Henry VIII domestic policies Flashcards
What were the aims of Henrys dom policies?
Extend the powers of the crown
Raise revenue
Secure the succession
How did Hentry extend the powers of the crown?
Extended the power of regional councils
Royal commissioners apponted to collect taxes
Local law officers enforced the kings laws
The power of the courts e.g. Star Chamber extended
When did Cromwell reform the constition?
The 1530s
What made Henry the most powerful monarch in English history?
the unification of state and church
In what ways was raining revenue diffocult?
Henry went to war in France 1512 - 13, 1522 - 25 and 1544 - 46
He went to war with Scotld in 1513, 1542, 1544 - 45 so the need to obtain taxes was urgent
What problem did the crown’scommissioners face with collecing taxes?
In 1523 the crown demanded a subsidy of 800,000 but parliament was reluctant to grant it
The crowns commissioners only succeeded in collecting a quarter of the sum - £150,000
When was the Amicable Grant introduced?
What was th amicable grant?
Required the clergy to pay one third in value of their goods while the rest of the King’s subjects had to pat less at one sixth
How did people respond to the amicable grant?
They opposed it so much that the King had to abandon it rather than risk rebellion
In what other ways did Henry fund his domestic and foreaign policies?
He exploued the vast wealth of the monasteries
When was the ACt of Union with Wales?
When was the Act of Union with ireland?
When was the beginning of a British state established?
Who was in the Privy Council?
aristocrats, JPs, church men, admisitrators
What was the role of the privy council?
Advice to the monarch
Instructions to JPs and Lord Lieutenants
Regulating wages
Who was in the royal court?
Aristocrats who serve the monarch socially not politically
1530 - 1590s political factions developed at court. The fall of Anne Boleyn was associated with political factions at court