Hindlimb 1st Year Flashcards
What are the different regions of the hindlimb?
Gluteal- around hip Thigh- hip to stifle Popliteal Crus- stifle to tarsus Pes- metatarsal + digits
What are the joints of the hindlimb?
Sacro-iliac joint Hip joint Stifle joint Tarsus/hock joint Tarso-metatarsal joint Metatarsopharlangeal
What bones make up the hind limb?
Sacrum Pelvis Femur Patella Tibia and fibula Tarsal bones Metatarsal bones Phalanges/digits
What 4 bones make up the pelvis?
What features are found in the ilium and ishium?
Ilium- Greater ishiatic notch Iliopectineal eminence Ischium- Lesser ishiatic notch Ishtiatic tuberosity Ishiatic arch
What is the sacrum?
3 fused sacral vertabeae and form the sacro-iliac joint
What is the pecten and what fills it?
Concave at cranial pelvis of pubis bone
Prepubic tendon fills it
What does the sacrotuberous ligament attach to?
Sacrum- tuber ischium
What is the big hole in the pelvis called?
Obturator foramen
What articulates with the head of the femur?
What finishes the acetabular notch?
The transverse ligament
Where are the main and secondary centres of ossification of the pelvis?
Primary: Ilium Pubia Ishium Acetabular Fuse before birth Secondary: Dorsal iliac crests Tuber ischium Ishiatic arch
How can a dog and cats pelvis be distinguished on a radiograph?
Dogs- wings of ilium and ischium diverge
Cat- Wings of ilium and ischium parallel, large obturator foramen, smaller greater trochanter
Where are the centres of ossification of the femur?
Greater trochanter
Distal epiphysis
What type of bone is a patella?
Sesamoid bone
What shape is the patella, where does it sit, what allows smooth articular surface?
Pyramid shaped
Sits in trochlear groove
Hyaline cartilage
What are the two types of sesamoid bones cranial to the patella?
Fabellae x2
Popliteal sesamoid x 1
What nerves supply the hindlimb from the spinal cord?
L5, L6, L7, S1, S2
What do the ventral branches of the spinal nerves supplying the hind limb form?
Lumbosacral plexus
What are the 4 emerging peripheral nerves from the lumbosacral plexus?
What type of movement it protraction and retraction of the hindlimb?
Protraction- hip flexion
Retraction- Hip extension
What are the three gluteal muscles, what is their origin and insertion, what innervates them?
Superficial Middle Deep O- Sacrum and gluteal surface I- greater trochanter Innervation- Gluteal nerve
What are the 4 adductors of the hindlimb?
External obturator
What is the origins and insertions of the hind limb adductors and their innervation?
O- ventral surface of pelvis
Gracilis- I- Tibia (calcanea via common calcanean tendon)
Adductor, Pectineus and External obturator- I- Femur
Innervation- Obturator nerve
What muscles are responsible for limb protraction/hip flexion?
Tensor fascia latae
Recutus femoris
What is the origin, insertion and innervation of the tensor fascia latae?
O- Ilium
I- fascia latae
Innervation- gluteal nerve
What is the origin, insertion and innervation of the ilipsoas muscle?
O- lumber vertabrae
I- lesser trochanter
Innervation- femoral nerve
What is the origin, insertion and innervation of the sartorious muscle?
O- Ilium
I- femur, tibial tuberosity
Innervation- femoral nerve
What is the rectus femoris origin, insertion and innervation?
O- Ilium
I- tibial tuberosity (patellar ligament)
One of the quadriceps
What are the hind limb retractors/hip extensors?
Bicep femoris
What is the origin, insertion and innervation of the biceps femoris?
O- Tuber ischium
I- fascia latae
I- calcaneus
Innervation- Sciatic nerve
What is the origin, insertion and innervation of the semitendinosus and semimembranosus?
Semitendinosus- O- ischium I- Tibia, calcaeneus Semimembranosus- O- Ischium I- Femur and tibia Innervation- sciatic nerve
Which of the tibia and fibula weight bares?
How many centres of ossification are in the tibia and fibula?
Tibia- 4
Fibula- 3
What are the components of the stifle joint?
What is found inbetween the femur and tibia?
Lateral and medial meniscus
What are meniscus and what is their functions?
C shaped cartilage Function- Stabilise joint Cushioning Proprioception
What are the three meniscal ligaments?
Menisco-tibial ligaments
Transverse ligament
Menisco-femoral ligament
What is the position of the three meniscal ligament sand what are their functions?
Menisco-tibial ligament- meniscus to intercondylar eminence, holds menisci onto tibia
Transverse ligament- between cranial aspects of menisci- stabilises
Menisco-femoral ligament- lateral meniscus to interconylar fossa- hold femur onto menisci