Henry VII- trade and exploration Flashcards
when was there a move towards sheep farming?
in the 1480s and 1490s as population began to increase as did the demand for wool as trade developed
what was the difference in new cloth trade from before?
the cloth was a finished product and exported to commercial centre of Antwerp
Why was Henry keen to develop English trade?
- to boost wealth through customs duties and taxes
- enhance his own position by securing positive relationships with foreign powers
what were the navigation acts of 1485 and 1489?
ruled that only English ships could carry certain products to and from English ports; designed to challenge the Hanseatic league which had a monopoly over trade in the Baltic
who were the Merchant adventurers?
an English company which controlled the cloth trade
what was the Hanseatic league?
countries that dominated Baltic trade and were largely successful in limiting the development of English trade interests
who was John Cabot?
an explorer who set sail from Bristol in 1497 in search of new fishing grounds with authorisation from Henry. He found what became known as Newfoundland for fishing
was Henry7 interested in exploration?
yes, he authorised John Cabot, William Weston and gave Cabot’s son a sponsorship to explore
what was the function of the church and churchmen?
- means of maintaining social control
- catered for the population’s spiritual needs
- provided opportunities for employment and social advancement
- played an important political role (in both domestic and international affairs)
why was the church so important to people?
the threat of hell and purgatory acted as a major influence on behaviour
who were the Lollards?
a small minority critical of the beliefs and practices of the Church. Followed teachings of John Wycliffe, Lollards emphasised the importance of understanding the bible and wanted it to be translated into English. Viewed the catholic church as corrupt
what was anti-clericalism?
being against the church
what is heresy?
belief contrary to orthodox religious doctrine
what was humanism?
it concerned establishing the reliability of Latin and Greek texts by going back to the original texts. It was an intellectual movement which affected religious teaching, politics and economics
why was the impact of humanism restricted?
as it was limited to the nobility, gentry and those who had access to education which was the minority. It only made a limited impression on England in H7’s reign
who was the most influential humanist?
Erasmus- criticised church abuses and sought to regenerate Christianity through emphasis on education and rejection of some of the Church’s traditional ceremonies.
who were the main humanist influencers?
John Colet, Thomas More, Erasmus
when did Henry VII die?