Hi my sweetheart 1 Flashcards
听说大姐30岁时本来要结婚。 jie2hun1.
I heard that big sis was going to get married when she was thirty.
小爷,请保重。 bao3zhong4.
Little master, please take care of yourself.
我永远没办法摆脱的家人。 ban4fa3 bai3tou1 de jia1ren2.
The family I can never get rid of.
是我凋零的心。 diao1ling2 de xin1.
It is my withered heart.
他从来没有离开过家怎么久。 jiu3.
He has never been away from home for so long.
It’s because of you that he wants to leave this house.
你过度保护她了。 guo4du4 bao3hu4.
You are overprotective of him.
不然他去杭州念什么书啊? bu4ran2 … hang2 zhou1 nian2 … shu1
Or else why would he be going to school In Hanzhou?
He’s going to school in Hangzhou because of you.
She doesn’t like any of them.
你真的很但顺也很善良。 dan1 chun2 , shan4 liang2.
You are really very innocent and kindhearted.
She isn’t worth your pity at all.
what are you doing? you want to hit me again?
Can I ask you guys a question?
我们本来就不应该接吻啊! jie1wen3
We shouldn’t have kissed in the first place.