herbs that tonify qi Flashcards
Spleen Deficiency Sxs
Spleen TnTs fluids and food-source of qi
lethargy, fatigue, lack of energy
weakness of extremities
poor appetite
abdominal fullness and distention, gas
loose stools/ diarrhea
hemorrhoids (sinking/prolapse-thoughts can sink too)
Weight loss or failure to thrive
edema (more upper body) use w/ drain damp Fu ling, Yi Yi Ren, Ze Xie)
sallow complexion
organ prolapse (mostly ST, uterus, rectum)
+/- bleeding
tongue: Pale, scallops
LU Qi Def Sxs
SOB, shallow breathinkg, holding ones breath, weak breath
lack of desire to talk, feeble voice
dyspnea with exertion
easy perspiration
easy catch cold
HT Qi Def Sxs
Palpitaions, (light and occasional)
SOB on exertion
chest pressure
KD Qi Def Sxs
back pain
week knees and ankles
sexual problems: impotence, low libido, infertility, nocturnal emissions
edema (more lower body)
urinary probs (weak stream, dribbling, incontinence, night urination)
character of Qi tonics
sweet, cloying and can create dampness and stagnation in the middle jiao
add : Chen Pi, She Ren, Mu Xiang to move qi
drug interractions
Increases organ rejection- bec enhance immune system- so dont use when Pt on immunosuppressants
may increase effect of hormone supplements : insulin, sex hormones
may increase or decrease blood pressure
Ren Shen
(Chinese Ginseng)
herbs that tonify qi
Radix Ginseng
sweet, sl bitter, warm
- Tonifies yuan (original) qi-
A) use in emergency situations: post surgery, big loss of blood, cold body, shallow pulse, profuse sweating
B) heavy diarrhea/vomiting (big loss of nourishment) - benefits LU qi esp when KD cant grasp LU qi: SOB, coughing, asthma, easy sweating, easily catches colds
- tonifies ST/SP: low appetite/skinny types, fatigue, loose stools
- Nourishes + distributes yin/fluids bec makes Qi strong- then person has better yin: dehydration post surgery, sweating, diarrhea
- need to use large amount. In formulas: Gui Pi Tang: insomnia, palpitations, anxiety
- Korean type: strengthens KD yang. Much better than Chinese ginseng. Used for impotence (immobility) infertility, low libido
DO NOT USE FOR Acute Excess- only for chronic deficiency
Contra: Li Lu
Do not use Ren Shen for
bloated hard abdomen that dislikes pressure
fat abdomen or abdominal distention with pain
forceful pulse
overweight people
large tongue, greasy thick coat
Xi Yang Shen
Hua Qi Shen
(american ginseng)
herbs that tonify qi
Panax quinquefolium
sweet, Sl. bitter, cold
- American-actually generates fluids (not just distributes them): menopause, andropause, diabetes, costipation, yin def (KD)
- Clears LU heat/fire: SOB, dry cough, recovery from pneumonia
Leaves: summerheat, generate fluids, clear def heat, alcohol intoxication
Contra: Li Lu (no herbs ending in “shen” should be used w/ Li Lu
Dang Shen
(Codonopsis Root)
herbs that tonify qi
Codonopsis pilosula
sweet neutral
when cant use other two-this one neutral, less expensive- can use this. (Still do not use w/ excess).
- fatigue, appetite, loose stool, weakness, prolapse
- chronic LU cough, SOB, wheezing
- strengthens qi- so mildly nourishes fluids, thirst, dehydration
- bec tonifies qi-benefits blood, pallor, palpitations, dizziness
contra: Li Lu
Tai Zi Shen
Hai Er Shen
(pseudostellaria root)
herbs that tonify qi
Pseudostellaria heterophylla
sweet, sl. bitter, neutral
used for children or weak elderly folks. Substitute for ginseng- much weaker
- fatigue, loose stools, low appetite
- spontaneous sweats
contra: Li Lu
Huang Qi
(milk-vetch root)
herbs that tonify qi
sweet, sl warm
Good for plump people- weight on belly+ sweat a lot w/ activity. Edema lower legs, enlarged, fat tongues.
- appetite fluxuation, fatigue, loose stools, “ going down sensation” feeling of prolapse. Use honeyed.
- strengthens wei qi, stablizes wei qi, frequesnt colds, low immunity, SOB.
- post-surgery/blood loss.
- promotes urination & d/c of pus: yin sores: chronic breast sores, chronic infections (when antibiotics arent working). UTIs.
Bai Zhu
herbs that tonify qi
Atractylodes macrocephala
- tonifies SP Qi: fatigue, sweating, loose stools, not wanting to talk, low appetite
- dries dampness (not as much as Cang Zhu): more tonifying: edema, “bi zheng”- swollen joints like arthritis. damp digestion
- spontaneous sweats: stablizes wei qi
- *calms fetus bec tonifies SP qi
MR: anti cancer (bld stasis + dampness= cancer)
Shan yao
(chinese yam)
herbs that tonify qi
dioscorea opposita
sweet, neutral
- loose bowels, fatigue
- Tonifies LU Qi & moisture: dry cough, SOB, 2nd hand smokers
- tonifies& astringes KDs, can use for menopause
- treats xiaoke (diabetes)
Gan Cao
herbs that tonify qi
glycyrrhiza uralensis
sweet, neutral or warm
for thin gaunt people
- Mild SP Qi tonic (25% of Ginseng)
- moistens LUs- stops cough (can suck on it), esp dry coughs bur caution if damp or have HTN or chronic HT failure or KD problems
- only if raw- neutral- clears heat toxins: sores, carbuncles, mouth ulcers (but not if have water retention), sore throat, food poisoning
- sooths spasms & pain= moistening Fx. If add bai shao (sour) Sweet + sour= makes yin
- harmonizes a formula with its friends (three amigos)
encourages receptivity + eating/working brings tolerance, understanding created strength.
Not suitable for: HBP, Obesity, Ascites, Edema, Puffy swelling (can combine w/ fu ling, ze Xie, Bai Zhu), abdominal distention
Contra: dampness, HTN, CHF, KD disorders, corticosteroids, Jing Da Ji, Yuan Ha, Gan Sui, Hai Zao
Da Zao
(big date)
Hong Zao
(red date)
(Chinese Date)
herbs that tonify qi
Ziziphus jujuba
replenishes Iron-ceremonial way to celebrate period. Eat 1 date for 5 days after period. Easy to use. Alone or with three amigos.
Sweet, neutral
- folks who need to augment their qi, fatigue, SOB
- Insomnia, palpitations, anxiety
- In three amigos -harmonizes formula
- moderates harsh herbs
Yi Tang
(malt sugar)
herbs that tonify qi
Oryza sativa
sweet, sl warm
- Tonifies SP Qi- fatigue
- reduces pain: esp if add sour (+sugar= yin), pain from yin not getting into ligaments/joints-good yin moistens tendons/ligaments= stops pain. For childhood belly pain
- Like Gua Cao, If swallow it or honey- will remove obstruction in throat (fish bone).
contra: excess
Jing Mi
herbs that tonify qi
Semen Oryzae
- Tonifies and harmonizes Mdle Jiao: Helps pple Gain Weight
good to pair with all intense herbs
contra: excess
Ren Shen/ radix ginseng/ Chinese Ginseng (warm powerful, LU, SP, nourishes/distributes Yin & fluids, HT spirit, gaunt person, Korean strengthens KI yang: infertility/immobility: NEVER EXCESS only chronic def, LI LU)
Xi Yang Shen/Panax quinquefolium/American Ginseng/ HuaQi Shen (HT/KD/ LU- cold-only one also tonifies/generates Yin, menopause, andropause, diabetes, constipation, palpitations, clears LU heat/fire: LI LU)
Dang Shen/Codonopsis pilosula/codonopsis root (NEUTRAL, SP/ST, LU, Fluids, Qi/bld, Fatigue, cough, pallor, palpitations, dizziness: Li Lu)
Tai Zi Shen/pseudostellaria heterophylla/ pseudostllaria root/ Hai Er Shen (children/elderly, Fatigue, looses tools, sweat: LI LU
Huang Qi/ astragalus membranaceus/milk/vetch root/astragalus (Good for plump pple, appetite fluxuation, strengthens wei qi, post surgery blood loss, urination, d/c puss, chronic sores: EXCESS, YIN DEF w/ HEAT)
Bai Zhu/atractylodes macrocephala/ atractylodes (Calms fetus, swollen, damp joints, anti -cancer. hepatoprotective)
Shan Yao/dioscorea oppososita/ chinese yam/Hua Shan yao (tonifies and strengthens, loose bowels, fatigue, astringes KD- menopause, seminal emissions, vag d/c, treats diabetes)
Gan Cao/Glycyrrhiza uralensis/licorice (emaciated person, 3 amigos, mild -25% of ginseng-tonic, moistens LUs, cough-suck on it, Raw= carbuncles, sores, ulcers; sooths spasms, pain, food poison, encourages receptivity: DAMP, HTN, CHF, KI disorders)
Da (big) Zao/Ziziphus jujuba/Chinese date/ Hong (red) Zao (3 amigos, moderates harsh herbs, insomnia, calms spirit, “gift to blood”, palpitations, replenishes iron- ceremonial celebration of period)
Yi Tang/oryza sativa/malt sugar (tonifies PS, reduces pain, moistens, removes obstruction from the throat: EXCESS)
Jing Mi/Semen oryzae/nonglutinous rice (tonifies mdle jiao, helps people gain weight,, harmonizes=buffer, pair with all intense herbs)