Hemodynamic Monitoring Flashcards
What is actually measured with automatic blood pressure cuffs?
Mean arterial pressure
Systolic and diastolic are derived from an algorithm from the mean
Normal CVP
When to measure CVP
At end expiration
How to measure CVP on tracing
Base of C wave
Take top and bottom of A wave and take average
5 waves on CVP tracing and their meaning
A wave = atrial contraction
C wave = beginning of systole
X descent = atrial relaxation
V wave = Rapid filling of atrium
Y descent = Early ventricular filling
CVP waveform first upward deflection following P wave on ECG
A wave
CVP waveform second upward deflection following P wave on ECG (follows T wave usually)
V wave
Difference between CVP waveform and wedge waveform on PA catheter
A and V wave will occur further after the P wave with a wedge waveform than with a CVP waveform
Peep level above which a wedge pressure may not be accurate in mechanically ventilated patients with a PA catheter
> 10
Large V waves on PA catheter tracing can mean what?
Tricuspid regurg
Mitral regurg
Situation where you have large V waves but no dicrotic notch on a previously placed PA catheter
Malpositioned catheter that is now wedged in the setting of mitral regurg
Large a wave in a PA catheter
Cannon a wave
Cannon a wave meaning
Atrial contraction against a closed tricuspid valve such as with heart block or PVC
Waves seen on RA tracing with PA catheter in atrial flutter
F waves (Flutter waves)
CVP waveform pattern seen with pericardial tamponade
Rapid x descent and loss of y descent
PA catheter waveform artifact where the line is flat and slowly rises
Overwedging (tip is not in the lumen)
Pull catheter back
Formula for pulse pressure variation
PPV = 100 x (PPmax - PPmin)/PPmean
Pulse pressure variation level that suggests fluid responsiveness
12-15% or more
Increase in cardiac output in passive leg raise maneuver that suggests fluid responsiveness
10% or more