High Rise Manual Flashcards
What is the definition of a highrise?
six or more stories or a building where the highest occupied story/floor is greater than 75 feet from the lowest level of fire department vehicle access.
What type of construction are most high rises composed of?
Fire resistive
What are the two design types of modern highrises?
Residential and commercial
What is one of the main characteristics of a residential high rise?
center hallways
What is one of the main characteristics of a commercial high rise
center-core hallway
High rise buildings constructed before 1976 typically dont have what?
Sprinklers, fire control rooms, modern fire alarms, or elevator control systems
High rise constructed after 1976 are required to have what class standpipe system?
Class III which have 2 1/2 inches in diameter and 1 1/2 inch reducer
Fire walls in high rises are typically gypsum or masonry, at a minimum how long should they last?
Two hours
Due to the way curtain walls are mounted to floors of a highrise, how large of gaps can be between the floor and exterior walls?
6 to 12 inches
How much lighter (percentage range) is lightweight concrete compared to traditional concrete?
Traditional concrete has a density range of what?
150 pounds per cubic foot
Lightweight concrete has a density range of what?
60-100 pounds per cubic foot
Super lightweight concrete has a density range of what?
Less than 60 pounds pcf
High rise windows typically cannot be broken out, the ones that can typically have what marking?
a Maltese cross or fire helmet etched in the lower corner
Doors into an office or apartment are inward swinging,, outward swinging doors indicate what kind of rooms?
electric or telephone, or some type of closet
Doors from hallways to stairwells swing which way?
Into the stairwells
What are unique characteristics of isolated stairs
Usually have individual entrances and access only one section of the building
What are scissor stairs?
independent stairwell on either side of the core, typically one side services even floors and the other serves odd floors.
What are accommodation stairs, also known as access or convenience stairs?
Open, unprotected stairways leading from floor to floor within a single occupant space
Generally (after 1976) how close should a hydrant be from a standpipe and sprinkler FDC?
100 feet
Which is the preferred riser to use in a high rise, stairwell or hallway?
Fire pumps designed to supplement incoming domestic water pressure are typically what type of pump?
Generally, where are elevator control rooms located?
Top of the elevator shaft, shorter buildings may have hydraulic elevators
What elevator service will the car doors automatically open when arriving to the floor?