Hepatobillary PPT-Josh Flashcards
this is my last ppt for this test I am going to go through it and only grab the highlights!!!
I cant look at this shit anymore
what is the largest solid organ in the body?
is made up of 50,000-100,000 discrete anatomic units called what?
how many portal tracts are there?
what are the 2 types of cells that line the sinusoids?
kupffer cells (macrophages)
Hepatic blood flow:
dual afferent blood supply equal to __% of CO
Hepatic blood flow:
70% of blood is spplied via the ____
Portal vein
Hepatic blood flow:
30% suppied via the _______
hepatic artery
Hepatic blood flow:
is how many ml/min
1500 mL/min
Hepatic blood flow:
arterial flow is autoregulated based on what?
O2 consumption
Hepatic blood flow:
a decrease in either hepatic arterial or portal venous flow results in what?
compensatory increases in the other
what is teh normal hepatic blood volume?
450 mL
Fuctions of LIver?
Blood cleansing
Blood cleansing fx:
blood from the gut contains large amounts of colonic bacilli, cleansing is performed by the ___ cells that line the hepatic sinus
Kupffer cells
____ cells lint the hepatic sinuc and permit diffusion of large plasma proteins and other substances into extravascular spaces in the liver, resulting in a large quanity of lymph that is nearly equal in protein concentration to plasma
Metabolic Functions of liver
what re the 4 main metabolic fxns?
- Carbohydrate metabolism
- Fat metabolism
- Protein metabolism
- Drug metabolism
Metabolic Functions of liver
what are the 3 ways the liver does carbohydrate metabolism
- Gylcogenesis
- process of glycogen synthesis
- Glycogenolysis
- Release of glucose form glycogen
- Gluconeogenesis
- Conversion of fats/proteins to glucose
Metabolic Functions of liver
what are the final products of Carbohydrate metabolism
Metabolic Functions of liver
what are the 2 ways of fat metabolism
- Lipogenesis
- synthesis of cholesterol and proteins and carbs from fat
- Lipolysis
- breakdown of lipids
Metabolic Functions of liver
how does it do protein metabolism
- Deamination of proteins
- Deamination of excess amino acids
- Synthesis of lipoproteins
Metabolic Functions of liver
how does it do Drug metabolism
phase I and II biotransformation
Metabolic Functions of liver
what are the vitamins it stores?
Metabolic Functions of liver
the liver does synthesis of coagulation factors and inhibitors, in fact it does most all clotting factors except???
Factor VIII
Metabolic Functions of liver
how it is responsible for phagocytosis?
filtration and destruction of bacteria and debris in blood
Metabolic Functions of liver
what minerals is it responsible for?
iron hemostasis
copper regulation
normal Albumin
3.5-5.5 g/dL
normal AST
10-40 U.mL
normal ALT
5-35 U.mL
normal Alk phosphate
45-115 u/L
what is an inflammatory disease of the liver parenchyma