Histology- MSK Flashcards
What types of muscle are there?
Smooth visceral, voluntary skeletal muscles, cardiac and other contractile cells like pericytes
What form muscels cells?
Myoblasts fuse to form a syncytium muscle fibres form to make fascicles and then form muscles
Why are skeletal muscles multimucleat?
They form from many myoblasts
What organelles are there in skeletal muscles?
There are cell membranes nuclei contractile proteins mant mitochondria sarcoplasmic reticulum and glycogen rich cytoplasm
What do muscle fibres look like on histology?
They have striated muscle elongated fibres multimucleat muclei at the edge of the fibres
What causes striation in the muscle fibres?
Striated muscle has myofibrels that are in register
What senses tension in the muscle?
Intrafusal muscle fibres with gamma efferent nerve fibres they detect stretch and tension
What are the connective tissues in muscle?
Endomysium between fibres, groups of fibres are bound together by perimysium and enpimysium which binds together fasicles
What are sharpey’s fibres?
They are the way that skeletal muscle is connected too collagen of bone they are bundles of collagen usualy over a large area
What are sharpey’s fibres?
They are the way that skeletal muscle is connected too collagen of bone they are bundles of collagen usually over a large area
Which cells are in bones or form bones?
Osteoprogenitor cells, osteoblasts, osteocytes an osteoclasts
What forms osteoblasts ans osteoclasts?
embryonec mesenchyme osteoprogenitor cells osteoclasts are from haemopoetic precursors
What corms osteocytes?
When osteoblasts become trapped in the bone
What connects osteocytes?
What is osteoid?
Unmineralised bone