Hepatitis Flashcards
Systemic symptoms of hepatitis
- N/V
- jaundice
- muscle/joint pain
- fever
- loss of appetite
Urine changes in hepatitis
Stool colour changes in hepatitis
Pain location in hepatitis
Right upper quadrant
Hep A and D is found in
Hep B is found in
Hep C is found in
Hep E is found in
Raw mEEt
HAV antibodies
- IgM
- IgG
LFT in hepatitis
- raise AST
- raised ALT
- raised ALP (less of a rise)
- raised bilirubin
Most common hep worldwide that is not too common in UK
Hep A
fAEco-oral hep viruses
Hep A & E
Hep A extra presentations
- cholestasis
- moderate hepatomegaly
Hep A is self limiting within how many months
Mx Hep A
Basic analgesia
Notifiable Hep viruses
Hep viruses that have vaccinations
A & B
Which hep virus is the ONLY DNA virus
Transmission of hep B
- direct contact (blood/bodily fluids)
- vertical transmission
Recovery period from hep B
1-2 months
How many chronic hep patients carry B
How many spaced out doses of hep B vaccine are given
Summarise management algorithm for hep viruses
- low screening threshold
- screen for other viruses
- refer to specialist
- notify public health
- stop smoking/alcohol
- educate
- fibroscan/USS
- antivirals
- transplantation
Fibroscan detects
USS detects
Heptocellular carcinoma
Visit hep B diagram
To make sure u understand Abs and Ags
Presence of surface antibody (HBsAb) indicates (2)
- vaccination
- infection
Presence of HBeAb indicates (released during replication)
Been thru active phase
+ HBeAb —> + infective
Presence of HBcAb and high IgM indicate
Active infection
Presence of HBcAb and low IgM indicate
Chronic inflammation
Presence of HBcAb and IgG indicate
Past infections
Hep C transmission
- blood
- bodily fluids
Cure for hep C
Direct acting antivirals
Full recovery in hep C
1 in 4
Which antigen on which hep does hep D attach to
Hep D tx
Why are female in 40s/50 vulnerable to type 1 autoimmune hepatitis
More severe autoimmune hepatitis
Type 2
Epi type 2 hepatitis
Type 1 autoimmune hepatitis Abs
- anti-actin
- anti-SLA/LA
Type 2 autoimmune hepatitis Abs
- Anti-LKM1 (liver, kidney, microsome
- Anti- LC1 (liver, cytosol)
1st line for autoimmune hepatitis
2nd line for autoimmune hepatitis
antibodies found in autoimmune hepatitis
anti smooth muscle antibodies