Histology Lab-Intestine Flashcards
Identify the labeled regions below

1) Stomach 2) Duodenum 3) Pyloric sphincter
Identify the labeled regions shown below

1) Pancreas 2) Pancreatic duct 3) Muscularis externa 4) Serosa or Adventitia 5) Mucosa (note villi and intestinal crypts) 6) Brunner’s submucosal glands
Identify the labeled regions shown below

1) Mucosal absorptive and goblet cells 2) Intestinal crypts 3) Muscularis mucosae 4) Brunner’s submucosal glands 5) Muscularis externa
Identify the different structures indicated below

1) Absorptive cells (note brush border) 2) Goblet cells 3) Lymphocytes 4) Nucleus of goblet cell 5) Lamina propria with capillaries and lacteals
Identify the different structures indicated below.

Note the villi and absence of submucosal glands, this is the jejunum 1) Muscularis externa 2) Serosa 3) Mucosa with villi and intestinal crypts 4) Lymphoid nodule
What structure is indicated below?

Paneth cell. Note the large red granules oriented towards the lumen.
What structure is indicated below?

Enteroendocrine cell. Note the red granules oriented towards the basal aspect of the cell.
Identify the structures indicated in the image below.

Note the Peyer’s patches, indicating that we are in the ileum. 1) Mucosa with villi and intestinal crypts 2) Serosa 3) Muscularis externa 4) Submucosal Peyer’s patch
Clusters of what type of cell might you find over Peyer’s patches?
M cells

What structure is indicated below?

Note the PAS-staining Peyer’s patches in addition to goblet cells and surface mucous. This tells you that you are in the ileum. That means the fold indicated in the image is plicae circularis.
What cells are indicated in the image below?

1) Surface mucous cell of the stomach 2) Goblet cell of the intestine. Note how the stomach side of the gastroduodenal junction is PAS positive for every cell lining the stomach and on the intestine side only goblet cells are PAS positive.
Identify the structures indicated in the image below:

This is the appendix 1) Serosa 2) Lymphatic nodules 3) Mucosa w/ shallow crypts w/lymphoid cells 4) Muscularis externa 5) Epiploic appendage
Identify the labeled structures below:

This is the colon. Note the lack of villi and presence of intestinal crypts w/a longitudinal muscle layer of 3 bundles. 1) Muscularis externa 2) Tenia coli 3) Mucosa: note lack of villi 4) Submocosa w/ adipocytes
Where is this slice taken from?
