Histology: Connective Tissue- Connective Tissue Colloquium Flashcards
Mesenchyme Cells
- LOCATION: embryo (or fetuses) of organisms
- DYE: hemotoxilin and eosin
1) small, spindle shaped, uniform appearance, have 2 processess which all together form a 3D cellular network.
2) extracellular space: filled with ground substance - ADDITIONAL:
1) exception to connective tissues as they lack fibers
2) mesenchyme cells differentiate into adult cells
3) can be found in the pulp of the tooth
4) main embryonic connective tissue
- mesenchyme cells
- ground substance
- mesenchyme cell nuclei
- processes of the cytoplasm
ECM=ground substance= proteoglycans, glycoproteins, glycosaminoglycans
Mucous Connective Tissue
- LOCATION: the umbillical chord
1) spindle shaped, widely spread cells,
2) “Wharton’s Jelly” ground substance (specialized like ECM) - ADDITIONAL:
1) similar to fibroblasts but in the umbillical chord
2) type of embryonic connective tissue
Loose Connective Tissue
- LOCATION: beneath epithelial cells (line body cavities, surround body surface, line glands and surround blood vessels)
- DYE: iron hemotoxilin
1) thin and sparse collagen fibers,
2) cells are transcient wandering cells
3) extracellular space content is very high in relation to fibers
4) ground substnace is most abundant and viscous
- diffusion of O2 and nutrients from small blood vessels
- diffusion of CO2 and waste materials into small blood vessels
1) initial layer where pathogenic agents have breached and are destroyed by the immune system
- collagen fibers
- ground substance
- fibroblasts
- elastic fibers
- nuclei of fibroblasts
Irregular Dense Connective Tissue
- LOCATION: structures which need support eg. skin. Lay in the dermal layer of the skin (underneath the epidermis)
- DYE: hemotoxilin and picroindigocarmine
1) very little ground substance
2) little amount of cells (fibrocytes)
3) mainly collagen fibers (arranged in bundles oriented in various directions)
- provide strength (resistance to stetching and stressing)
- depocytes may be visible (look like air bubbles)
- collagen fibers
- ground substance
- depocytes
Regular Dense Connective Tissue
- LOCATION: tendons, ligaments and aponeuroses (TENDON)
- DYE: hemotoxilin and eosin
1) very little ground substance
2) fibers are ordered and densely packaged
5) ENDOTENDINEUM: divides tendons into fascicles, contains blood vessels and nerve tissue (LOOSE CONNECTIVE TISSUE)
- conect muscle to bone
- collagen fibers (primary tendon)
- ground substance
- endotendineum (loose connective tissue)
- epitendineum
- peritendineum
- nuclei of teh fibrocytes
- fibrocytes
Adipose Connective Tissue
- LOCATION: Omentum
- DYE: Sudan-III
1) very large cells
2) yellow in colour
3) UNILOCULAR adipocytes- 1 fat globule (White adipocytes)
4) MULTILOCULAR adipocytes- multiple fat globules (Brown adipocytes)
- thermogenesis
- hormone production
- energy storage
- immune response
- adipocytes
- unilocular adipocytes
- filled with 1 large fat droplet
Reticular Connective Tissue
a) stroma of all lymphatic organs
b) lymphatic tissue
c) bone marrow - DYE: Hematoxilin and eosin
1) reticular cells - STAR SHAPED
form a 3D reticular complex.
2) lymphocyte bundles
3) ground substance
- production of a desired and well-adjusted chemical environment for the immune system cells to develop and mature
- increase protection of organism
- reticular cells (stellate)
- lymphocyte bundles
- nucleus of reticular cells
- processess of reticular cells
- ground substance
- reticular fibers
stellate- star pattern
Mammalian Blood
STAIN: hemotoxilin-eosin stain
- erythrocytes
(anucleated, biconcave)
- mature segmented neutrophils (most important for phagocytosis)
- lymphocytes
- monocytes (–> macrophages)
+ (has platelets)
(no fibers, only ground substance!!)
Bird Blood
STAIN: hematoxylin- eosin stain
- erythrocytes (egg shape, with nucleus)
- lymphocytes
+ thrombocytes (actual cells, while platelets are only cytoplasmic cell fragments)
Pigmented Cells
pigmented cells give colour,
- nucleus
- granules of melanin
Hyeline cartilage
DYE: hematoxylin-eosin stain
- ground substance
- chondrocytes
- chondrocyte aggregation
- chindroblasts
- stratum chondrogenicum
- stratum fibrosum
- perichondrium
- unilocular adipocytes
- skeletal muscle
Elastic Fiber
LOCATION: earlobe
DYE: hematoxylin-orsein stain
- chondrocytes
- chondrocyte aggregations
- elastic fibers (linear)
- perichondrium
main differences:
- extra cellular matrix
- isogenic group shape
LOCATION: intervertebral disc
DYE: Hemotoxylin- eosin stain
- fibrocartilage
- chondrocytes
- collagen fibrils
- ground substance
- hyaline cartilage
- blood vessels
- bone tissue
Cross section of a bone
LOCATION: fibula
DYE: thionine-picric acid stain (green)
- interstitial lamellae (+osteoclasts)
- osteoblasts
- osteoblasts bone lamellae
- central canal
- blood vessel
- osteoblasts
- blood vessel
differences between bone and cartilage:
- ECM (higher calcium & calcification in bones)
Intramembranous Ossification
LOCATION: lower jaw (flat bones only)
DYE: hematoxylin- eosin stain
- capillaries
- blood vessel
- osteoblasts
- mesenchyma
- osteocytes
- osteoclasts
- trabeculae osseae
Endochondrial Ossification
LOCATION: long bone
DYE: hemotoxylin-eosin stain
- reserved zone
- proliferation zone (^ in chondrocytes)
- zone of chondrocyte hypertrophy (^ in chondrocyte size)
- zone of resorbtion (macrophages digest, osteoblasts increase bony substance)
- periosteum
- bone marrow
- endochondrial bone
- osteoblasts
- osteocytes