele?
A gross dilation of the veins draining the testis
Which testis is more commonly affected by a varicocele?
The left testis, as the left testicular vein drains into a smaller vessle the left renal vein at a perpindicular angle
What is the developmental basis of an inguinal hernia? T
There is reopening of the proccessus vaginalsi, and this allows for a potential continuity between the peritoneal cavity and the tunica vaginalis
What is testicular torsion?
The spermatic cord twists upon itself, normally just above the upper pole, and can lead to occulision of the testicular atery causing necrosis of the testis.
How does testicular torsion present?
Severe sudden pain in one or both of the testis, onset occurs during excercise or physical activity
Where does the innervation to the anterior surface of the scrotum come from?
The lumbar plexus
Where does the innervation to the posteiro and inferior surfaces of the testis come from?
The sacral plexus
What is the lymphatic drainge of the testis?
The paraotic nodes
What is the lymphatic drainage of the scortum?
Drains to the superifical Inguinal nodes
What is the course of the vas deferns?
Ascends in the spermatic cord, traverse the inginual canal, tracks around the pelivc side wall, passes between the bladder and the ureter, froms a dilated ampulla and opens in the ejaculatory duct
What are the seminal vesicles?
A pair of tubular glands located between the bladder and the recutm, and serete a thick alkaline fluid with fructose, and is a diverticulum of the vas deferns
How would you describe the prostate ?
2/3 glandular and 1/3 fibromuscular
What is the antomical relationship of the base of the prosate?
The neck of the bladder
Antomical realtionship of the apex of the prostate?
Urethral spincther and the deep perineal muscles
What are the histolgical divisions of the prostate?
Central zone- surrounds the ejaculator ducts
Transitional zone-located centrally and surorunds the uretha
And periheral zone- main body of the gland and located posteiorly
From where are the zones of the prostate dervivied embrylogically?
Central zone- wolfmans duct
Transitional zone- the urogential sinus
Peripheral zone- the urogential sinus
What is benign prostatic hypertrophy?
An increase in the size of the middle lobule that is common in old age and impedes urination by obstruction of the internal urethral orifice
What are the two main routes of metasis for a prostatic malignancyy?
The lympathic route to the internal iliac and the sacral nodes, and the venous routes from the internal vertal plexus to the vertbrae and the brian
What are the different parts of the penis?
A root- the proximal fixed par
A body- the free part located between the root and the glans
Glans- the most distal part, the opening of the urethra and the external urethral orifice
What does the internal structure of the penis consist of?
A pair of corpus cavernosa dorsally, and a single corpus spongisum ventrally
Where does the vasculature of the penis come from?
The branches of the internal peudenal atery
What is the role of bulbospongiosus muscles?
Assciated with the bulb of the penis and contracts to empty the spongy urethra of any residual semen and urine, and the anterior fibres also aid in maintaining a erection
What is the role of the ischicavernous muscle?
Surrouns the right and lef cura of the penis, and contracts to frce blood from cavernous spaces and into the corpus cavernosa