Help Desk / Miscellaneous Flashcards
Steps to create CANES account [4]
- User completes Cyber Awareness training
- User creates SAAR-N Form
- SAAR-N Form is signed by ISSO and ISSM
- MCA01 > Active Directory > Users and Computers > CANES Users > USA Users
System Authorization Access Request Navy
To record names, signatures, and Social Security Numbers for the purpose of validating the trustworthiness of Individuals requesting access to Department of Defense (DoD) systems and information.
ISSM stands for Information Systems Security Manager, while an ISSO stands for Information Systems Security Officer.
An ISSM is responsible for managing the overall security program for information systems within a military organization. Their role involves risk management, ensuring compliance with security regulations, coordinating security training, and conducting security assessments.
On the other hand, an ISSO is responsible for the day-to-day operational security of information systems. They work closely with the ISSM and are involved in tasks such as system administration, incident response, vulnerability management, and security monitoring. ISSOs ensure that security controls are properly implemented, maintained, and monitored to protect the organization’s information systems.
Default when creating NTCSS account
Boxes to check
All users (3) no NTCSS
6 first of last name + first initial + middle initial = 8
See the CAC certs running
- Up Arrowhead
- Red Eagle (Axway)
- CA specific (three green certs overlapping)
See the inserted CAC’s certs
- Up Arrowhead
- Active Client (Blue Apple Watch icon)
Exchange: Create custom folder
- Rules
- New Rule
Enable/ Disable exchange account
- EX01
- Exchange Admin Center
- Connectivity
How do you find the most comprehensive manual of the network that doesn’t include software products?
- Share Drive
- Search most current version: SW4
Add person to email Distro from what server
Three servers to add user to a group
Create (security) group in DC01
Manage (security) group in FS02
Distros EX01
Server and Software to push software and patches
To clear space and or fix NTCSS not connecting to database
- Search pathway in CC DIV regedit
- Delete user from local C drive
Teletypewriter Formats
Teletypewriters, often abbreviated as TTY, come in several formats, but the three main formats commonly used are:
- Baudot Code (5-bit Teletype): This was one of the earliest formats used for teletypewriters and used a 5-bit binary code. It was limited in the characters it could represent and had a slower data transmission speed compared to later formats.
- ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange): ASCII-based teletypewriters became prevalent as ASCII encoding became the standard for text and data representation in computing. These TTYs could transmit a wider range of characters and symbols, making them more versatile.
- EBCDIC (Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code): EBCDIC-based teletypewriters were used in some IBM systems and other mainframes. EBCDIC is a character encoding that uses 8 bits per character and was primarily used in large-scale computing environments.
ASCII-based TTYs became the most widely adopted due to the compatibility with emerging computer systems and the broader character set it supported.
In radio communications, a parasitic element refers to
an element in an antenna system that is not connected directly to the transmitter or receiver but plays a critical role in influencing the antenna’s radiation pattern and performance.
Navy Personnel Command
Computer network defense service providers (CNDSP) commonly consist of a Computer Emergency Response Team or Incident Response and Recovery Team (IRRT) and are closely associated with Network Operations and Security Center.
What are Echelons?
There are different echelons within the United States Navy, each responsible for specific functions. Typically refers to the levels of a hierarchical structure or command organization. The specific responsibilities can vary depending on the context, such as military or organizational structures.
What is IDCRC?
Naval Information Force Reserve (NIFR), formerly Information Dominance Corps Reserve Command (IDCRC), provides timely and valued Naval Information Force capabilities (Meteorology & Oceanography, Information Operations, Networks, Cryptology/SIGINT, Intelligence & Space) from the Reserve Component to meet Fleet and Joint operational requirements. Commander, Naval Information Force Reserve (CNIFR) and Reserve Deputy Commander, Naval Information Forces (NAVIFOR), is RDML Greg Emery.
Echelon III.
What is ONI?
The Office of Naval Intelligence is America’s premier maritime intelligence service and a core element of the U.S. Navy’s Information Warfare Community. ONI possesses unmatched knowledge of the maritime operating environment and delivers penetrating understanding of threats to America’s security to national decision makers and the Fleet. Established in 1882, ONI is the nation’s longest-serving intelligence agency. Echelon III.
Information Technology Procurement Request (ITPR) process.
Any purchase of $25,000 or more (including Government Purchase Card purchases) or that is National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) related does require an ITPR submitted in the Navy Information Dominance Approval System (NAVIDAS).
Commands are required to track IT transactions of $25,000 or less to ensure auditability and comply with Service specific guidance.
There is no minimum threshold for the acquisition of cloud computing services, all of which require an ITPR.
A fully qualified domain name, sometimes also referred to as an absolute domain name, is a domain name that specifies its exact location in the tree hierarchy of the Domain Name System. It specifies all domain levels, including the top-level domain and the root zone.
.com is the top-level domain
mysite is the second-level domain is the domain name is the fully-qualified domain name (FQDN)