Hip Functional/Special Tests Flashcards
Long Axis Hip Manipulation (Hip)
-Open pack: 30 flx/ 30 abd/ ER
-pull on leg
targets entire capsule
Inferior Glide Mobilization
-Open pack
-for loss of flx
- Pt in supine, hip flx
- PT on table, leg over shoulder
Anterior Glide Mobilization
-Open pack
-loss of extension
- Pt prone, leg in ext and abd (other leg off table if needed)
- PT hand on isch tub and lift knee up
- Push on isch tub
- Progress with more hip ext and knee flx
Lateral Glide Mobilization
-Open Pack
-lack of ADD
- Pt in supine, knee flexed 30
- PT pulls down and out laterally (can use belt or hands)
- Can add more ADD during progression
Progression: AP Lat Mobilization
Self Treatment
-Joint mobility
-Muscle Weakness/Inhibition
Observations of Hip Pain
-Antalgic gait
-foot drop
-Stand in OPP
-Weight shifts
-leg length discrepancy
Hip Joint Clearing Tests
-(+) Trendelenburg
-(+) Inability or pain with squat
-(+) Sign of buttock
-provocation tests
-pt supine, PT on ipsi side of leg
-hip in flx, ER, abduction
-press into contra ASIS and knee
(+) reproduction of pt ain at posterior pelvis or butt
Sign of Buttock Test
-provocation tests
-sign of serious pathology (hip absess, fracture, infection, cancer)
-nerve on slack and pain still there
- Passive SLR (+)
- Return to neurtral and bend hip and knee
- Passive bent leg raise (+) and same ROM
Hip ROM/MMT Directions
AROM > Overpressure > PROM
all must be measured
test back and knee
Hip Flexibility Tests
-Modified Thomas
Joint Play: Long Axis Distraction (Hip)
-Open pack: 30 flx/ 30 abd/ ER
-pull on leg to
targets entire capsule
Joint Play: Posterio-Inferior Glide
-inferior/posterior capsule
-for loss of flx
- Pt in supine, hip flx
- PT on table, leg over shoulder
- PT scoops and pulls out and down
Posterio-Inferior Mobilization w/ Belt
-inferior/posterior capsule
-for loss of flx
- Pt in supine, hip flx
- PT stands with belt at hips
- PT pulls out and down
- Add more flexion to progress
Joint Play: Anterior Glide
-target anterior capsule
-loss of extension
- Pt prone, leg in ext and abd (other leg off table if needed)
- PT hand on isch tub and lift knee up
- Push on isch tub
Joint Play: Lateral Traction
-Open Pack
-targets lateral capsule
- Pt in supine, knee flexed 30
- PT pulls inferolaterally (can use belt or hands)
- Can add more ADD during
Labral Special Tests
- Fitzgerald Test
- FADIR Test
- Hip Quadrant
- Hip Scour
Capsular Tightness Special Test
Hip Dysplasia Special Test
-Passive hip Abduction
Hip/Femur Fracture
Patellar-Pubic Percussion Test
Fitzgerald Test
-anterior labral tear
- Pt in supine
- PROM from FABER to Ext/Add/IR
(+): reproduces s/s w/ or w/o click
Quadrant Test
-FAI or Labrum
- Pt in supine
(+): reproduces s/s w/ or w/o click
Hip Scour Test
-FAI, Labrum, acetabular dysfunction
- Pt in supine
- Can scallop for specific areas
(+): reproduces s/s w/ or w/o click
-FAI or Labrum
- Pt in supine
- PT PROM into flx/add/IR
(+): reproduces s/s w/ or w/o click
FABER/Pattrick Test
-impingement, SIJ, capsular tightness
- Pt in supine
- PT PROM into flx/abd/ER
(+): reproduces s/s in ant hip or posterior hip
Craig’s Test
-femoral anteversion/retroversion
- Pt in prone
- Move into IR/ER until Greater troch is parallel to table (most into hand)
- Measure ROM
-normal 10-15 IR
->15: anteverted
-<10: retroverted
Patellar Pubic Percussion Test
-fx oof the hip or femur
- Stethoscope over pubic symphysis
- Tap on Patella on affected sound and compare
(+): diminished sound on involved side
AP w/ Lateral Mobilization
-progressive mobilization
-more aggressive lat mobilization
-add adduction and IR (piriformis stretch position)
-target posterio-lateral capsule, ADD ROM
-use when (+) FABER, quadrant, or SCOUR
PA Hip Mobilization w/ ABD and ER
-progressive mobilization
-target ER and ABD ROM
-use when (+) FABER
- Pt prone with hip flexed and abducted off of bed (progress to more ER)
- PT mobilize into ER
Hip IR Mobilization
-progressive mobilization
-target posterior capsule and IR ROM
- Pt prone in IR
- PT maintains IR while mobilizing contra pelvis