High Yield - SketchyPharm Flashcards
Muscarinic Agonist
Treatment of Non-Obstructive GI dysmotility or Urinary Retention
Beth with Cola
Muscarinic Agonist
Treatment of Acute Angle Glaucoma (Pupillary Constriction and Aqueous Humor Outflow Increase)
Pile of Carp
Muscarinic Agonist and Nicotinic Agonist
Treatment of Acute Angle Glaucoma (Pupillary Constriction and Aqueous Humor Outflow Increase)
Carbon Fumes
Muscarinic Agonist
Instigates asthma for Pulmonary testing
(Contract Bronchial smooth muscle which may exacerbate asthma or COPD)
Marathon challenge
Nicotinic Partial Agonist
Used for Smoking Cessation
Acetylcholinesterase Inhibitor
Increase Ach at NMJ endplate to outcompete Myasthenia Gravis Antibodies (Peripheral Only)
Community PRIDE
Acetylcholinesterase Inhibitor
Increase Ach at NMJ endplate to outcompete Myasthenia Gravis Antibodies (Peripheral Only)
Neon sign STIGMA
Acetylcholinesterase Inhibitor
Increase Ach at NMJ endplate to Transiently Reverses Myasthenia Gravis Antibodies (Peripheral Only) - Tensilon test
Phone Booth
Inhibitors of Nicotinic Ach-R in NMJ endplate
Non-depolarizing Neuromuscular blockade
Crayons stuck in end plate
Tubocurarine, Pancuronium, Cisatracurium
Nicotinic Ach receptor Agonist
Depolarizing Neuromuscular blockade. May cause HSN induced-Malignant Hyperthermia (RYR1 Defect are prone to) → Rhabdomyolysis .
Acetylcholinesterase inhibitor
Increase Ach at synaptic Cleft + with CENTRAL effects
Treatment for Atropine Overdose
PHYS ED center
Acetylcholinesterase inhibitor
Alzheimer’s disease (CENTRAL effects)
Alzheimer’s GALA
Acetylcholinesterase inhibitor
Alzheimer’s disease (CENTRAL effects)
Reverse the Stigma
Acetylcholinesterase inhibitor
Alzheimer’s disease (CENTRAL effects)
Done with the Puzzle
Natural Antimuscarinic Agent
Prototype from Jimson Weed/Deadly nightshade/ Atropa Belladonna. Side effects: hot as a hare, blind as a bat, dry as a bone, red as a beet, and mad as a hatter
Muscarinic Antagonist (M1)
Treatment for Seasick/ Motion sickness (Vestibular Nueasa). Atropinic Side effects.
Sailor outfit
Muscarinic Antagonist (M3)
Treatment for COPD (Bronchodilator). Atropinic Side effects.
Ipratropium and Tiotropium
tiotropium dissociates more slowly
Muscarinic Antagonist (M3)
Used to relieve Bladder spasm after Urologic surgery. Atropinic Side effects.
Ox butler
Muscarinic Antagonist (M3)
Treatment for Adult urinary incontinence. Atropinic Side effects.
Turtle butler
Muscarinic Antagonist (M1 + Centrally Acting)
Treats Parkinsonism Tremor and Rigidity by restoring Dopaminergic/Muscarinic balance! Atropinic Side effects.
BENZ parked in M1
Muscarinic Antagonist (M1 + Centrally Acting)
Treats Parkinsonism Tremor and Rigidity by restoring Dopaminergic/Muscarinic balance! Atropinic Side effects.
Tri-Hex car parked in M1
α-1 Agonist
Vasoconstriction - Treats Nasal Congestion, TPR ↑, Diastolic and Systolic BP↑
Flannel friends
α-1 Agonist > β-1 Agonist
Vasoconstriction - Treats Septic Shock, TPR ↑, PULSE PRESSURE↑ > Heart Contractility↑
North Compass Scout Leader
β-2 Agonists
Treats COPD, Asthma etc. (Bronchodilation)
ROLL (Suffix) call sheet held by tuba player
Albuterol (aka Ventolin in Israel)
β Agonist >α Agonist
Treats Anaphylactic Shock
Low Dose = β Agonist → Bronchodilation, TPR↓ and Heart Contractility↑
High Dose = α Agonist → Vasoconstriction, TPR↑ and PULSE PRESSURE↑
EPIC kiss between α and β camps
β-1 Agonist >β-2 Agonist
Treats Cardiogenic Shock
HR↑, Contractility↑, PULSE PRESSURE↑
Just DO Bugling
β-1 Agonist = β-2 Agonist
Treats Heart Block
HR↑, Contractility↑, TPR↓, PULSE PRESSURE↑
β-2 Agonist
Prevents Premature Labor
Relax uterine smooth muscle tone
Do Not DisTURB
β-2 Agonist
Prevents Premature Labor
Relax uterine smooth muscle tone
I DREAM of band camp
Tyrosine Hydroxylase Inhibitor
Prevents conversion of tyrosine to L-DOPA
Camp counselor Mitch yelling “My TIRE!”
Illicit drug
Peripherally, NET Inhibitor - Hypertension, Tachycardia, Mydriasis (may also nasal septum perforation or MI)
Centrally, DAT Inhibitor - Arousal, Addiction, and Seizures.
Hot cocoa
NET Inhibitor
Treats ADHD
Atom on TV next to empty net
VMAT Inhibitor
Deplete catecholamines peripherally - HTN treatment
Serpent blocking V mat
Also tetrabenazine
Amphetamine Derivative
Treats ADHD - Displaces Catecholamines and Monoamines into Synapse
Friend Date on HDTV
Atypical, selective, and weak Dopamine Reuptake Inhibitor
Treats Narcolepsy - Unknown Mechanism
Sleep Mode fine
Catecholamine for Shock or HF
Low Dose = D1R = RBF↑
Medium Dose = β1-Agonist = Cardiac Activator
High Dose = α1-Agonist = Vasoconstrictor
Single Dope Rope swing
α-2 Agonist
Treatment for Hypertension - Sympathetic↓ = CO↓ and BP↓.
Also for ADHD and Tourette’s
Raul with the “law weapon Claw”
α-2 Agonist
for Gestational Hypertension - Sympathetic↓ = CO↓ and BP↓. May induce Lupus like syn.
Alpha-shaped dope rope
α-2 Agonist
Centrally acting Muscle Relaxant
“To X-tine”
Reversible α-1 and α-2 Antagonist (Non-Selective)
Indirect Vasodilator - treats Cocaine Toxicity, MAOi HTN crisis, Pheochromocytoma Symptoms
Irreversible α-1 and α-2 Antagonist (Non-Selective)
Indirect Vasodilator - treats Pheochromocytoma Symptoms preoperatively and Intraoperatively to control BP
Irreversible phoenix tattoo
α-1 Antagonist (Selective)
treat BPH - Relax smooth muscle in the urethra and prostate
Opera singer compressing prostate
α-1 Antagonist (Selective)
treat PTSD as well as BPH Relax smooth muscle in the urethra and prostate
Opera singer compressing prostate
α-2 Antagonist (Selective)
Atypical antidepressant - Enhances Serotonin and Norepinephrine release, Blocks 5HT2R, 5HT3R and H1R. Causes Sedation and Weight Gain. Sexual Function is unharmed.
Mirth and Misery Theater
Selective β1 Blocker (cardioselective)
Useful in the acute treatment of MI and other acute coronary syndromes (ACS)+ Cardiac remodeling↓ and Mortality↓
The 2 As A-BEAM spotlight on β1 bugler
Atenolol (aka Normiten) and Acebutolol
Selective β1 Blocker (cardioselective)
Useful in the acute treatment of MI and other acute coronary syndromes (ACS)+ Cardiac remodeling↓ and ; Mortality↓
The B in A-BEAM spotlight on β1 bugler
Selective β1 Blocker (cardioselective)
Useful in the acute treatment of MI and other acute coronary syndromes (ACS)+ Cardiac remodeling↓ and Mortality↓
The E in A-BEAM spotlight on β1 bugler
Selective β1 Blocker (cardioselective)
Useful in the acute treatment of MI and other acute coronary syndromes (ACS)+ Cardiac remodeling↓ and Mortality↓
The M in A-BEAM spotlight on β1 bugler
Non-Selective β Blocker and α-1 Blocker
Useful in the treatment of CHF + Cardiac remodeling↓ and Mortality↓
CARVED candle holder next to failing heart:
Non-Selective β Blocker and α-1 Blocker
With Peripheral Vasodilation - Treats Gestational Hypertension, Aortic Dissection, Hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy and Migraine as Prophylaxis
α and β organ stops with extinguished alpha candle
Non-Selective β Blocker
Treatment of thyroid storm (blocks catecholamine surge) “treat with 3 p’s __________ , Prednisone, and Propylthiouracil”
Large Bow-Tie
Topical Non-Selective β Blocker
Treat Glaucoma - Blocks β2 Receptors on the Ciliary Epithelium → Aqueous humor production↓
TIM draining the muted β2 tuba
PDE Inhibitor used for HF treatment
cAMP↑ → Contractility↑ and ; Arteriolar Dilation
One in a Million
BNP Analogue (Brain Natriuretic peptide)
cGMP↑ → Venous and Arteriolar Dilation → Preload↓ and Afterload↓.Along with Natriuresis effect.
Turn the tide
CHF, HTN and DM Nephropathy Treatment Drugs (3 ex)
ATII↓ → Aldosterone↓, [NaHCO3] Reab↓ and GFR↓.
Cardiac Remodeling↓ and Mortality↓.
May lead to fetal Hypotension/ Renal Toxicity with NSAIDs
Ace on table of APRIL showers Casino
ACE Inhibitors: Captopril, Ramipril, Lisinopril
aka In Israel Enalapril
CHF, HTN and DM Nephropathy Treatment Drugs (3 ex)
ATII Binding↓ → Aldosterone↓, [NaHCO3] Reab↓ and GFR↓. Cardiac Remodeling↓ and Mortality↓
May Cause Hyperkalemia
SoRry Taken seat
ARBs : Losartan, Candesartan, Valsartan
Direct Renin Inhibitor
AT↓ → Aldosterone↓, [NaHCO3] Reab↓ and GFR↓. Cardiac Remodeling↓ and Mortality↓
May Cause Hyperkalemia
“High Risk” Slot Machine
Natriuretic: PCT Lumin Carbonic Anhydrase Inhibitor
For Intraocular/ Intracranial / General HTN / Mountain Sickness: NaHCO3 Reabsorption↓
May Cause Hyperchloremic Metabolic Acidosis / Type 2 RTA / Hypokalemia / CaP Stones / Sulfa Drug effects
Battery acid Breaking Car Battery
Osmotic Diuretic at PCT and descending limb of loop
For Intraocular/ Intracranial / General HTN: ECF↑ + ICF↓
May Cause Pulmonary edema and Hyponatremia
Tall Man
Loop Diuretic (TAL) blocks Luminal NKCC Transporter
For Acute HF (Preload↓), Liver Failure (Ascites↓), HTN (Natriuresis). May Cause Sulfa Drug effects / Hypomagnesemia / Hypokalemia / Hyperuricemia / Contraction Alkalosis / Interstitial Nephritis
Furious kid
Loop Diuretic (TAL) blocks Luminal NKCC Transporter
For Acute HF (Preload↓), Liver Failure (Ascites↓), HTN (Natriuresis). May Cause Hypomagnesemia / Hypokalemia / Hyperuricemia / Contraction Alkalosis / Interstitial Nephritis
Code of Ethics Sign
Ethacrynic Acid
2 Diuretics - Blocks PT Luminal NaCl cotransporter + Enhances DCT Basolateral Na Ca exchanger (Ca↑)
For HTN, HF (2nd Line), DI, Prevention of Calcium Stones. Can Cause Hyperglycemia, Hyperlipidemia Hyperuricemia, Hypokalemia, Hyponatremia and sulfa Effects. Contraction Alkalosis / Metabolic Acidosis
Chloro-thighs, Theodore Roosevelt on high dive
Thiazides: Hydrochlorothiazide and Chlorthalidone
K+ Sparing Diuretics (2): Block Collecting Duct ENaC
For Lithium Induced DI, Liddle’s syndrome
May lead to Hyperkalemia, Type 4 RTA, Hyperchloremic Metabolic Acidosis.
Tangerines and Almonds
Triamterene and Amiloride
K+ Sparing Diuretics (2) : Block Mineralocorticoid Receptor (ENaC↓)
For Primary or Secondary Hyperaldosteronism, Reduce CHF Mortality by Remodeling↓, Lithium Induced DI and Hirsutism
May lead to Hyperkalemia, Type 4 RTA, Hyperchloremic Metabolic Acidosis, Gynecomastia and impotence
Spiral bound Notebook with Inspector and Apple with the teacher
Spironolactone and Eplerenone
Calcium Channel Blockers: L-Type Cardiac (2)
For Arrhythmias, Hypertension by Inotropy↓, Chronotropy↓, Dromotropy↓+ Minimal Vasodilation. May cause Constipation, Exacerbate HF or Heart Block.
Non-Dairy: Very Vanilla or Delicious Dark Chocolate
Non-Dihydropyridine: Verapamil and Diltiazem
Calcium Channel Blockers: L-Type Vascular (3)
For HTN Crisis, Prinzmetal and Stable Angina, Gestational HTN, Subarachnoid Hemorrhage and Raynaud’s Syn. by TPR↓ (Vasodilation). May cause Peripheral Edema (Short acting type may Exacerbate MI)
Dipping in Dairy: Large Knife, Clover, Nice card
Dihydropyridines: Nifedipine, Clevidipine, Nicardipine
aka in Israel Norvasc
Arteriolar Vasodilator
For HTN Crisis and Gestational HTN by TPR↓ (Vasodilation). May cause Reflex Tachycardia that Worsen Angina (can prevent with β Blockers)
Hydro-Boat with Dilated Red Hose
Arteriolar and Venous Vasodilator
For HTN Crisis by NO Metabolite causing cGMP↑ and Myosin Activity↓ → TPR↓ and BP↓. May cause Cyanide Poisoning
Nitro Speedboat
Selective D1 Receptor Agonist and Natriuretic
For HTN Crisis by cAMP↑ → Vasodilation in Multiple Sites → TPR↓, Coronary Blood Flow↑ and Renal Blood Flow↑ + TBW↓
Old lady PAM with Camping tent
Class IA Antiarrhythmic, α-1 Blocker and Antimuscarinic Drug (May be used for P. Falciparum)
For Supraventricular and Ventricular Arrhythmias (WPW) by Blocking Na and K channels -Medium Binding Strength → AP Duration↑ and Refractory Period↑
can cause Cinchonism, TdP and PLT↓.
(The) Queen Dines
Class IA Antiarrhythmic
For Supraventricular and Ventricular Arrhythmias (WPW) by Blocking Na and K channels -Medium Binding Strength → AP Duration↑ and Refractory Period↑
can cause Lupus like sym, TdP and Hypotension
Prom King
Class IA Antiarrhythmic and Anticholinergic Drug
For Supraventricular and Ventricular Arrhythmias (WPW) by Blocking Na and K channels -Medium Binding Strength → AP Duration↑ and Refractory Period↑
can cause TdP and Excerabete HF (Negative Inotropy).
Class IB Antiarrhythmic (Given as IV)and Local Anesthetic (Topical)
For Ischemia and Ventricular Arrhythmias by Blocking Na - Low Binding Strength → AP Duration↓ and Refractory Period↓
can cause Neurological Issues - paresthesias, tremor, convulsions
IB Antiarrhythmic and Narrow Spectrum Antiepileptic
For Ischemia and Ventricular Arrhythmias by Blocking Na - Low Binding Strength → AP Duration↓ and Refractory Period↓. Also for Acute Seizures.
May cause Ataxia, Diplopia, Megaloblastic Anemia (B9↓), Gingival Hyperplasia (PGF↑) and Lupus-Like Syn, DRESS Syndrome, SJS (Mostly in Asians), Teratogenic Cleft Palate, Osteoporosis and Induction of Hepatic CYP450.
Friendly towing (On Shirt)
Class IB Antiarrhythmic (Oral Analogue of Lidocaine)
For Ischemia and Ventricular Arrhythmias by Blocking Na - Low Binding Strength → AP Duration↓ and Refractory Period↓
can cause Neurological Issues - paresthesias, tremor, convulsions.
Mexican flag
Class IC Antiarrhythmic (Given as IV)
For Supraventricular (A.Fib) and Ventricular arrhythmias by Blocking Na - High Binding Strength → AP Duration Same, Refractory Period↑ and Upstroke Slowed down Contraindicated in patients with hepatic dysfunction, asthma, CHF, or bradycardia (proarrhythmic effects).
Class IC Antiarrhythmic (Given as IV) and β Blocker
For Supraventricular (A.Fib) and Ventricular arrhythmias by Blocking Na - High Binding Strength → AP Duration Same, Refractory Period↑ and Upstroke Slowed down Contraindicated in patients with hepatic dysfunction, asthma, CHF, or bradycardia (proarrhythmic effects).
Purple Phone
Class II Antiarrhythmics (Given IV)
For Acute Supraventricular (AFib “Rate control” but does not fix ) by cAMP↓ and Ca↓ - phase 4 of the nodal AP↑, Pacemaker activity↓, Conduction time↑ and Refractory period↑. May Cause heart block, Prolong PR.
β Bugle
β Blockers: Propranolol, Esmolol, Carvedilol, Metoprolol Atenolol…
A Drug with properties of class I, II, III, and IV antiarrhythmics. (Used mainly as Class III)
For Supraventricular and Ventricular Arrhythmias by Blocks K Channel - AP Duration ↑,Refractory period↑. May Cause neurologic Issues, grey corneal, Thyroid Malfunction, Pulmonary fibrosis, HF, HSN Hepatitis, Photodermatitis, cytochrome P450 inhibition, TdP.
Amigo Singing “uno, dos, tres, quattro”
Class III Antiarrhythmics (2)
For Supraventricular and Ventricular Arrhythmias by Blocks K Channel - AP Duration ↑,Refractory period↑. May Cause TdP, Sick Sinus Syndrome.
“till I die”
Dofetilide and Ibutilide
Class III Antiarrhythmic and β Blocker
For Supraventricular and Ventricular Arrhythmias by Blocks K Channel - AP Duration ↑,Refractory period↑. May Cause TdP, Sick Sinus Syndrome,Fatigue, dizziness, lightheadedness, headache, weakness, nausea, shortness of breath, bradycardia.
Class IV Antiarrhythmics ( Rate Control)
For Supraventricular Arrhythmias by Ca↓ -Pacemaker Activity↓, Conduction Time ↑,Refractory period↑. May Cause May Cause heart block, Prolong PR.
Non Dairy Very Vanilla and Delicious Dark Chocolate
Cardiac CCBs (L type); Non-Dihydropyridine: Verapamil and Diltiazem
Class V (Irregular) Antiarrhythmic (Rate Control) and Parasympathomimetic (Vagal Tone↑)
For Supraventricular Arrhythmias and CHF Symptoms Relief Like A.fib and Flutter by AV nodal inhibition and Indirect Ca↑ -Contractility↑, Conduction Time↑. May cause scooped concave ST seg., Hyperkalemia, AV Block. (Not First line, Contraindicated in Hypokalemia)
DJ Foxglove
Class V (Irregular) Antiarrhythmic (Rate Control)
for TdP or Digoxin Toxicity - Decreases Ca influx by Competitive influx (Mg)
May lead to Hypotension Asystole
Magnesium Sulfate
Class V (Irregular) Antiarrhythmic (Rate Control)
for AVNRT, Orthodromic AVRT and A.fib -A1 receptor Gi Activation→ cAMP↓ → L- Type Ca Channels↓ and K Channels↑
May lead to Hypotension Asystole, Angina, Flushing, bronchospasm Sense of impending doom, AV block.
A1 Swing Dancing
Heart Rate Control Drug (Oral) for HF and Angina
HCN4 receptors Blocking → If↓ → Depolarization Time↑ → HR↓
May lead to Luminous phenomena, AV block, Ventricular extrasystoles
Ivy on Brad (Not on Sketchy)
Anticoagulant (Given as IV) - FIIa and Xa Antagonist
For DVT, PE, MI, Complexed with Antithrombin III irreversible inactivates thrombin and Factor Xa - Blocks Intrinsic Pathway (aPTT). May Cause HIT, Hyperaldosteronism, Type RTA 4, Hyperkalemia, Osteoporosis (Reversed by Protamine Sulfate).
Heppy Hunting Father
Anticoagulant (Given as IV) - FIIa and Xa Antagonist
For DVT, PE, MI, Complexed with Antithrombin III irreversible inactivates thrombin and Factor Xa - Blocks Intrinsic Pathway (Not checked by aPTT). May Cause HIT, Contraindicated in Renal Failure - High Half Life (Less Reversed by Protamine Sulfate).
Heppy Hunting Daughter
LMWH: Low Molecular Weight Heparin
Anticoagulant (Given as IV) - FIIa and Xa Antagonist
For DVT, PE, MI, Complexed with Antithrombin III irreversible (Most Specific) inactivates Factor Xa Mostly (slight Thrombin)- Blocks Intrinsic Pathway (Not checked by aPTT). May Cause HIT (Less Reversed by Protamine Sulfate).
Fido with a Pair of FoXes
Anticoagulant - Direct Thrombin Inhibitor
Used in PCI or ACS, Heparin Induced Thrombocytopenia (HIT) is NOT a Side effect
No Intruding
Anticoagulant - Direct Thrombin Inhibitors (2)
Used in PCI or ACS, Heparin Induced Thrombocytopenia (HIT) is NOT a Side effect
Big Gator
and Dabigatran
Anticoagulant - Direct FXa Inhibitors (2) (Given Orally)
Used in Long term Afib , Heparin Induced Thrombocytopenia (HIT) is NOT a Side effect.
Banned foXes
Anticoagulant - VKOR Inhibitor (Given Orally)
For Chronic Anticoagulation (3 days, Initially ProCoug from S and C) by Prevention of Gamma Carboxylation of Factors II, VII, IX, XII and X. May Cause Skin Necrosis, CYP450 Dependent Effect. Reversed by FFP or VitK.
Warhead destroying V-KOR supply ship
High Dose = Anti-Inflammatory Agent vs. Low Dose = Antiplatelet Agent - Non Selective COX Inhibitor (Oral)
For Migraine Prophylaxis and ACS - Platelet Activation↓ and Aggregation↓ by Irreversibly Acetylating COX1 and COX2. May cause Pseudo-Allergy (Asthma) due to LPO↑→LT↑, GI Bleeding, Reye’s syn. , Anion Gap Metabolic Acidosis, Respiratory Alkalosis and Gestational DA Closure.(Reversed by NaHCO3 or Activated Charcoal)
ASA umpire ejecting the Coaches
Aspirin (Acetylsalicylic acid, aka Cartia in Israel)
Antiplatelet Agent - ADP P2Y12 Receptor Inhibitors (2, Oral)
For Migraine Prophylaxis and ACS - Platelet Activation↓ and Aggregation↓ by Blocking ADP Irreversibly. One of Them may Cause GI Bleeding, Neutropenia / Granulocytopenia (WBC count before).
Greasy Grill Pipe and Ty Cobb
Thienopyridines - Clopidogrel (and Ticlopidine)
Antiplatelet Agent - GP IIb/IIIa Receptor Blocker (PLT-Fibrinogen Interaction Inhibition)
For Migraine Prophylaxis and ACS - Platelet Aggregation↓, It is Monoclonal IgG antibody. May cause GI Bleeding and Thrombocytopenia.
ABC sportscaster grabbing fries
Antiplatelet Agent - GP IIb/IIIa Receptor Blockers(PLT-Fibrinogen Interaction Inhibition, 2)
For Migraine Prophylaxis and ACS - Platelet Aggregation↓, given as IV continuously. May cause GI Bleeding and Thrombocytopenia.
Tie (Fi) game
Eptifibatide and Tirofiban
Antiplatelet Agent - PDE Inhibitor
For Migraine Prophylaxis and ACS - Platelet Aggregation↓,by cAMP↑. May cause Nausea and Rash.
Don’t Phoster disinterest and Two Pyramids
Antiplatelet Agent - PDE Inhibitor
Treats Claudication due to Peripheral artery disease - Platelet Aggregation↓ and Arterial Vasodilation by cAMP↑. May cause Coronary Steal (Dilate all of the other coronary arteries) - Exacerbating Ischemia. CYP450 Metabolism Dependent.
Don’t Phoster disinterest and Player that Lost the Ball
Fibrinolytic Agent - Plasmin Activator (From Streptococci)
Treats Acute Thrombosis PE, DVT, Ischemic Stroke and MI. PTT↑, PT↑ and D-Dimers↑. IV must be given 3-4.5 hrs after event. May cause Hemorrhagic Stroke and Allergic reaction. ContraIndicated in Head Trauma or HTN. Reversed by FFP and Cryoprecipitate.
Fibrinolytic Agent - Plasmin Activators
Treats Acute Thrombosis PE, DVT, Ischemic Stroke and MI. PTT↑, PT↑ and D-Dimers↑. IV must be given 3-4.5 hrs after event. May cause Hemorrhagic Stroke and Bleeding. ContraIndicated in Head Trauma or HTN. Reversed by FFP and Cryoprecipitate.
Toy PlAyset
tPA Analogues: Alteplase, Reteplase, Tenecteplase
Antifibrinolytic Agent - Plasmin Activation Competitive Inhibitor
Reverses the tPA and tPA analogues effect in adverse effect settings.
Teacher with Cap on Paint Tube and Exam
Aminocaproic Acid
also less commonly used Trans-Examic Acid
HMG-CoA Reductase Inhibitor (2)
Prevention of Cardiovascular Events - Reduces Mortality! Most effective drugs for lowering LDL (30-60%) by also causing LDLR Expression↑. CYP450 Metabolism Dependent. May Cause Statin-associated Autoimmune Myopathy, LFT elevations: AST↑, ALT↑.
Steampunk Pirate
Statins: Atorvastatin, Pravastatin
Pravastatin is the only one not metabolized by CYP450
Bile Acid Binding Resin (2)
For primary Hypercholesterolemia: Prevents Bile from Returning to Liver → Bile Production↑→ Cholesterol Stores↓. Side Effect HMG-CoA reductase overactivity → VLDL↑ → Hypertriglycemia. May also cause Cholesterol Gallstones Risk, Constipation, Bloating, Vit DEAK Malabsorption, Statins Absorption↓ (4 apart).
Cho”lobster”amine and Cho-Staples
Colestipol and Cholestyramine
Cholesterol Intestinal Absorption Blocker
For primary Hypercholesterolemia: Prevents Exogenous Cholesterol from going to Liver by Reducing Chylomicrons. Also causing LDLR Expression↑ (Not as effective as Statins). Side Effect HMG-CoA reductase overactivity → VLDL↑ → Hypertriglycemia. May also cause LFT elevations: AST↑, ALT↑.
Z Shaped Eel Blocking Gold Delivery
PCSK9 Inhibitor
Antibody Binds PCSK9 → PCSK9 Degrading LDLR↓ → Uptake of LDL↑.
Octopus antibody-shaped claws removing Pesky “9” crabs inhibiting LoaD L receptor workers
PPAR-α Activators
PPAR-α↑ → LPL↑ → Hydrolysis of VLDL and Chylomicron → VLDL↓ (30-50%) and TGA↓ (also reduce Hepatic VLDL Secretion). May Increase Risk of Myopathy (if Used with Statins) and Risk of Cholesterol Gallstones.
Fibrates - Gemfibrozil and Fenofibrate
Vitamin acting as a Lipid Drug
Most Effective Agent for increasing serum HDL (~30%) also reduces hepatic VLDL secretion → TGA↓. May cause Flushing and Warmth by PG induced Vasodilation, LFT elevations: AST↑, ALT↑ leading to Severe Hepatotoxicity (Close Monitoring required) , Hyperglycemia and Hyperuricemia.
Loch Niacin monster
Niacin (Vitamin B3)
Lipid Supplement
Found in Fish Oil, as Diat Twice a week it was found to Lower Serum Triglycerides by VLDL and apoB production↓.
Fish leaking oil (Tail shape)
Omega-3 Fatty Acids
NSAIDs (2) - Reversible Non Selective COX Inhibitor
For Inflammatory Diseases (e.g Gout). Side Effect: GI Bleeding and Ulceration (PLT Function↓), Cardiovascular Events (PLT Function↓) , ARF (PG↓), Acute Interstitial Nephritis, Aplastic Anemia, Type 4 RTA, (+ Hyperaldosteronism and Hyperkalemia), Gestational DA Closure.
BLAC sox Fan
Diclofenac and Ketorolac
NSAID - Reversible Non Selective COX Inhibitor
For Inflammatory Diseases (e.g Gout) and Closure of PDA. Side Effect: GI Bleeding and Ulceration (PLT Function↓), Cardiovascular Events (PLT Function↓) , ARF (PG↓), Acute Interstitial Nephritis, Aplastic Anemia, Type 4 RTA, (+ Hyperaldosteronism and Hyperkalemia),
Gestational DA Closure.
INDIGO sox Fan
NSAIDs (2) - Reversible Non Selective COX Inhibitor
For Inflammatory Diseases (e.g Gout) and Closure of PDA. Side Effect: GI Bleeding and Ulceration (PLT Function↓), Cardiovascular Events (PLT Function↓) , ARF (PG↓), Acute Interstitial Nephritis, Aplastic Anemia, Type 4 RTA, (+ Hyperaldosteronism and Hyperkalemia),
Gestational DA Closure.
Meloxicam and Piroxicam
NSAID - Reversible Non Selective COX Inhibitor
For Inflammatory Diseases (e.g Gout) and Closure of PDA. Side Effect: GI Bleeding and Ulceration (PLT Function↓), Cardiovascular Events (PLT Function↓) , ARF (PG↓), Acute Interstitial Nephritis, Aplastic Anemia, Type 4 RTA, (+ Hyperaldosteronism and Hyperkalemia),
Gestational DA Closure.
ApPROXimately 110 Mph
NSAID - Selective Inhibitor of COX-2
For Inflammatory Diseases (e.g Gout) - Increases Risk of ischemic cardiovascular disease, avoid in acute MI and stable angina. Sulfa Drug Side effects.
Celebrating catcher in the dugout drenching the assistant coach.
Celecoxib (Like Arcoxia)
Antipyretic and Anti-Analgesic - CNS COX Inhibitor
Used for Moderate Pain Relief: Osteoarthritis and some Rheumatoid arthritis. Side effects: High Doses→ Depletion of Glutathion → NAPQI Not Inhibited→Hepatotoxicity! (Reversed by N-acetylcysteine or Activated Charcoal).
Icy-Medicine Spray on Assistant Coach
Acetaminophen (Paracetamol)
Neutrophil Migration Inhibitor
For Acute Gout. Binds intracellular tubulin preventing polymerization of microtubules thereby inhibiting neutrophil migration,
phagocytosis, and degranulation. May Cause Diarrhea.
Choir Sing, First responders blocked by choir
Xanthine Oxidase Inhibitor
For Chronic Gout, Tumerolysis Syn, Lesch-Nyhan syn, . Prevents the Formation of Urate.
Contraindication: 6 Mercaptopurine and Azathioprine. Can Cause Steven-Johnson Syn, DRESS Syn and Eosinophilia.
Pure Nun
Also is Febuxostat is more effective in low doses
Uricosuric agent
For Chronic Gout. Urate Reabsorption↓.
Side Effects: Halts Penicillin Excretion, Urate stones Risk, Sulfa Drug Effects. (also prevents Cidofovir Nephrotoxicity)
Probation officer Cid
High Dose Aspirin as well
Recombinant Uricase (Given IV)
For Chronic Gout. Converts Urate into Allantoin (Hydrophilic). Can cause hemolysis in G6PD
(bite cells) and Anaphylaxis.
(Holy Water) Just in case
Acute Antianginal Drug (Given Sublingually )
NO Metabolite Formed → cGMP↑ → MLC Dephos → SMC Relaxes → Venodilation → Preload↓ . May cause Reflex Tachycardia, Hypotension, Methemoglobinemia, Tachyphylaxis (Prevented by Break Intervals). Contraindicated with PDEi or Hypertrophic Obstructive Cardiomyopathy.
Nitrates: Nitroglycerine
Chronic Antianginal Drug (Given Orally)
NO Metabolite↑ → cGMP↑ → MLC Dephos → SMC Relaxes → Venodilation → Preload↓ . May cause Reflex Tachycardia, Hypotension, Methemoglobinemia, Tachyphylaxis (Prevented by Break Intervals). Contraindicated with PDEi or Hypertrophic Obstructive Cardiomyopathy.
Single and Double Dynamite stick in cave
Nitrates: Isosorbide Mononitrate and Dinitrate
Migraine Therapy: 5-HT1bR / 5-HT1dR Agonist
5-HT1bR / 5-HT1dR→ Vasoconstriction, Prevention of CGRP, Substance P, Neurokinin A release from Trigeminal nerve (Vasodilate) and CNS Pain Pathway attenuation. May Cause Coronary Vasospasm and lead to Prinzmetal Angina.
Sumo Wrestler and Three gems on hat
PGE1 Vasodilator - Erectile Dysfunction Therapy
Also maintains PDA in Babies with Congenital Cardiac Defects. Side Effects: Priapism, Fever and Hypotension.
Dill Pickle Theme Board
PGE1 Vasodilator - NSAIDs Peptic Ulcer Prevention
Gastric Blood Flow↑ → Protective Mucus Secretion↑ . Also Uterine Contraction↑ → Facilitates labor or Terminate Pregnancy. May cause GI Symptoms.
Missed the Ball
Gestational Uterine Contraction PGE2 Simulator
Uterine Contraction↑ → Facilitates labor or Terminate Pregnancy. Uniquely for it - Also used for Ripening of the Cervix to Promote Same Goals. May cause GI Symptoms. Contraindicated for Glaucoma, Asthma and C-Section Patients.
Dino Helmet
Gestational Uterine Contraction PGF2a Simulator
Controls Postpartum Hemorrhage or for Termination of Pregnancy. May cause GI Symptoms. Contraindicated for Glaucoma, Asthma and C-Section, CV, Hepatic and Renal Patients.
Cardboard box (F in Foot wear)
PGF2a Glaucoma Treatment (2)
By Aqueous Humor Outflow↑. can produce
Brown pigmentation in the Iris.
LA tan sandals and World traveler boots (F in Foot wear)
Travoprost and Latanoprost
Prostacyclin Analogs: Anti-Thrombotic, Vasodilator and Anti-Fibroblastic Drug (2, Given IV)
First line Treatment for Pulmonary Hypertension, prolong survival and delays lung transplants. Adverse effects: Flushing headache, and Hypotension
Dilated Pro-cycler with iLow –ePRO Switch
Epoprostenol and Iloprost
PDE5 Inhibitor Treats Pulmonary Hypertension and Erectile Dysfunction
PDE5↓ → cGMP↑ → MLC Dephos → SMC Relaxes → Vasodilation. Adverse effects: Flushing headache, and Hypotension → Contraindicated with Nitrates and α1 Blockers.
Don’t Phoster disinterest and Erect Bat Slides
Endothelin Receptor Antagonist (Gq Block)
For Pulmonary Hypertension by Blocking the receptor on Vascular SMCs - Vasoconstriction (IP3 Pathway) is Inhibited → Vasodilation. May cause fatal Hepatotoxicity, HSN, GERD and Hypotension.
Boss Man Stan
1st Generation H1 Receptor Antagonists (2)
Has Antihistamine, Antimuscarinic and Antiserotonergic effects For Hives, Allergic Rhinitis, Motion Sickness (Lipophilic go through BBB) and Acute Dystonia(re-establish dopaminergic-cholinergic
balance) . May cause Drowsiness, Hunger, Hypotension, Delirium, constipation and Exacerbation of Glaucoma.
Dragonfly fairy with Bee swatter
Diphenhydramine and Dimenhydrinate
1st Generation H1 Receptor Antagonists (3)
Has Antihistamine, Antimuscarinic and Antiserotonergic effects For Hives, Allergic Rhinitis, Motion Sickness (Lipophilic go through BBB) and Acute Dystonia(re-establish dopaminergic-cholinergic
balance) . May cause Drowsiness, Hunger, Hypotension, Delirium, constipation and Exacerbation of Glaucoma.
Fairy cuiSINE (with Bee swatter)
Meclizine, Hydroxyzine, Promethazine
2nd Generation H1 Receptor Antagonist
Has Mostly Antihistamine effects For Allergic Rhinitis, (LESS Lipophilic goes LESS through BBB LESS Side Effects) and Chronic Urticaria . May cause Miosis or pinpoint pupils, nausea, drowsiness, and menstrual cramps.
Fox (with Bee swatter)
2nd Generation H1 Receptor Antagonist
Has Mostly Antihistamine effects For Allergic Rhinitis, (LESS Lipophilic goes LESS through BBB LESS Side Effects) and Chronic Urticaria . May cause GI Symptoms or Urinary Retention.
Rat (with Bee swatter)
Direct Lipoxygenase Inhibitor - Alternative Asthma Therapy
Halting LT production → Airway Vascular Permeability↓, Mucus production↓, and Bronchoconstriction↓. Risk of Hepatotoxicity. (Corticosteroids and β2 Agonist are First line)
Godzilla falling on coach LOX
LTD4-Receptor (CysLT1) Antagonists(2) - Alternative Asthma Therapy ( Given Orally)
Airway Vascular Permeability↓, Mucus production↓, and Bronchoconstriction↓. May cause diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, mild rashes, asymptomatic elevations in liver enzymes, and fever. (Corticosteroids and β2 Agonist are First line)
Monte the broadcaster
Montelukast and Zafirlukast
PDE Inhibitor - Alternative Asthma Therapy ( Given Orally)
cAMP↑ → PKA Activated , inhibited TNF-alpha. also it is a Nonselective Adenosine Receptor Antagonist.
May cause CNS excitation, Tachycardia and it is metabolized by the CYP450 system
“flyin” Xanthine energy drink
Theophylline (A Methylxanthine)
Alternative Asthma Therapy (Monoclonal antibody)
Monoclonal antibody against the Fc portion of IgE → Preventing mast cell Sensitization and Degranulation. May Cause Anaphylaxis.
Limousine and Grabbing end of IgE gun
Alternative Asthma Therapy
Preventing Mast cell Sensitization and Degranulation. May Cause Anaphylaxis.
Lynn’s Bee control ( Bee sedating smoke)
Cromolyn Sodium
Chemo-induced or Post-op Vomiting Treatment
5-HT3 Receptor Antagonist on Vagal Afferents → No Signal to NTS. May Cause Constipation, QT Prolongation Inducing TdP and Serotonin Syndrome.
Ribbon Dancer blocking the hammer throw
Chemo-induced or Post-op Vomiting Treatment
D2R Antagonist on Area Postrema. has also a Upper GI prokinetic effect. Contraindicated in Small-Bowel Obstruction. May cause Diarrhea, Drowsiness, Depression, extrapyramidal effects due to central D2 blockade (dystonia, akathisia, parkinsonian features), Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome (Autonomic instability, Rhabdomyolysis) , Hyperprolactinemia and QT Prolongation Inducing TdP.
Tickler Blocking the METal D-rings
Chemo-induced Vomiting Treatment
NK1R (Activated by Substance P) Blocker on Area Postrema (Partial Block of Vomiting signal since Histamine, Dopamin and Serotonin Pathways are unaffected). May Cause GI Symptoms.
a Preppy Ant for Substance Pee Check
ZE Syn, GERD and GI Ulcer Treatment (Not First Line)
H2 Histamine Receptor Antagonist on Parietal cells → Acid Secretion↓. May cause Anti-androgenic side effects by CYP450 Inhibition - Gynecomastia, Impotence.
Tie Dye t shirt guy on Cement with 2 bee swatters
ZE Syn, GERD and GI Ulcer Treatment (2, Not First Line)
H2 Histamine Receptor Antagonist on Parietal cells → Acid Secretion↓. May cause Bradycardia, Pneumonia, Masking stomach cancer, Clostridium Difficile Colitis, GI Symptoms and QT Prolongation Inducing TdP.
Tie Dye t shirt guy with 2 bee swatters
Ranitidine and Famotidine
First Line Treatment for ZE Syn, GERD, GI Ulcer and Part of H.Pylori infection triple Therapy
Irreversibly inhibit the H+/K+ ATPase → Acid Secretion↓. , Pneumonia, Clostridium Difficile Colitis, Minerals Malabsorption (Ca2+, Mg2+, and Fe2+ require acid) and Risk of Osteoporotic Hip Fractures (Also different HSN for each of 3 drugs).
Girl scout blocking puree pump with PRIZE
(Omer lan with rav)
Proton Pump Inhibitors (PPIs): Omeprazole, Lansoprazole, Rabeprazole
(Aka in Israel Omepradex)
Osmotic Laxatives (2)
Non-absorbable substance → Draws
water volume into the intestinal lumen → Distension → Peristalsis. Can cause Diarrhea and Dehydration
PEG drain cover and Magnets
PEG: Polyethylene Glycol and Magnesium Compounds
with Citrate or Hydroxide
Osmotic Laxatives and Hepatic Encephalopathy Treatments (2)
Non-absorbable substance → Draws
water volume into the intestinal lumen → Distension → Peristalsis. intestinal bacteria metabolize drug
into acidic metabolites to trap Ammonia of HE in GI forming Excretable Ammonium Ion. Can cause Diarrhea and Dehydration
Relaxulose into the liver and brain coral tank and Fisherman removing fish
Lactulose and Rifaximin
Bulk Forming Laxative
Indigestible Hydrophilic Colloid → Draws
water volume into the intestinal lumen → Distension → Peristalsis. Can cause Diarrhea and Dehydration
Bulky seaweed outside of the shop
Stool Softener
surfactant agent that facilitates penetration of stool by
water and lipids. Can cause Diarrhea and Dehydration.
Water penetrating a canoe at the DOCK
Neural Stimulant Laxative
Stimulation of Enteric Nervous System and Colonic
Secretion. chronic use of it causes Melanosis Coli (brown pigmentation of the colon).
Stimulating Suntan Lotion
Antidiarrheal Agent - μ Receptor Opiate Agonist
Does not cross the BBB → no analgesia or potential
for addiction. colonic phasic segmenting activity↑ → colonic transit time↑. contraindicated in patients with bloody diarrhea or fever (treat the underlying cause). May Cause Constipation.
MUssage by Lop-eared rabbit
Antidiarrheal Agent - μ Receptor Opiate Agonist
Does cross the BBB → Combine with Atropine to
prevent abuse. colonic phasic segmenting activity↑ → colonic transit time↑. contraindicated in patients with bloody diarrhea or fever (treat the underlying cause). May Cause Constipation.
MUssage with Dolphins
Hyperthyroidism Treatment
Including Graves disease, toxic multinodular goiter, and Thyrotoxic crisis. Inhibits Thyroid-Peroxidase → Iodination of MIT and DIT↓ → T3 and T4↓. 10x More Potent than PTU. Contraindicated with Anticoagulants, Anti-Diabetics and Digoxin. May cause Agranulocytosis, Thrombocytopenia, Aplastic Anemia, Hepatitis and HSN. It is Teratogenic.
Evil math equation board being kicked by the antithyroid agent
Hyperthyroidism Treatment
Including Graves disease, toxic multinodular goiter, and Thyrotoxic crisis. Inhibits Thyroid-Peroxidase → Iodination of MIT and DIT↓ → T3 and T4↓. Also It Inhibits 5’-deiodinase preventing T4 → T3 Conversion at Tissue Periphery. Contraindicated with Anticoagulants, Anti-Diabetics and Digoxin. May cause Agranulocytosis, Thrombocytopenia, Aplastic Anemia, Hepatitis and HSN. Safe in Pregnancy.
Shooting the gun – PTU! PTU! – at the TransPOrter
Propylthiouracil (PTU)
Sodium-dependent Iodide Transporter Competitive Inhibitors(2).
Diagnostic Tool for Thyroid Disorders and Functions. Prevents Iodine from reaching the TG and TPO for T3 and T4 synthesis. May be used for Treatment of Hyperthyroidism (Not First Line).
Agent sneaking into the lair in the anion crate
Perchlorate and Thiocyanate