Henry VIII breaks from Rome Flashcards
Why was the king not happy with Catherine of Aragon? ‘The kings great matter’
She could not provide him with a son.
[A for aragon is first letter in alphabet, she was the first wife]
What was henry’s argument for breaking from Rome?
He had married brothers widow, so was being punished by not getting a son
Why was the pope reluctant to grant an annulment?
He was at war with France and needed support of Charles V, who was the nephew of Catherine
What was set up in 1529?
[NoPe, the annulment was noped]
A council was set up to investigate wether divorce could be granted or not
Why did Henry Wosley fall from power?
Anne Boleyn’s influence, also suggested that he was against annulment
What was praemunire?
Old law that said people could not support a foreign power
How much did Henry VIII charge the clergy to be pardoned from PRAEMUNIRE?
What were ANNATES and when were they stopped?
Payments made to pope by new bishops. Rise of Thomas Cromwell
What was the supplication of the Ordinaries by Cromwell?
-criticised church courts
-gave henry a way to attack pope
Why did Henry VIII become desperate to break from Rome?
Anne was pregnant, didn’t want child to be illegitimate
When was Henry’s marriage to Catherine annulled?
1533 (Tree getting divorced)
When was act of supremacy?
What was a motive for breaking from Rome?
Money, church had a LOT of it
Who was Reginald Pole 1535+ ?
[Pole, he tried to shaft henry]
Devout catholic he moved to Italy resisted the king
Who was Elizabeth Barton how did she protest the religious changes that Henry had made?
Nun of Kent
She was a ‘prophet’ [People Barter for profit]
She claimed the king had a seat in hell [Devil keep fit in hell]
Who was Thomas Moore?
He was archbishop of Canterbury, refused to swear oath and was executed. Very popular figure