Hema week 1 Flashcards
What determines the type of hemoglobin?
Globin chains
Globin chains of gower 1 (EZ)
2 Zeta 2 Epsilon
Globin chains of portland hemoglobin (GratZ)
2 Zeta 2 Gamma
Globin chain of gower 2 hemoglobin (AE)
2 Alpha 2 Epsilon
As early as the 19th day of gestation in the blood islands of the yolk sac of the human embryo
Blood islands remain active for 8 to 12 weeks
3rd month, yolk sac discontinues its role, fetal liver becomes active
Spleen, thymus, and lymph nodes are active
Primitive cells disappears by the end of the 4th month, with an increase in the definitive erythroblast, granulocytes, and megakaryocytes
Hemoglobin production: Hb F, Hb A1 and Hb A2
Globin chain composition of Hb F (F AG)
2 alpha 2 gamma
Globin chain composition of Hb A1 (ewan BA)
2 alpha 2 beta
Globin chain composition of Hb A2 (eto DA)
2 alpha 2 Delta
Primary adult hemoglobin
Hemoglobin A1
Primary site of hematopoiesis in adult
Safest, most accessible site for bone marrow aspiration and biopsy
Iliac crest
A continuous regulated process of blood cell production that includes cell renewal, proliferation, differentiation, and maturation of the cell
Haematopoietically active marrow consisting of the developing blood cells and their progenitors
Red marrow
Haematopoietically inactive marrow composed primarily of ADIPOCYTES and fat cells with undifferentiated MESENCHYMAL CELLS AND MACRHOPHAGES
Yellow marrow
Composition of stroma
Endothelial cells, Adipocytes, Osteoblasts, Osteoclasts, Reticular cells (Fibroblasts), and Macrophages
Regulates the flow of particles entering and leaving hematopoietic spaces
Endothelial cells
Secrete various steroids that influence erythropoiesis and maintain bone integrity and regulates the volume of marrow
Function in phagocytosis and secretion of various cytokines that regulate hematopoiesis
Bone forming cells-water bug or comet appearance
Bone resorbing cells or destroying cells
Supports the vascular sinuses and developing hematopoietic cells
Reticular cells (Fibroblasts)
Composition of Extracellular matrix of bone marrow
For regulation of the hematopoietic stem cells and progenitors
For survival and differentiation of cells
For adhesions
- Proteoglycans/Glycosaminoglycans
- Fibronectin
- Collagen
- Laminin
- Hemonectin
- Thrombospondin
Major site of blood cell production during the second trimester of fetal development (Hepatic phase)
Capable of extra medullary hematopoiesis
Protein synthesis and degradation, coagulation factor synthesis (except F IV), carbohydrate and lipid metabolism
Drug and toxin clearance
Iron recycling and storage
Hemoglobin degradation
Largest lymphoid organ in the body
Located directly beneath the diaphragm behind the fundus of the stomach in the upper left quadrant of the abdoment
Vital but not essential for life
Indiscriminate filter of the circulating blood
Storage for platelets
30% spleen 70% Circulation
Disease related to autosplenectomy
Sickle Cell Anemia, Spherocytosis
Regions of spleen
- White pulp - consists of scattered follicles with germinal center containing lymphocytes, macrophages, and dendritic cells
- Red pulp - Composed primarily of vascular sinusoids and sinuses separated
- Marginal zone - Surrounds the white pulp and forms a reticular meshwork containing blood vessels, macrophages, and specialized B cells
Two methods for removing senescent or abnormal RBCs from circulation
Culling and Pitting
Cells are phagocytized with subsequent degradation of cell organelles
Splenic macrophages remove inclusions or damaged surface membrane from the circulating RBCs
Bean-shaped structures (1-5mm)
Plays a role in the formation of new lymphocytes from germinal centers
Involved in the processing of specific immunoglobulin
Involved in the filtration of particulate matter, debris, and bacteria entering the lymph node via the lymph
Lymph nodes
Region of lymph nodes
Cortex, Paracortex, and Medulla
Outer region of lymph node
Contains follicles of B cells
Proliferation termed germinal centers
Inner region
Consists primarily of T lymphocytes and plasma cells
Region between cortex and medulla
Contains predominantly T cells and numerous macrophages
Originates from endodermal and mesenchymal tissues
Populated initially by lymphocytes from the yolk sac and the liver
An efficient, well-developed organ at birth that consists of two lobules each measure 0.5 to 2cm in diameter
Organ responsible in the conditioning of T lymphoctes
Cells that have extensive proliferative capacity
- ability to give rise to new stem cell
- Ability to differentiate into any blood cell lines
Hematopoietic stem cells are Bone marrow cells that are capable of producing all types of blood cells
They differentiate into one or another type of committed stem cells( Progenitor cells)
Stem cells
Stimulates proliferation, growth, and differentiation of erythroid precursors and may have minor effects on megakaryocytes
Target cells are pronormoblast and CFU-Erythroid cells
Source: KIDNEY
Erythropoietin (EPO)
The entry of mature blood cells into the intravascular space relies upon:
- Multiplication of developing cells
- Gradual maturation
- Orderly release of cell from bone marrow
3 Possible activities of hematopoietic stem cells
- Self- renewal
- Differentiation
- Apoptosis
Normal blood cells maturation
- Cytoplasmic changes
- Nuclear changes
- Reduction in cell size
Abnormal cell maturation
Characterized by persistent cytoplasmic basophilia and late hemoglobinization
Inclusion bodies may be found
Cells are present in the first few hours after an ovum is fertilized
Most versatile type of stem cell, can develop into any human cell type, including development from embryo into fetus
Totipotential stem cells
Cells are present several days after fertilization
Can develop into any cell type except into a fetus
Pluripotential stem cells
Derived from pluripotent stem cells
Found in adults but are limited to specific types of cells to form tissues
Multipotential stem cells
Size: Large cell with high Nucleus:Cytoplasm ratio
Cytoplasm: Very dark blue (Increase in RNA) and small in amount in comparison to the size of nucleus. No granular is present
Nucleus: Large in size as compared to the size of cytoplasm. Chromatic which is reddish purple and indicated predominance of DNA
Present only in the bone marrow
Nucleus Cytoplasm ratio - 8:1
Contains one or two nucleoli
Cytoplasm is dark blue because of the concentration of ribosomes
Cellular activity: Accumulates the components necessary for hemoglobin production
Enzymes and proteins necessary for iron uptake and protoporphyrin synthesis are produced
Globin production begins
Stage last more than 24 hours
Mitosis is present = 2 prorubricyte
Nucleus: Chromatin begins to condense
N:C ratio decrease to about 6:1
Chromatin stains deep purple red
Nucleoli may be present early in the stage but disappear later
Mitosis is present = produces 4 rubricyte
Bone marrow is the location
Detectable hemoglobin synthesis occurs. (1st stage of hemoglobin synthesis)
Mistaken as Rubriblast
Prorubricyte / Basophilic normoblast
Differentiation of prorubricyte to rubricyte
- Coarse Chromatin
- Nucleoli are absent. (Present in the early stage but disappear later)
Nucleus: Chromatin pattern varies during this stage of development, showing some openness early in the stage but becoming condense
The condensation of chromatin reduces the diameter of the nucleus considerably so the
N:C ratio decreases from 4:1 to about 1:1 by the end of the stage
NO nucleoli are present
Mitosis is present = 2 metarubricyte
First stage in which cytoplasm is turning pink
Hemoglobin synthesis increases, and the accumulation begins to be visible in the color of the cytoplasm
Last approximately 30 hours
Confused with lymphocyte
Polychromatic normoblast/ Rubricyte
Rubricyte and Lymphocyte differentiation
Lymphocyte - Crushed velvet nucleus
Cytoplasm - Sky blue
Rubricyte -
Nucleus - Checkerboard
Cytoplasm - Muddy/Gray
Nucleus: Completely condensed
N:C ratio is low or approximately 1:2
Cytoplasm: Increase in the salmon-pink color of the cytoplasm reflects the nearly complete hemoglobin production
Division: Not capable of division due to the condensation of the chromatin
Location: Present only in the bone marrow in healthy states
Orthochromic normoblast / Metarubricyte
No nucleus but has mitochondria and ribosomes
Last stage to synthesize hemoglobin
Last stage in bone marrow before release to the blood
Location: Polychromatic erythrocyte resides in the bone marrow for 1 day or longer and then moves into the peripheral blood for about 1 day before reaching maturity
0.5% - 1.5% in adult
2% - 6% in newborn
Indicators of bone marrow functions
Also known as polychromatophilic erythrocytes
Diffusely basophilic erythrocytes
Polychromatophilic macrocytes
No nucleus is present
Cytoplasm: Biconcave disc measure 7 to 8 mm in diameter with a thickness of about 1.5 to 2.5 mm
On a stained blood film it appears as a salmon pink-staining cell with a central pale are.
The central pallor is about one third the diameter of the cell
Division: No division (Stops at rubricyte)
Remains active in the circulation for 120 days
Aging leads to their removal at the spleen and by the spleen
Delivers oxygen to tissues, releases it, and returns to the lungs to be reoxygenated
- important in terminal erythroid differentiation in terms of
- cell division,
- & cell motility
Actin - Contraction and relaxation of membrane or RBC
Tubulin and actin in reticulocytes membrane
Main function of RBC membrane
Facilitates Iron transport
Maintains the membrane integrity
Maintains the membrane deformability
Constantly changes as it moves through the circulation
Soft and pliable
Biconcave shape (Maximum Surface area)
Consists of a membrane skeleton protein lattice and lipid bilayer
More than 50 transmembrane proteins have been identified and more than half carries blood group antigens
Mature Red Blood cell membrane
Rbc membrane composed of three comoponents
40% Lipids mostly phospholipids, cholesterol
8% carbohydrate linked to lipid or protein
52% glycoproteins
Structure of RBC membrane
Membrane lipids
Outer layer:
Phosphatidyl choline
Inner layer:
Phosphatidyl ethanolamine
Phosphatidyl serine
Structure of RBC membrane
Membrane proteins
Integral protein:
Band 3 (Anion exchanger protein)
Peripheral protein:
Protein 4.1
Pallidin (Band 4.2)
Peripheral protein is responsible for
Cell shape and structural deformability
Band 3 protein is responsible for
Prevention of Surface Area loss
Binding site of enzyme and cytoplasmic membrane
Anion transport - Exchanges bicarbonate for chloride
Linkage of lipid bilayer to underlying membrane skeleton
- Interaction w/ ankyrin and protein 4.2, secondarily through binding to protein 4.1
Vertical interaction
Stabilizes the lipid bilayer membrane
Horizontal interaction
Support the structural integrity of RBC
Imparts a negative charge to the cell
Glycophorin A carries MN, Gerbich blood group antigen
Glycophorin C, Glycophorin A important for P. Falciparum invasion and development in RBC
Aquaporin 1
Selective pores for water transport
Allows RBC to remain in osmotic equilibrium with ECF
Red cell membrane skeleton
Hexagonal lattice with 6 spectrin molecules
Each linked to multiple spectrin tetramers
Composed of spectrin, actin, 4.1
Ankyrin links the lipid bilayer to membrane via interaction with band 3
Spectrin is responsible for
Flexible, rod-like molecule
Biconcave shape for red blood cell
Important factor in RBC integrity (Binds to other peripheral proteins e.g actin, ankyrin, adducin) then forms a skeletal network of microfilaments
Two sub-units (Alpha and Beta)
Beta spectrin:
Attachment for ankyrin near C terminus (which binds cytoplasmic tail of band 3) thus attachment of skeleton to lipid bilayer
At N terminus:
Attachment for 4.1 protein (associated with glycophorin C) - second anchor point with lipid membrane
Binding sites for actin filaments and protein 4.1 - forming a junctional complex
Skeletal Network of microfilaments
Strengthen the membrane
Controls the biconcave shape
Controls the deformability of the cell
Provide stability of the RBC
Most abundant peripheral protein
Actin and its function
Contraction and retraction of membrane
Short, uniform filaments
Length modulated by tropomyosin/Tropomodulin
Approximately 6 spectrin ends interface with one actin filament stabilized by protein 4.1
Skeletal RBC protein
Regulates actin proliferation
Controls the actin filaments (paghaba)
Stabilizes actin-spectrin interaction
Protein 4.1
Stabilizes interaction of spectrin with actin
Influenced by calmodulin (Calcium binding protein)
Promotes spectrin actin interactions
Interacts with band 3 and spectrin to achieve linkage between bilayer and skeleton
Augmented by protein 4.2
Anchors the lipid bilayer via spectrin and band 3
Red cell mechanics
RBC survival
Deformability is an important property of red cell function
Influenced by:
Cell shape - Ratio of cell surface area to cell volume
Cytoplasmic viscosity - Regulated by MCHC and thus cell volume
Membrane deformability and stability
Red Blood Cell shape
Biconcave disc shape creates and advantageous surface area/ volume relationship
Facilitates deformation while maintaining constant surface area
Progressive loss of intracellular and membrane components results in biconcave shape and improved deformability
SA/V ration alteration will result in a spherical shape with less redundant surface area, thus less capacity for deformability and diminished survival.
Membrane loss = reduced SA
Increase in cell water content = increased volume
Membrane deformability/Stability
During pressure upon RBC, spectrin molecules undergo reversible change in conformation: some uncoiled and extended, others compressed and folded
During extreme or sustained pressure, membrane exhibits permanent plastic deformation
Deformability can be reduced by increases in associations between skeletal proteins or between skeletal and integral proteins (esp band 3)
Cytoplasmic characteristics
Cytoplasmic contents of RBCs include: Potassium ions, Sodium ions, glucose, intermediate products of glycolysis and enzymes
Embded-meyerhof pathway utilizes 90% of RBC total glucose
Efficient cellular metabolism depends on long-lived enzymes
Major source of the essential cellular energy
Glucose undergoes glycolysis (Glucose to lactate) to form ATPs
Maintains pyridine nucleotides in a reduced state to permit their function in oxidation-reduction reactions within the cell
Deficiencies to production of ATP can be exhibited by:
Premature cell death due to inherited defects in glycolysis
Loss of viability during the storage of blood for transfusion
Embden-Meyerhof Pathway
Oxidative catabolism of glucose with reduction of NADP (nicotinamide-adenine dinucleotide phosphate) to NADPH (reduced form of NADP) which is required to reduce glutathione
Pathway’s activity is increased w/ increased oxidation of glutathione
If pathway is defective, amount of reduced glutathione becomes insufficient to neutralize oxidants - causes denaturation of globin (Heinz bodies)
Oxidative pathway or Hexose monophosphate shunt
Depends on embden-meyerhof pathway for the reduced pyridine nucleotides that keeps hemoglobin in a reduced state
Prevents the oxidation of heme iron
Requires the reducing action of NADH and the enzyme methemoglobin reductase
Maintains hemoglobin in FERROUS STATE to bind to oxygen
Methemoglobin (ferric state) can’t bind to oxygen
Methemoglobin reductase pathway
Important in the oxygen carrying capacity of RBCs
Mechanism is low in energy consumption
Capable of regulating oxygen transport even with hypoxia and acid-base disorders
Permits accumulation of 2,3 DPG
Increased in deoxyhemoglobin results to binding of 2,3 DPG which stimulates glycolysis
Leubering-Rapoport pathway
Summary of metabolic pathways in the erythrocyte
Embden meyerhof - Maintains cellular energy by generating ATP
Oxidative or hexose-monophosphate shunt - Prevents denaturation of globin of the hemoglobin molecule by oxidation
Methemoglobin reductase - Prevents oxidation of heme iron
Leubering-Rapoport - Regulates oxygen affinity of hemoglobin
Term that describes the dynamics of RBC production and destruction
Name given to the collection of all stages of erythrocytes throughout the body, developing precursor in the bm and the circulating rbc in peripheral blood
Hormone produced in the kidney in response to tissue hypoxia
1. Induces committed progenitor cells in the bone marrow to differentiate and proliferation into pronormoblast
- Shortens the generation time of pronormoblast
- Promotes the early release of reticulocytes to the peripheral blood
Erythropoietin (EPO)
Elevated EPO levels are observed in
Erythroid hyperplasia
Inclusion RBC destruction
Decreased EPO levels are observed in
End stage renal disease (Kidney)
Mechanism of red cell destruction
Loss of a portion of the erythrocytes membrane, accompanied by loss of cellular contents, including hemoglobin
Mechanism of red cell destruction
Passing of water into the red cell as to ultimately burst it
Osmotic lysis
Mechanism of red cell destruction
Ingestion of whole red cells by circulating monocytes or neutrophil or by fixed macrophages of the mononuclear phagocyte system
Mechanism of red cell destruction
Complement has the ability to attach itself to the cells and induce lysis
Complement induced cytolysis
Mechanism of red cell destruction
When hemoglobin is exposed to oxidant stress and the mechanism to protect the cell from such damage fails to work, denatured hb precipitates forming inclusion bodies known as heinz bodies
Hemoglobin denaturation
Lysis of erythrocytes which occurs within the CIRCULATION throughout the classic pathway.
It is the usual outcome of sensitization of erythrocytes with complement.
10% of aged red cell undergo the destruction
Intravascular hemolysis
Lysis of erythrocytes OUTSIDE of CIRCULATION, in the RES (Reticuloendothelial System) of the cell liver, spleen.
Usually happen through phagocytosis
About 90% of aged red cells are destroyed
Extravascular hemolysis
Causes of intravascular hemolysis
ABO mismatched blood transfusion
Cold agglutinin disease
Paroxysmal cold hemoglobinuria
Snake Bites
Bacterial - C. perfringens sepsis
Parasitic infections - P. malaria
Mechanical heart valves
Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria
Causes of extravascular hemolysis
Bacterial/ Viral infections
Drug induced
Microangiopathy - Malignancy DIC, TTP, Eclampsia
Membrane defects - spherocytosis, elliptocytosis, acanthocytosis
Metabolic defects - G6PD deficiency/ Oxidant drugs
An iron bearing protein contained within the erythrocytes
It is synthesized by young erythroblast from the polychromatophilic normoblast stage up to reticulocytes stage
One gram of this can carry 1.34 of oxygen
Functions of hemoglobin
Transport oxygen from the lungs to the tissue and carbon dioxide from the tissue
Acid-base balance regulation - binding and releasing / transport of nitric oxide (regulator vascular tone)
Composition of heme
- Protoporphyrin IX
consists of a ring of :
A. Carbon
B. Hydrogen
C. Nitrogen - Ferrous iron
The hemoglobin molecule can be described by its
Amino acid sequence
The hemoglobin molecule can be described by its
Helices and non helices
The hemoglobin molecule can be described by its
Pretzel like configuration
The hemoglobin molecule can be described by its
Complete molecule
Ability of hemoglobin to bind or release oxygen.
Expressed in terms of the oxygen tension at which hgb is 50% saturated
Oxygen affinity
Relationship of oxygen affinity with hemoglobin to pH which states that
Increase pH (alkalosis) = Increase hemoglobin affinity for oxygen
Decrease pH (acidosis) = decrease hemoglobin affinity for oxygen
Bohr Effect
Increased temp
Increased 2,3 DPG
Increased Hydrogen concentration
Reduced oxygen affinity
More oxygen released to the tissues
Acidosis (dec pH)
Right shift
Decreased temp
Decreased 2,3 DPG
Decreased Hydrogen concentration
Increase oxygen affinity
Less oxygen released to the tissues
Alkalosis (Inc pH)
Left shift
Synthesis of globin chains
Occurs in the cytoplasm of normoblast and reticulocytes
Polypeptide chains are manufactured in the ribosomes
Globin protein are made via transcription of M genetic code to mRNA and translation of mRNA
Hemoglobin in combination with oxygen
Gives pinkness to the skin and mucous membrane.
Seen in arterial circulation
Hemoglobin with iron but no oxygen seen in venous circulation
Unassociated with oxygen
Found in normal human embryos and fetuses with a gestational age of less than 3 months
Absent at birth
Embryonic hemoglobin
The major hemoglobin of the fetus and the newborn
Composed of 2 alpha and 2 gamma
Produced FOUR MONTHS after conception
Fetal hemoglobin HbF
Normal adult hemoglobin
95% - 97% of hemoglobin in normal adults produced after one year onwards
Composed of 2 alpha and 2 beta chains
Hemoglobin A or Hemoglobin A1
Constitutes less than 3% of the total hemoglobin
Composed of 2 alpha and 2 delta
Hemoglobin A2
Degradation product of hemoglobin A2
Composed of 2 alpha and 2 delta
Hemoglobin A3
Primary hemoglobin in people with sickle cell disease
Those with Hb S disease have two ABNORMAL BETA chains and two normal alpha chains
causes the red blood cell to deform and assume a sickle shape when exposed to decrease amounts of oxygen
Glutamic acid is REPLACED by VALINE in the 6TH position of beta chain
Hemoglobin S (SaGaVAL)
About 2-3% of people of west african descent are heterozygotes for hemoglobin C
Instead of glutamic acid, lysine is in B6
It usually causes a minor amount of hemolytic anemia and a mild to moderate enlargement of the spleen
Hemoglobin C (CGaL)
One of the most common beta chain hemoglobin variants in the world
A single copy of the hemoglobin E gene does not cause symptoms unless it is combined with another mutation, such as the one for beta thalassemia trait
Mild hemolytic anemia, Microcytic red blood cells, and a mild enlargement of the spleen
Substitution of glutamic acid to lysine on 26th position
Hemoglobin E (26th EGaL)
An abnormal hemoglobin that occurs in some cases of alpha thalassemia
Composed of four beta globin chains and is produced in response to a SEVERE SHORTAGE OF ALPHA CHAINS
Hemoglobin H
Are acquired hemoglobin variants whose structure has been modified by drugs or environmental chemicals.
Do not transport oxygen to the tissue well resulting in cyanosis
Chemically modified Hemoglobins
A form of hemoglobin in its FERRIC state
Brownish to bluish color and does not revert to red on exposure to oxygen
Peak in the range of 620-640 nm at pH 7.1 under spectral absorption test
Presence of oxidants
Genetic deficiency - decrease activity of MethHB
30% - Cyanosis
50% - Coma to death
Resolution: Intravenous methylene blue
Methemoglobin (HI)
Formed by the irreversible oxidation of Hemoglobin of certain drugs and chemicals
Formed by the addition of HYDROGEN SULFIDE to hemoglobin
Has a greenish pigment
If it reaches the critical level in the blood, it imparts MAUVE LAVENDER
Sulfhemoglobin can be usually reported in the following situation:
Patient under prolonged treatment with sulfonamides or aromatic compounds (Acetanilide, Phenacetin)
Patient with severe constipation
In cases of bacteremia caused by C.perfringens
In condition known as enterogenous cyanosis
Results from the binding of carbon monoxide to heme iron
Hemoglobin can combine with carbon monoxide with affinity 200 times greater than that of oxygen
Carbon monoxide is termed as silent killer for its colorless gas, odor, and patient becomes easily hypoxic
Hemoglobin determination
Visual methods
Gasometric Method
Spectronic Method
Other methods such as Alkaline, SG, Comparator
Hemoglobin determination
Visual methods
Sahli method
Dares Method
Hadens method
Haldene -Lyses RBC w/ Hypotonic solution
Tallquists - Quickest method
Hemoglobin determination
Spectronic Method
Qualitative screening test based on Specific gravity.
The density of the drop of blood is directly proportional to the amount of hemoglobin it contains
The principles of the test is that when the drop of donor’s blood dropped into copper sulfate solution becomes encased in a sac of copper proteinate, which prevents any change in the specific gravity for 15 seconds
Copper sulfate specific gravity
Hemoglobin will combine and liberate a fixed quantity of oxygen. The blood is hemolyzed with saponin and the gas is collected and measured in a Van Slyke apparatus
Research purposes
Most accurate method
Gasometric Method (Oxygen capacity method)
Measures plasma hemoglobin
Oxyhemoglobin method
Standard and reference method
Measure the difference type of hemoglobin except sulfhemoglobin
Blood is diluted in a solution of potassium ferricyanide and potassium cyanide. The hemoglobin is oxidized to methemoglobin by the potassium ferricyanide
The potassium cyanide then converts the methemoglobin to cyanmethemoglobin. The absorbance is measured spectrophotometrically at 540nm
Drabkin’s reagent is used
Measuring hemoglobin using cyanmethemoglobin
5mL Drabkin’s reagent
20 uL whole blood
Mix then stand for about 5 minutes
transfer to cuvette and read at 540nm
Increased hemoglobin level
Found in:
Changing from high to low altitudes
Decreased hemoglobin levels
Hemoglobin determination test is used to
Screen for disease associated with anemia
Determine the severity of anemia
Follow the response to treatment for anemia
Evaluate polycythemia
Decreased hemoglobin levels can be seen in the ff conditions
Iron deficiency, Thalassemia, Pernicious anemia
Liver disease, hypothyroidism
Hemolytic anemia caused by transfusion of incompatible blood
Rxn to chemical or drugs
Rxn to infectious agents
Various systemic disease such as
Hodgkins disease
Increased hemoglobin levels are found in
Polycythemia vera
Congestive heart failure
Variations in hemoglobin levels
Occurs after transfusion, hemorrhages, burns
The H and H provide valuable information in an emergency situations
Interfering factors
People living at high altitudes have increased Hb values as well as inc. Hct and RBC
Excessive fluid intake cause a decrease Hemoglobin
Hemoglobin is higher in infants
Hemoglobin is normally decreased in pregnancy
Clinical alert
Panic hemoglobin is less than 5.0 g/dL a condition that leads to heart failure and death
A value more than 20g/dl leads to clogging of the capillaries as a result of hemoconcentration
Refers to erythrocytes with normal amount of hemoglobin
Possesses a central pallor which is about 1/3 of its diameter
Normochromic cell
Refers to erythrocytes wherein the central light area of the cell is larger and paler than the normal
MCH and MCHC are decreased
often associated with microcytosis
Hypochromic cell
Red cells which have an increase Hb content and wherein the central light area is smaller than the normal
Hyperchromic cell
Condition wherein the red cell are stained with various shades of blue with tinges of pink
This is due combination of the affinity of hemoglobin to acid stain and the affinity of RNA to the basic dye
Slightly microcytic (RBC are smaller)
Indicates reticulocytotic
Polychromasia grading
Slight - 1%
1+ - 3%
2+ - 5%
3+ - 10%
4+ - >11%
percentage = percent of rbcs that are polychromatophilic
Condition where in the red cells appear pale
2 possible causes:
Decrease Hemoglobin concentration
Abnormal thinness of the cells:
Iron deficiency anemia
Sideroblastic anemia
Hypochromasia grading
1+ - area of central pallor is 1/2 of cell diameter
2+ - Area of central pallor is 2/3 of cell diameter
3+ - Area of central pallor is 3/4 of the cell diameter
4+ - Thin rim of hemoglobin
Condition wherein the red cell are deeply stained to abnormal thickness of cells
Megaloblastic anemia
Condition where in the red cell vary in size both macrocytes and microcytes coexist on the same smear
Associated with acute post hemorrhagic anemia, hemolytic anemia and aplastic anemia
6-8 um in diameter (Normal)
Larger than normal, greater than 8um in size round in shape
MCV > 100 FL
Defect: Abnormal nuclear maturation but normal cytoplasmic maturation
Associated disease: Non-megaloblastic anemia myelodysplastic syndrome
Chronic Liver Disease
BM failure
Cell which is less than 6 um in size
MCV less than 80FL
Defect: Abnormal cytoplasmic maturation but normal nuclear maturation
Found in:
Hemolytic anemia
Hb E disease
Chronic post hemorrhagic anemia
Sideroblastic anemia
Large oval-shaped red cell which is 9-12 um
Defect: Abnormal nuclear maturation but normal cytoplasmic maturation
Megalocytosis is found in:
Megaloblastic anemias like pernicious anemia
Vit B12 deficiency anemia or vit b12 def
D. latum infection
Red cells exhibit variation in shape
Normal cell with a biconcave disc shape with increased surface volume
Associated disease
Normal condition
Acute post hemorrhagic anemia
Aplastic anemia
Small dense RBC with few irregularly spaced projections of varying length
Defect: Abnormal membrane defect caused by an increase sphingomyelin and decrease in cholesterol and phospholipid
Associated diseases:
Neuroacanthocytosis (Abetalipoproteinemia, Mcleod syndrome)
Sever liver disease (Spur cell anemia)
Acanthocyte (Spur cell)
Cell assumes a pocket book roll appearance or biscuit shape
Defect: Cell membrane is folded
Associated disease: HbSC disease (hemoglobin sickle C disease)
HbCC disease
Biscuit cell (Folded RBC)
Cell with irregularly spaced blunt processes. resembles crenated RBC
Defect: Abnormal LIPID content of the membrane
Associated disease:
Uremia, MAHA, Liver disease, DIC, TTP, Pyruvate Kinase deficiency
Burr cell (Echinocyte)
Cell w/ eccentric vacuoles due to the plucked out heinz body
Defect: G6PD deficiency resulting to accumulation of heinz body
Associated disease: G6PD deficiency
Hemolytic urine Syndrome
Microangiopathic hemolytic anemia
Blister cell (Bite Cell)
Sea urchin cells
If pathological: Due to abnormal lipid content of the membrane
If artifactual: ATP deficiency due to prolonged storage of anticoagulated blood
Associated disease:
Bleeding ulcers
Gastric carcinoma
Echinocytes or crenated cells
Target cell / Mexican Hat / Cells with bull’s eye appearance
Cell w/ central area of hemoglobin surrounded by colorless area and a peripheral ring
Defect: Deficiency in cholesterol, phospholipid membrane.
Deficiency in Lecithin cholesterol acyl transferase (LACT)
Associated with:
Liver disease
Hemolytic anemia
LCAT deficiency
Codocyte or Leptocyte
Cells appear in the shape of a teardrop or pear with a single short or long protrusion
Defect: Abnormal maturation squeezing and fragmentation during splenic passage
Associated disease:
Hemolytic anemia
Megaloblastic anemia
Myelofibrosis w/ Myeloid metaplasia
Tennis Racquet
Tear drop cell (Dacryocyte/Dacrocyte)
Also known as ovalocyte
Appear as oval or elliptical
Egg shape, Cigar, Rod, Pencil form, sausage form
Hemoglobin appears to be concentrated at the two ends of the cell leaving a normal central area of pallor
Life span is shortened
Can be found in healthy person
Defect: Abnormal membrane due to defective SPECTRIN, defective in band protein 4.1
Associated with
Megaloblastic anemia
Hypochromic anemia
Hereditary ovalocytosis
Small round dense cell which LACKS the central pallor area usually microcytic and sphere shaped
Primary: Spectrin deficiency
Secondary: Defective interaction of spectrin with other skeletal protein
Associated with:
Hereditary spherocytosis
Chronic Lymphocytic leukemia
Immune hemolytic anemia due to ABO incompatibility
Cells are smaller and denser with increase hemoglobin content and become less deformable with age
Shortened survival time because they can be sequestered in the spleen and destroyed
Associated with
Hereditary spherocytosis
Immune hemolytic anemia
Extensive burns (along w/ schistocytes)
Crescent shape cell due to abnormal aggregation of HbS which gives a tendency for the cell to assume a sickle shape
Sickle cells are thin and elongated with pointed ends and are well filled with hemoglobin
They may be curved or straight or have S, V, or L shaped
Found in sickle anemia and sickle cell trait
Also known as Menisocyte
Sickle cells (Drepanocytes)
Irregularly contracted cell; fragmented cell
Defects: Cell fragmentation due to trauma caused by physical and mechanical agents
Associated with
Microangiopathic hemolytic anemia
Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura
Hemolytic urine syndrome
Mouth cells / Hydrocyte
Characterized by an elongated or slit-like area of central pallor
Caused by osmotic changes due to cation imbalance (Na, K)
Associated with
Alcoholic cirrhosis
Hereditary stomatocytosis
Hepatobiliary disease
Rh null syndrome
Supravital stain: Dark blue granules and filaments in cytoplasm
Wright stain: Bluish tinge throughout cytoplasm
Composition of inclusion: RNA
Associated disease:
Hemolytic anemia
After treatment for iron, vitamin B12, or Folate deficiency
Diffuse basophilia
Supravital stain: Dark blue-purple, fine or coarse punctate granules distributed throughout cytoplasm
Wright stain: Same with supravital stain
Composition of inclusion: Precipitated RNA
Associated disease:
Megaloblastic anemia
Myelodysplastic syndrome
Basophilic stippling
Supravital stain: Dark blue-purple dense, round granule, usually one per cell; occasionally multiple
Wright stain: Same with SS
Composition of inclusion: DNA (nuclear fragment)
Associated disease:
Megaloblastic anemia
Hemolytic anemia
Myelodysplastic syndrome
Howell-Jolly bodies
Supravital stain: Round, Dark blue-purple granule attached to inner RBC membrane
Wright stain: Not visible
Composition of inclusion: Denatured hemoglobin
Associated disease:
G6PD deficiency
Unstable hemoglobins
Oxidant drugs/chemicals
Heinz body
Supravital stain: Irregular cluster of small, light to dark blue granules often near periphery of the cell
Wright stain: Same with SS
Composition of inclusion: Iron
Iron stain: Prussian blue (Perl’s prussian blue)
Associated disease:
Sideroblastic anemia
megaloblastic anemia
Myelodysplastic syndrome
Pappenheimer bodies
Sideroblastic anemia
Blockage in protoporphyrin
= many pappenheimer’s bodies
Supravital stain: Rings or figure-eights
Wright stain: BLUE rings of figure-eights
Composition of inclusion: Remnant of mitotic spindle
Associated disease:
Megaloblastic anemia
Myelodysplastic syndromes
Tall hat
Cabot ring
Supravital stain: Fine, evenly dispersed, dark blue granules; imparts “golf ball” appearance to RBCs
Wright stain: NOT VISIBLE
Composition of inclusion: Precipitate of b-globin chains of hemoglobin
Associated disease:
Hb H disease
Hemoglobin H inclusions
Stacks of coins appearance
Maybe pathologic
Pangit smear
High protein (Multiple myeloma, waldenstrom macroglobulinemia)
Rouleaux formation
Red cell is colored red
Acid stain of erythrocytes
Red cells are dirty gray
Alkaline stain of erythrocyte
Caused by fat or oil on the slide ahead of the spreader during the smear prep
Design formation of RBC
Extraction mistake
Partially hemolyzed RBC