Histology of Female Reproductive System Flashcards
Female external genitalia
–labia majora
–labia minora
Internal female genitalia
Components of premordial foliicles
- An oocyte surrounded by a single layer of follicular cells
NOTE: Every 28 days the pituitary hormones FSH and LH stimulate the growth of many follicles and maturation of one oocyte within the follicle called the ovarian cycle
Germinal epithelium of Waldeyer
The ovarian surface epithelium, which is a layer of simple squamous-to-cuboidal epithelial cells covering the ovary.
NOTE: The germinal epithelium does NOT give rise to primary follicles
Primordial ovarian follicle
Oocyte-stromal cell constract that is halted at the first meiotic prophase
NOTE: A few primordial follicles are selected to mature into larger, primary follicles
Secondary follicles are larger and possess a fluid-filled cavity called an ______.
What is the function of the theca interna?
Secretes adrogens which are converted by the granulosa layer into estogens.
The inner most layer of the cumulus oophorus is the ___________.
Corona radiata
NOTE: The cumulus oophorous is a cluster of cells that surround the oocyte both in the ovarian follicle and after ovulation. This layer of cells must be penetrated by spermatozoa in order for fertilization to occur
What is the main purpose of the corona radiata?
Supply vital proteins to the cell
Follicular fluid is rich in ___________.
Hyaluronic acid
Some LH-RH containing neurons possess an a-type estrogen receptor that _________ (suppresses/stimulates) their function. Some LH-RH containing neurons possess an b-type estrogen receptor that __________ (suppresses/stimulates) their function
Suppresses; stimulates
Connections between granulosa cells weaken under the influence of ____________, which causes the follicle to rupture.
plasminogen activator
The first meiotic division is completed at ovulation with formation of the first polar body. The oocyte is then called a ____________.
secondary oocyte
Prior to ovulation, oocytes are arrested at prophase of meoisis I, why?
Due to inhibitory influences of the granulosa cells
NOTE: Activation of an oocyte receptor called GPR3 by an unknown signal increases oocyte cAMP and causes suppression of meiosis
Metaphase of Meiosis I
Ovulatory surges in ______ and _____ change the signaling between the oocyte and the granulosa cell.
How are polar bodies formed?
Results from an Unequal Division of the Oocyte Cytoplasm
What are the components of the zona pellucida?
3 proteins (ZP1, ZP2, ZP3) produced by the oocyte
NOTE: The zona pellucida forms a barrier aroung the oocyte. It is penetrated by thin processes of granulosa cells.
_________ release enzymes that alter the zona pellucida, causing it to become impermeable to other sperm.
Cortical granules
NOTE: Fertilization triggers the migration of cortical granules towards the oocyte plasma membrane. Fertilization also stimulates the onset of meiosis II
Estrogen and progesterone from the ovary target the ___________ of the uterus.
NOTE: This causes it to grow and secrete uterine milk into the uterine lumen.
What are the phases of the ovarian cycle?
- Follicular phase (days 1-14)
- Ovulation (day 14)
- Luteal phase (days 14-28)
What are the major events of the follicular phase?
- GnRH from hypothalamus stimulates FSH and LH secretion
- FSH stimulates the mitosis of the follicular cells of a primordial follicle developing into a primary follicle
- LH stimulates estrogen secretion from follicular cells
- Follicular cells secrete the zona pellucida
- Continues to grow into a secondary follicle
- Develops a fluid-filled antrum
- Estrogen levels continue to rise
- Continues growth into a Graafian follicle
NOTE: During the follicular phase, estrogen-LH operate with negative feedback. This occurs when estrogen levels are low. At the end of the follicular phase, the estrogen-LH relationship becomes one of positive feedback.
What are the major events of ovulation?
What major events ccur during the luteal phase?
- LH surge:
- Transforms a ruptured follicle into a corpus luteum
- Stimulates the secretion of estrogen and progesterone from the corpus luteum
- LH level decreases with time from LH surge
Which hormone prepares the uterus for pregnancy?
What occurs in the granulosa and theca cells during the luteal phase?
- Granulosa cells increase in size
- Theca interna cells are transformed into theca letein cells
*Both cells secrete estrogen and progesterone
Mature corpus luteum

__________ form strands that penetrate into the masses of granulosa lutein cells.
Theca lutein cells

Granulosa lutein cells stain positively for a peptide hormone called _________.
NOTE: In preparation for childbirth, it relaxes the ligaments in the pelvis and softens and widens the cervix. It may cause
After 12 days, a corpus luteum regresses, stops secreting hormones, and becomes a _________.
Corpus albicans
NOTE: This occurs if fertilization does NOT occur. This causes a reduction in estrogen and progesterone, causing the secretion of GnRH, FSH, and LH allowing the cycle to begin again.

If fertilazation does occur, the fertilized egg secretes a hormone called ___________.
Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG)
NOTE: This hormone stimulates the anterior pituatary gland for continued secretion of LH, which prevents the degeneration of the corpus luteum.
Follicular atresia occurs due to ________.
Apoptosis of granulosa cells and their engulfment by macrophages
NOTE: In a completely atretic follicle, only the zona pellucida remains
What type of epithelium cover the uterine (fallopian) tube?
Ciliated columnar epithelium
Function of fallopian tubes
Create a flow of peritoneal fluid into the uterine tubes to “pull” the ovulated ovum into the uterine tune and move it toward the uterus
NOTE: The fertilazation of an ovum by a sperm occurs within the distal 1/4 of the tube (closest to the ovary)
Four portions of the oviduct

What are the 3 anatomical regions of the uterus?
- Connects to the vagina inferiorly
- Body
- Connects to the 2 fallopian tubes
What are the phases of the mentrual cycle?
- Menstrual phase- Days 1-5
- Proliferative phase- Days 6-14
- Secretory phase- Days 14-28
What are the major events of the menstrual phase?
- Menstrual bleeding causes the endometrium to shed
- Caused by the decrease in estrogen levels from the degeneration of the corpus luteum during the previous cycle
What are the major events of the proliferative phase?
- An increase in estrogen levels during the follicular phase stimulates endomentrium gorth
- Increase in vascular supply and develops exocrine secreting uterine glands
What are the major events of the secretory phase?
- Uterine glands secrete uterine milk into the uterus
- Stimulated by an increase in progesterone levels during the luteal phase
What are the three layers of the uterine wall?
- Superficial simple columnar epithelim
- Deep loose connective tissue containing blood vessels and uterine glands
- For nourishment
- Smooth muscle
- Contracts during labor and childbirth
- Elastic but tough connective tissue
- Part of the visceral peritoneum
What is uterine milk?
A white secretion containing proteins and amino acids that nourishes the embryo during development
The endometrium of the uterine wall develops into the _______.
What are the two layers of the endometrium?
- Basal layer
- Preserved after menstruation
- Functional layer
- Lost during menstruation
NOTE: The spiral arteries contract, leading to necrosis of the functional layer

Stratum functionalis
- Borders uretine lumen
- Contains uterine glands
- Sloughed off during menstration
The uterine cycle

Uterine endometrium during the follicular phase

Uterine endometrium during the luteal phase

What are the ultrastructural feautures of the endometrium?
- Nucleolar channel system
- Membranes derived from rER that form tubules within the nucleus
- Possible marker for endometrial receptivity for implantation of an embryo
- Apical blebs filled with glycogen
What do endometrial glands secrete?
- Proteases that may aid implantation and which can degrade the zona pellucida
- Glycogen
- Oxytocin
Which hormone diminishes uterine contractility?
What kind of epithelium is found in the cervix?
Stratified non-keratinizing squamous epithelium
NOTE: The cervix merges at the transformation zone to endocervix
The endocervix is lined by ________.
Tall mucinous columnar cels
NOTE: The endocervix has underlying endocerval glands, which are also lined by tall mucinous columnar cells
What is a necessary first step in carcinogenesis in cervical cancer?
Keratinocyte infection with certain strains of HPV
How is cervical cancer treated?
- Hysterectomy
- Removal of cervix and uterus
- Growth of endometrial tissue outside the uterus
- Can occur during surgery, through the fallopian tubes, blood, and lymph