High Yield Syndromes Flashcards
Lemierre syndrome:
Venous thrombophlebitis of tonsillar and peri tonsillar veins and spread into IJV.
Fusobacterium Necrophorum
Multiple abnormalities…
CHARGE Syndrome:
Coloboma (Gap in iris or retina) Heart defects Atresia of choanae Retardation of development Genitourinary anomalies Ear anomalies.
Swyer James Syndrome:
Aquired abnormality of pulmonary development secondary to constrictive bronchiolitis.
Leads to unilateral hyper lucent lung with volume loss.
Adenovirus commonly associated.
Holt Oram Syndrome:
Upper extremity bone deformities - absence / hypoplasia thumb
PHACES Syndrome:
P: Posterior fossa - Dandy Walker H: Haemangioma A: Arterial anomalies C: Coarctation / cardiac defects E: eye anomalies S: Sub glottic haemangiomas.
Gardner Syndrome: “DOPE Gardner”
D: Desmoid tumours
O: osteomas
P: Papillary thyroid cancer
E: epidermoid cysts
Gardner - hyperplastic stomach polyps, adenomatous bowel polyps.
Tucot syndrome:
Familial adenomatous polyposis - hyperplastic stomach polyps and adenomatous bowel polyps.
Gliomas and meduloblastomas
Peutz Jeghers syndrome:
Polypsosis syndrome, with mucocutanous pigementation and increased risk for small and large bowel Ca, pancreatic Ca, and gynae ca.
Cowden syndrome:
Breast Ca, Thyroid Ca,
Lhermitte Duclos - see this check for breast and thyroid Ca.
Cronkhite Canada:
Stomach, small bowel, colon cancer risk
Not typical heriditary.
Caroli Disease:
AR associated with polycystic kidney disease and medullary sponge kidney.
Intra hepatic ductal dilation, large and saccular.
Central dot sign.
NO extra hepatic involvement.
Complications: cholangiocarcinoma, cirrhosis, cholangitis, intraductal stones.
Wolman disease:
Bilateral enlarged calcified adrenals in child
P: Pituitary adenoma
P: Parathyroid hyperplasia
P: Pancreatic tumour - gastrinoma most common.
P: Pheochromocytoma
M: Medullary thyroid carcinoma
P: Parathyroid hyperplasia
MPM: M: Medullary thyroid carcinoma P: Pheochromocytoma M: Mucosal neuromas (Marfanoid body habitus)
von Hippel Lindau disease features:
Increased risk of RCC
Pancreatic lesions (cyst, cystadenoma, cystadenocarcinoma)
Eye dysfunction: retinal haemangioblastoma, endolymphatic sac tumour.
Liver / renal / pancreatic cysts.
Plummer Vinson Syndrome:
Oesphageal Web Iron defiency anaemia dyspahgia Thyroid issues spoon shaped nails
Carneys Triad: “Carneys Eat Garbage”
Chondroma - pulmonary
Extra adrenal Pheo
Lemmel Syndrome
Lemmel syndrome is defined as obstructive jaundice caused by a periampullary duodenal diverticulum compressing the intrapancreatic common bile duct with resultant bile duct dilatation.
Turner Syndrome:
Ante natal:
Cystic hygroma / increased nuchal translucency / fold.
aortic co arctation, bicuspid aortic valve
Horse shoe kidney
short 4th metacarpal: positive metacarpal sign
narrowing scapholunate angle: positive carpal sign
abnormal medial femoral condyle
decreased carpal angle: Madelung deformity
short stature
webbed neck
valgus deformity of the elbow: increased carrying angle (cubitus valgus)
Pelvic ultrasound
streaky uterus
streak ovary
pyloric stenosis
Mayer Rokitansky Kuster Hauser syndrome:
Vaginal atresia
absent / rudimentry uterus - unicornuate / bicornuate
Normal ovaries
Renal agenesis / ectopia.
NF 1:
Neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1) 1.
These diagnostic criteria can be remembered with the mnemonic:
C: café-au-lait spots (greater than six seen during one year)
A: axillary or inguinal freckling
F: fibromas (neurofibroma (two or more) or plexiform neurofibroma (one))
E: eye hamartomas (Lisch nodules)
S: skeletal abnormalities, e.g. sphenoid wing dysplasia, leg bowing
P: positive family history
OT: optic tumour (optic nerve glioma)
Tuberous Sclerosis:
H: hamartomas (CNS and skin)
A: angiofibroma (facial); adenoma sebaceum
M: mitral regurgitation
A: ash-leaf spots
R: rhabdomyoma (cardiac)
T: tubers (cortical, subcortical)
O: autOsomal dominant (autosomal sounds like starting with letter “O” )
M: mental retardation
A: angiomyolipoma (renal)
S: seizures; Shagreen patches / SEGA / Sub ependymal nodules.
Pulmonary and abdominal LAM
RCC rates similar but occur at earlier age.
Sturge Weber
S: seizures, sporadic
T: tram track gyriform calcification; trigeminal territory port-wine stain
U: unilateral weakness (hemiparesis - contralateral to facial naevus)
R: retardation
G: glaucoma, GNAQ gene
E: epilepsy
C: calvarial thickening, choroid plexus enlargement
A: atrophy of ipsilateral cerebral hemisphere
P: pial angiomatosis
S: sinus (paranasal) enlargement