Hepatic disorders - red Flashcards
itis - inflammation of
osis - pathological condition
Fulminant - rapid, sudden, severe
Most people with acute hepatitis ______ with no ______; mortality is?
recover, complications
Hepatitis A
- most often seen in these countries
- transferred via this route
- diagnostic sign?
tea coloured urine
Hepatitis B
- Prevalence?
- importance of vaccine
most prevalent strain in the world
vaccine part of WHO’s list of essential medicines
- most common cause of this
- __% of people infected are ______
most common cause of chronic liver disease and liver transplant Sx in Canada
70% of people infected are unaware
- reportable, ____ must precede infection by HDV
What does icteric mean?
jaundice phase of hepatitis
Toxic and drug induced hepatitis:
- Liver necrosis occurs 2-3 days post exposure to toxic substances
- _____ clients at higher risk
These substances are often culprits.
alcohol and acetaminophen
- eventually, there is loss of liver function and other complications such as an accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity - _____, a confused mental state and internal bleeding.
The only treatment is _______; although there are over 5000 liver deaths per year, there are only about ____ _______
400 transplants
- Symptoms are generally quite generalized except for these two.
esophageal varices
How many drinks per week is safe?
Men - 3 drinks per day, or 15 drinks/wk - should have 2-3 non drinking days
Women - 2 drinks/day - 10 drinks/wk - should have 2-3 non drinking days
Each standard drink of alcohol contains ____ of alcohol
What are the 4 questions of the CAGE questionaire?
What score is clinically significant?
1 - have you ever felt you should CUT down on your drinking?
2 - Have people ANNOYED you by criticizing your drinking?
3 - Have you ever felt bad or GUILTY about your drinking?
4 - Have you ever had a drink first thing in the morning to steady your nerves or get rid of a hangover (EYE-OPENER)
The two major cancers that start in the liver are?
hepatocellular carcinoma Intrahepatic chalngiocarcinoma (bile duct carcinoma)
Liver transplantation:
- Canada has one of the ______ organ donation rates globally (__:________). Why?
15:1 000 000
B/C we have a horrible system of asking for donations - need written consent while still alive
What are ten ways to maintain a healthy liver?
1 - Avoid too many/unnecessary meds
2 - Never mix meds w/out MD advice
3 - Careful use of aerosols
4 - Avoid insecticide/chemical contact on skin
5 - teach kids to not touch used needles (syringes)
6 - lead by example - eat well
7 - minimize smoked, cured, and salted food
8 - Increase the amount of fibre in family diet
9 - screen high risk populations
10 - get vaccinated, get tested
AA slogan?
Support group for spouse, family and friends of alcoholic loved one.
One day at a time
First step of AA?
Admit you are powerless over alcohol
What is the serenity prayer?
God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.