Anatomy Abdomen GI S9-14 Flashcards
What forms the posterior boder of the abdominal cavity?
Lumbar vertebra, psoas major and minor illiacus quadratus lumborum tranverse abdominus
What is the left crus?
Where the diaphragm attaches to te vertebra
What is the median arcuate ligament?
It is the dee of the diaphragm muscle over the aorta
What is the medial arcuate ligament?
It crosses over the psoas major as part of the diaphragm
What is the transpyloric plane?
horizontal plane that goes across the L1 vertebra
What is the epigastric region?
The area top row middle
where is the hypochondrium?
Upper left and right regions
Which planes split the abdomen into many areas?
The midclavicular lines the subcostal planes and the intertubercular plane
What is the middle white line of rectus abdominus called?
Linea alba
What is the superficial fascia of the abdomen?
the skin and subcutaneous fat
What is the camper fascia and scarps fascia?
Layers in lower abdomen that pass over the penis or labia majorum
What is the external oblique like?
It has fibres runnin in and down and aponeurosis at centre over rectus abdominus
What is the inferior attachement of external oblique?
The inguinal ligament
What is immediately deep to external oblique?
Internal oblique
What is internal oblique like?
It runs in and upmostly but changed to down lower in abdomen. it forms the apponeurosis at the middle going either side of the inguinal canal
What is the transversalis fascia?
The layer of connective tissue directly below transvers abdominal it is contiunous through the pelvic cavity its thickness varies and attaches to many bones
What is the structure of the rectus sheath?
upper 3/4 is frontal sheet from external middle spil from internal and posterior sheet from transersis abdominus. In the lower quater they all go to front with just transversailis fascia at the back
What is the arcuate line?
a line marking the change in rectus sheath
Which dermotomes are on the abdomen?
T7 to T12
Which arteries supple external parts of the abdomen?
musculophrenic which comes from internal thoracic, superficial epigastric artery, superior epigastric,
Which layers make up the inguinal canal?
Transversailis, internal oblique and external oblique.
What is the deep inguinal ring?
It is the deep ring made of the three layers of abdominal wall,
What is the superficial inguinal ring?
it is a triangle shaped opening in the abdomen made of apponeurosis of external oblique, it has parts from parts attaching to the pubic tubercle and the pubic symphesis making the medial and lateral crus
What forms the anterior wall of the inguinal canal?
The aponeurosis of the external oblique muscle
What forms the posterior wall of the inguinal canal?
The conjoined tendon which is transveris abdominus and internal oblique to the line
What is the contents of the inguinal canal?
The spermatic cord in men or round ligament of the uterus in women the spermatic cord contains the ductus deferens the artery to it the testicular artery papiniform plexus of veins cremesteric artery and vein genital branch of genitofemoral nerve smpathetic and visceral nerve fibres lymphatics and processus vaginalis
What are the coverings of the spermatic cord?
The internal spermatic fascia, the cremesteric fascia and the external spermatic fascia.
What is the inguinal triangle?
It is made from the inferior epigastric artery lateerally, medially by the rectus abdomius and inferiorly by inguinal ligament
Where does the greater ommentum attach to?
Greater curvature of the stomach, and the first part of the duodenum it also attaches to the back wall of the abdomen by the transverse colon
Where does the lesser omentum attach to?
The lesser curvature of the stomach and the first part of the duodenum to the interior surface of the liver.
What are the two ligaments that make the the lesser ommentum?
the hepatogastric and hepatoduodenal
What is the transverse mesocolon?
The fold of peritoneum that goes from the transverse colon to the posterior abdomen wall
What are the regions of the stomach?
Cardia, Fundus of stomach, Body of stomach, Pyloric part.
What are the parts of the duodenum?
Superior part, descending part, inferior and ascending
What are the characteristics of the superior part of the duodenum?
anterior to bile duct and gastroduodenal artery portal vein and IVC, most ulcers of duodenum happen here
What happens in the descending duodenum?
The major duodenal papilla is there and the minor comes in too.
What are the characteristics of the Jejunum?
They have less prominent arcades ad longer casa recta compared to ileum
What are the characteristics of the ileum?
it has thinner walls than jejunum, shorter vasa recta, more mesenteric fat and more arterial
What are the characteristics of the large intestine?
Has haustrations, Taeniae coli eppiploic appendicies
Where is the appendix?
It is at the end of the large intestine there are a lot of places it can lie it is usually roughly in the same place though
What is the hepatoreal recess?
Part of the cavity folded in on the right side between the liver and the right kidney and right suprarenal gland
What divides the liver into the right and left lobes?
Falciform ligament
Where i the visceral surfcase of the liver is not covered by peritoneum?
The part where the gall bladder is and the porta hepatis
Which lobe of the liver is larger?
The right lobe
What are the caudate and quadrate lobes of the liver?
They are separate to the right and left caudate is on lover part of visceral surface of the liver. it is superior to quadrate. caudate is on upper surface of the liver
What are the areas of the gall bladder?
The fundus the body and neck.
Where is the head of the pancreas?
Within the c shape of the duodenum
Where is the neck of the pancreas?
Anterior to superior mesenteric vessels and posterior to the neck of the pancreas the superior mesenteric ans splenic veins join to form the portal vein.
Where is the tail of the pancreas?
Ends as it passesbetween the splenorenal ligament.
What is the hepatocancreatic ampulla of vater?
The joiming of the bile duct and pancreatic duct
What is the major duodenal papilla?
The hole on the inside of the duodenum where the ampulla empties
What regulates release from the ampulla of vater?
The sphincter of oddi
What are the bile ducts calles?
From the liver there are the right and left hepatic ducts these join to make the common hepatic duct which runs and is joined by the cystic duct from the gall bladder and then becomes the bile duct.
What is the blood supply of the spleen?
The ??????
What does the abdominal aorta split into?
The common illia arteries at L4
What are the abdominal branches of the abdominal aorta?
coeliac trunk superior meseteric and inferior mesenteric trunks.
Where is the foregut?
It is from the abdominal esophagus to the major duodenal papilla
Where does the midgut begin and end?
It begins at the major duodenal papilla and ends 2/3 of the way along the transverse colon
Which organs are foregut derivatives?
The lungs liver spleen gall bladder, stomach, part of the duodenum
What are the organs of the midgut?
The duodenum last two parts, the appendix, jejunum, ileum, cecum, ascending colon and the right two thirds of the transverse colon
Where does the hindgut begin and end?
Just before the left colic flexure, and ends in the upper part of the anal canal
What does the coeliac trunk supply?
the foregut,
What level is the coeliac trunk?
What are the three main branches of the coeliac trunk?
Left gastric, splenic and common hepatic arteries
What does the left gastric artery supply?
It branches into the oesopjageal branches and the short gastric artery on the left that anastamoses with the short gastric arteries on the right
What does the splenic artery supply?
It is the largest artery from the coeliac trunk it supplies the spleen and pancreas. it winds along the suerior border of the pancreas and supplies the pancreas as it goes, it gives off short gastrics which go to thefundus of the stomach and gives the left gastro ommental artery which supplies the greater curvature of the stoamch and the greater ommentum.
What are the branches of the common hepatic artery?
First there is the right gastric artery that supplies the lesser curvature of the stomach then there is the gastroduodenal that splits into right gastro ommental superior and posterior superior pancreatoduodenal arteries. the common hepatic contrnues to become the hepatic artery proper splitting into the left and right hepatic and then the right gices off the systic artery to the gall bladder.
What supplies blood to the midgut?
The superior mesenteric artery
what are the branches of the superior mesenteric artery?
inferior pancreatoduodenal, jejunal, ileal middle colic right colic and ileocolic artery
What is the inferior pancreaticoduodenal artery?
It gives posterior and anterior ranches to supply the pancreas they anastamose with the superior pancreaticoduodenal arteries that are from the coeliac trunk
What are the jejunal and ileal arteries?
They are branches off the superior mesenteric artery, theu give of many branches and supply the areas they are named after, they pass between two layers of the mesentery. they can form single and double arcades in the jejunum
What are vasa recta?
Straight arteries coming from the curved arcade arteries which supply the final direct branch of the ileum.
What does the midlle colic artery supply?
It supplies the transverse colon and branches into the left and right parts that anastamose with the right nd left colic
Where does the right colic artery arise from?
The superior mesenteric artery
Where does the left colic artery arise from?
The inferior mesenteric artery
What does ther right colic anastamose with?
a branch of the middle colic that goes to the right
Which branches first the middle colic or the right colic?
The middle colic
Where does the ileocolic artery arise from?
The superior mesenteric artery and is the last branch. It has superior branch that goes to ascending colon and ansastamoses with the right colic artery and an inferior branch that continues towards the ileocolic junction diciding into the colic cecal appendicular and ileal braches
What is th path of the superior mesenteric artery?
It exits at lower part of L1 vertebra and passes inferior to splenic vein, postrior to the pancreas antrior to duodenum
Where is the inferior mesenteric artery?
It is at the level of L3 and descends anteriorly to aorta nsd then to the left
What are the main branches of the inferior mesenteric artery?
The left colic, sigmoid arteries superior rectal artery
Which areas are drained by the hepatic portal vein?
Spleeen, pancreas, gall bladder, and abdominal part of GI tract
Which veins join to form the hepatic portal vein?
The splenic vein superior mesenteric vein which pass posterior to the pancreas, the right and left gastric veins the cystic veins and paraumbilical veins
Where, other than the spleen is drained by the splenic vein?
the left greater curvature of the stomach, also te ingerior mesenteric vein usually
What is the ganglia impar?
sympathetic chain ganglion in front of the coccyx