Anatomy MSK S28-35 Flashcards
Where are the adhesions of fascia in the arm?
Not in lower forarm to allow them to move independently. Closer to the elbow there are more adhesion from
what are the layers of the anterior(flexor) compartment of the forarm/
4 layers
What is the first layer of the forarm(most superficial)?
There are 4 muscles to wrist and shorter one. pronator teres, 3 indicidual (palmaris longus, flexor carpi ulnaris, flexor carpi radialis) group of 4 tendons for fingers that does flexion of finders
Describe pronator teres?
Cylindrical muscles used for pronation between medial epicondyl do middle of radius
What is palmaris longus?
Palmar fascia not all have it
What is palmaris brevis?
It closes the palm from the fascia
What does flexor carpi radialis do?
It runs from the elbow to the carpal bones to flex the wrist
What do felxor digitorum superficialis do?
They flex the proximal interphalangeal and metacarpal joints
Where is pronator quadratus?
it pronates the arm and isbetween the radius and ulnar
Which nerve runs through the carpel tunnel?
Median nerve
What does the path of the cephalic vein do?
palmar arch in the back of the hand and joind thumb vein and runs along forarm to the antegubital fossa and in grooe between biceps
What is the path of the basilar vein?
From the arch on the medial side of elbow to connect at the brachial vein
Which nerve supplies the to anterior arm?
Musculocutaneous nerve
What nerve supplies the posterior arm and forarm?
The radial nerve
What nerve supplies the anterior of the forarm?
Mainly median all but 2 which are by the ulnar(flexor carpi ulnaris flexor digitorum profundus to medial two fingers)
How are the metacarpal bones arranged/
In two rows
Name the metacarpal bones
scaphoid lunatetriquertral and pisiform. trapezium trapezioud capitate and hammate
Which metacarpals communicate with the radius?
scaphoid and lunate
Which metacarpal articulates with the thumb?
The trapezium
What is the importance of the scaphoid?
If it is fractured its blood supply can be cut off
What supplies the superficial palmar arch?
The ulnar artery
Which blood vessel goes between the metacarpals?
The radial artery forming the deep palmar arch
Which muscles are there in the hands?
The lumbricals
What allows tendons in the hand to move freely?
A synovial sheath
What stops the tendons from coming away from the bones when contracting?
A thick fascia called a retinaulum
Where does the flexor digitorum superficialis attach to?
the middle phallanyx so flexes the proximal interphalangeal joint
How are the flexor tendons arranged?
The distal runs under the superficialis that has a fork to allow it to flex the furthest joint eaily
What connect the superficial and deep tendons?
The vincula for blood supply
what is the origin and insertion of the index lumbrical?
The profundor tendon, and the extensor tendon on the other side of the hand
What does the lumbrical do?
it helps bend the metacarpal pallangeal joints whie straightening the interphallangeal joints
What are the muscles of the thum?
Abductor pollicis brevis/ longus flexor policis brevis, oppenens poicis, adducter policis
What is the action opponens policisi?
IT rotates the thumb to help it oppose
What muscle attaches to the little finger?
The abductor digiti minimi
What does oppennens digiti minimi do?
It rotates the litttle finger to oppose
What are the dorsal ineroses muscles attached do?
The middle phalynx.
How do you remember dorsal interosseous?
Palmar interossei ADduct PAD
Dorsal interosei ABduct DAB
How many interossi are there on the dorum of the hand?
what is the innervation of the hand muscles?
LLOAF Lateral 2 lumbricals oppenens policis abductor policis brevis flexor policis brevis are median nerve and the rest are all ulnar nerve
What is sensory supply of the hand?
Ulnar litttle and half of the next and palm median is the palm and other fingers and thumb. radial nerve is back of hand for all but little and half of the next finger
What is sensory supply of the hand?
Ulnar litttle and half of the next and palm median is the palm and other fingers and thumb. radial nerve is back of hand for all but little and half of the next finger can vary
What is the common origin of the extensor group of the forarm
lateral epicondyl of the humerous
What does extensor carpi ulnaris do?
It extends the wrist
What is the insertion of the extensor carpi ulnaris?
the carpal bones
What muscle extends the little finger/
extensor digiti minimi
What muscle extends the fingers?
Extensor digitorum
Which muscles go under the extensor retinaculum but als another two musles?
The extensor carpi radialis which has two tendonsone that starts longer and one firther down brevis and longus
What are the muscles of the superficial extensor compartment?
The extensor carpi ulnaris, extensor carpi radialis brevis and longus, extensor digiti minimi, extensor digitorum
What are the muscles of the deep extensor copartment of the forarm?
extensor indicic, extensor policis longus and brevis abductor policis longus, supinator,
What nerve supplies the extensor compartment of the forearm?
the radial nerve
What muscle runs along the lateral side of the forarm from the lower humerus down to the radius?
What does brachoradialis do?
It brings forearm into mid prone position
What is important about the extnensor tendons of the fingers?
Other than index the fingers have tendons that interconect which means that they cant all extend independantly
What is the path of the radial nerve of the arm?
Theradial nerve passes from the anterior surface of the arm round the anatomical snuff box under the externsor policis and into the first space to go anteriorly to for the deep palmar arch
What is the main blood supply to the arm?
The subclavian artery over top of first rib and changes to axillary artery then brachial artery
Where does the brachial artery travel?
down the arm between biceps and triceps. with the the median and ulnar nerve, then passes in front of the arm jint between apponeurosis of biceps ontthen divides into radial arteru and ulnar artery that runs down the anterior sideon ulnar side and pass into wrist into palmar arches
What are the branches of the brachial artery around the elbow?
Ulnar collateral and radial collateral that anastamose the two branches
Which veins run along medial and radial bones?
Cephalic is radial and basilic on the medial.
What is the path of the cephalic vein/
It passes laterally along the antecubital fossa and up the groove between biceps and triceps and then runs between deltoid and pectoralis major and drains into axillary vein
What is the pat of the basillic vein?
It runs u the arm and anastomoses with the antcubital vein and then becomes deep and the brachial vein
What movement is greated betwen the ulnar and the humerous?
the flexion and extension of the arm
What happens to pronate the arm?
a movement of the radius over the ulnar and proximal the radius rotates
Where does the biceps attach?
Bicepital tuberosity on the radius and the humerous
what is the action of the biceps on the elbow?
Flexion of the elbow but wen 90 degrees flexed it is a supinator of the forearm
What are the features of the distal humerous?
The medial and lateral epicondyl. trochlear and the capitulum coronoid fossa, the olecranon fossa
What are the features of the distal humerous?
The medial and lateral epicondyl. trochlear and the capitulum coronoid fossa, the olecranon fossa
What ligament runs around the head of the radius?
The annular ligament
Where does the carpal tunnel attach?
Thehook of hammate and the trapezium bone
what type of joint is the wrist joint?
a condolyoid
What type of joint are the metacarpophalangeal joints?
What type of joint are the interphallangeal joints?
What type of joint is the metacarpal joint of the thumb?
What is the origon of the biceps?
the coracoid process
What holds the humerus to the glenoid fossa?
The rotator cuff muscles subscapularis, supraspinartus infraspinartus and teres minor
Which tendon inserts onto the glenoid?
The long head of biceps
What fascia runs down the lateral side of the thigh?
Fascia lata
What is sartorious?
it is a muscle that splits the leg into medial and anterior compartments
It has origin on anterior superior illiac spine passes medially onto the tibia it externally rotates but its action is weak
What muscle is attached to fascia lata?
Tensor fascia lata
What is another name for the fascia lata?
Illeotibial band
What muscles are on the front of the thigh?
Where do quadriceps insert?
A common tendon onto the patella
What are the quadriceps muscles?
Rectus femoris (bipennate), Vastus lateralis, vastus medialis deep to these is the vastus intermedius and vautus take origin on the femur rectus femoris has one on lip of acetabulum and a lateral of acetabulum
What is special about vastus medialis?
at the patella the fibres are almost lateral to the patella to drag it across to prevent dislocation
Which way does the patella get pulled?
What is the mechanism for stopping dislocation of the patella?
The angling of the femur and the active contraction of the vastus medialis
What is the long saphenous vein?
Follows sartorious most of the way and is on medial thigh
What forms the femoral triangle?
Sartorius adductor longus and the inguinal ligament
What passes through the femoral triangle?
medial there is pectineus muscle and illeopsoas are the floor, femoral nerve artery and vein and lymphatic
What does the saphenous vein join with?
The femoral vein
What are the muscles of the medial compartment of the thigh?
sort of sartorious, gracillis, adductor longus adductor brevis, adductor magnus
What are the insertion to the adductor muscles?
They all have an insertion onto the pubic bone but the adductor magnus has one on the ischial tuberosity
What nerve inervts the medial thigh?
obturator nerve
Where does adductor magnus have its insertion and origin?
origin on pubis and ischial tuberosity a continuous one,pubic onto femor high and the ischial part that is on the adductor tubercle of distal femur
What hole does the adductor magnus form?
Adductor hiatus
What is the most external part of the gluteal muscles?
The gluteus maximus
What is the origin of the hamstring muscles?
The ischial tuberosity
What are the arterial supplies to the gluteus maximus?
The superior and inferior gluteal arteries
Where is the origin and insertionof gluteus maximus?
The sacrum and inserts onto the fascia lata and the femur
What is the main nerve posterior to the thigh?
The siatic nerve
What are the ligaments of the pelvis?
The sacrotuberous the sacro spinous ligament dividig greater and lesser siatic foraina, sacrococcygeal
What lies medial to the siatic nerve?
The ischial tuberosity
What is the origin of gluteus medius?
Origin from posterior 2/3 of wing of illium and inserts to greater trochanter of femur
What are the small muscles of the gluteal area?
piriformis, quadratus femoris, gomelli superior inferior obturator internus
What runs between the two gomelli muscles?
the obturator tendon
What is the origin and insertion of gluteus minimus?
inserted to abductortuberosity of greater trocanter origin the ischeal
Where should an intramuscular injection?
The upper outer quadrant to avoid siatic nerves and superior gluteal arteries
What are the hamstring muscles?
biceps femoris, semitendonosis, semimembrinosis, adductor magnus
What shape do the hamstings make?
Popleteal fossa triangle shape at the back of the leg
What does the siatic nerve fupply?
All posterior thigh and whole of bottom of the leg
What does biceps femoris insert and originat to and from?
Inserts onto fibular and has an insertion on the femur and the ischial tuberosity
What is the action of biceps femoris?
Short head flexes knee and long head also does that and extends the hip
What does semitendinosis and semimembrinosis?
Flexors of knee and extensors of the hip
Where does the siatic nerve split?
The bottom third of the thight into tibial and common peroneal (fibular nerve)
What forms the popleteal fossa?
The semitendinosis and semimembrinosis, biceps femoris,gastronemius is beneath
What passes through the popleteal fossa?
the siatic nerve or its branches,popleteal artery and vein from the the femoral vein and artery
What does the popleteal artery divide into?
The anterior posterior and peroneal (lateral)
What does the tibial nerve supply?
The posterior compartment
What does the peroneal nerve supply?
Deep goes to anterior and superficial which supplies lateral(peroneal compartment)
What drains the thigh?
Long saphenous and the short saphenous that runs around the back of the popleteal fossa
What does the sural nerve do?
The back of the calf and the foot sensation