Heart - Physiology GPT 1 Flashcards
Define autorhythmic cells in the context of the heart.
Autorhythmic cells are specialized cardiac muscle cells that can generate their electrical impulses, regulating the heartbeat.
Where is the sinoatrial (SA) node located, and what is its role in establishing heart rhythm?
The sinoatrial (SA) node, also known as the pacemaker, is located in the right atrium and initiates each heartbeat by sending electrical impulses to the atria.
Elaborate on the function and location of the atrioventricular (AV) node in the heart.
The atrioventricular (AV) node is located in the interatrial septum and functions as an electrical relay, slowing down the electrical signal to allow the ventricles to fill with blood.
What is the pacemaker potential, and how does it contribute to heart rhythm?
The pacemaker potential is the gradual depolarization of the SA node cells that leads to the threshold for firing an action potential. It sets the basic rhythm of the heart.
How does the SA node determine the basic heart rhythm, and why is it called the primary pacemaker?
The SA node is called the primary pacemaker because it typically has the fastest intrinsic rhythm and serves as the dominant controller of heart rate.
What is the function of the atrioventricular (AV) bundle and its relationship to the ventricles?
The atrioventricular (AV) bundle, also known as the bundle of His, is a bundle of specialized muscle fibers that conducts the electrical impulses from the AV node to the bundle branches.
Describe the path of impulse conduction through the AV bundle and bundle branches.
The impulse travels through the AV bundle and its bundle branches to reach the Purkinje fibers in the ventricles.
How do conducting cells distribute the contractile stimulus throughout the heart?
Conducting cells distribute the contractile stimulus throughout the heart to coordinate and synchronize the contraction of cardiac muscle cells.
What is the significance of Purkinje fibers in the cardiac conduction system?
Purkinje fibers are specialized cardiac muscle fibers responsible for quickly transmitting electrical impulses to the contractile cells of the ventricles, ensuring the coordinated and efficient contraction of these chambers.
Explain how the Purkinje fibers transmit electrical impulses to the contractile cells of the ventricles.
Purkinje fibers transmit electrical impulses to the contractile cells by propagating the action potential throughout the ventricles, leading to their contraction.
Define bradycardia and discuss the potential causes and consequences of a slow heart rate.
Bradycardia is a slow heart rate, which can result from various causes, including issues with the SA node or damage to the conduction system. It can lead to insufficient blood flow and related symptoms.
What is tachycardia, and how does it impact heart rate and cardiac function?
Tachycardia is a fast heart rate, often exceeding 100 beats per minute at rest, and it can be caused by various factors, including stress, certain medical conditions, or stimulants. It can lead to reduced cardiac efficiency.
Describe the role of ectopic pacemakers in heart rhythm disturbances.
Ectopic pacemakers are cells or tissues outside the SA node that can spontaneously generate electrical impulses, leading to irregular heart rhythms or arrhythmias.
What is an electrocardiogram (ECG), and what specific aspects of heart activity does it record?
An electrocardiogram (ECG or EKG) is a graphical representation of the electrical activity of the heart. It records various aspects of heart activity, including depolarization and repolarization of cardiac cells.
Define the P wave in an ECG, and explain when it occurs during the cardiac cycle.
The P wave on an ECG represents atrial depolarization, which occurs as the electrical impulse moves through the atria, leading to atrial contraction.
Identify the QRS complex in an ECG, and elucidate its relationship to ventricular depolarization.
The QRS complex on an ECG represents ventricular depolarization, signifying the onset of ventricular contraction.
What does the T wave represent in an ECG, and when does it occur in the cardiac cycle?
The T wave on an ECG represents ventricular repolarization, indicating the recovery of the ventricles after contraction.
Describe the structure and function of intercalated discs in cardiac muscle cells.
Intercalated discs are specialized structures found in cardiac muscle cells that help hold adjacent cells together, both structurally and electrically. They contain gap junctions for electrical communication.
What is the resting membrane potential in cardiac contractile cells, and how does it affect electrical excitability?
The resting membrane potential in cardiac contractile cells is approximately -90 mV, making these cells electrically excitable.
Explain the key events in the rapid depolarization phase of the action potential in cardiac cells.
During the rapid depolarization phase of the action potential in cardiac cells, sodium channels open, allowing an influx of sodium ions and initiating depolarization.
What is the importance of the plateau phase in the cardiac muscle action potential?
The plateau phase in the cardiac muscle action potential is characterized by the influx of calcium ions and the efflux of potassium ions, which help maintain the depolarized state, enabling sustained contraction.
Summarize the three main phases of the action potential in cardiac contractile cells.
The action potential in cardiac contractile cells consists of three main phases: rapid depolarization, plateau, and repolarization.
What happens during the rapid depolarization phase of the action potential, and what ion channels are involved?
During the rapid depolarization phase of the action potential, voltage-gated sodium channels open, allowing sodium ions to enter the cell and depolarize it.
How do potassium channels contribute to the repolarization phase of the action potential?
Potassium channels play a key role in the repolarization phase of the action potential by allowing potassium ions to exit the cell, restoring the resting membrane potential.
What is the significance of calcium channels in the plateau phase of the action potential?
Calcium ions are essential during the plateau phase of the action potential, as they contribute to the prolonged depolarization of the cell, allowing for sustained muscle contraction.
Define the refractory period in cardiac contractile cells, and explain its significance.
The refractory period in cardiac contractile cells refers to a period during and after an action potential when the cell is less responsive to stimulation.
Differentiate between the absolute and relative refractory periods in cardiac muscle cells.
There are two phases of the refractory period: the absolute refractory period, during which the cell cannot respond to any stimulus, and the relative refractory period, during which a stronger-than-normal stimulus can trigger a response.
How does the refractory period prevent tetanus (sustained muscle contraction) in cardiac muscle?
The refractory period prevents tetanus (sustained muscle contraction) in cardiac muscle by ensuring that the heart muscle has enough time to relax and refill with blood between beats.
Describe how cardiac contractile cells increase the concentration of calcium ions around myofibrils for contraction.
Calcium ions play a crucial role in cardiac muscle contractions by binding to the regulatory protein troponin, which then allows myosin and actin to interact, leading to muscle contraction.
What is the role of calcium in cardiac muscle contractions, and how does it differ from skeletal muscle contraction?
In cardiac muscle, the influx of calcium ions is the primary trigger for muscle contraction. This differs from skeletal muscle, where calcium release from the sarcoplasmic reticulum initiates contraction.
How do calcium ions interact with troponin and tropomyosin in the regulation of cardiac muscle contraction?
Calcium ions interact with troponin and tropomyosin to enable the myosin cross-bridges to attach to actin filaments and initiate the sliding of actin and myosin, resulting in muscle contraction.
Explain how cardiac contractile cells obtain energy for contractions.
Cardiac contractile cells obtain energy for contractions primarily through aerobic metabolism, which occurs in mitochondria.
Describe the roles of mitochondria and myoglobin in cardiac muscle metabolism.
Mitochondria in cardiac muscle cells produce adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the primary energy molecule, through oxidative phosphorylation.
How does the demand for oxygen and nutrients in cardiac muscle differ from other tissues?
The demand for oxygen and nutrients in cardiac muscle is high due to the continuous pumping of blood and the need for a constant energy supply. Cardiac muscle has a high density of mitochondria and myoglobin, which helps facilitate energy production and oxygen storage.
What are the key phases of the cardiac cycle, and what happens during each phase?
The key phases of the cardiac cycle include atrial systole, isovolumetric ventricular contraction, ventricular ejection, isovolumetric ventricular relaxation, and ventricular filling.
How does the volume and pressure within the heart chambers change during the cardiac cycle?
During the cardiac cycle, volume and pressure within the heart chambers change to facilitate the movement of blood from the atria to the ventricles and then into the pulmonary and systemic circulations.
Describe the significance of isovolumetric contraction and relaxation in the cardiac cycle.
Isovolumetric contraction and relaxation phases occur when all heart valves are closed, preventing blood from entering or leaving the ventricles.
What are the heart sounds S1 and S2, and what events in the cardiac cycle produce these sounds?
Heart sounds are audible events associated with the closure of heart valves. The two main heart sounds are S1 (the “lub” sound) and S2 (the “dub” sound).
Explain the conditions that might lead to the production of abnormal heart sounds, such as murmurs.
Abnormal heart sounds, such as murmurs, can occur due to various factors, including valvular defects, stenosis, or regurgitation.
Define and describe heart sounds S3 and S4, including their clinical significance.
Additional heart sounds, S3 and S4, may be heard and can indicate underlying cardiac conditions. S3 occurs in early diastole, and S4 occurs in late diastole.
What is cardiac output, and how is it calculated using heart rate and stroke volume?
Cardiac output is the volume of blood that the heart pumps per minute and is calculated by multiplying heart rate (beats per minute) by stroke volume (the volume of blood ejected by each ventricle in one beat).
Explain the relationship between heart rate and cardiac output.
There is a direct relationship between heart rate and cardiac output. An increase in heart rate leads to an increase in cardiac output, assuming stroke volume remains constant.
What factors can influence stroke volume and, consequently, cardiac output?
Stroke volume, the amount of blood ejected from each ventricle with each heartbeat, can be influenced by factors such as preload (end-diastolic volume) and afterload (the pressure the heart must overcome to pump blood).
How does the autonomic nervous system regulate heart rate, and what are the roles of sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions?
The autonomic nervous system (ANS) regulates heart rate. The sympathetic division increases heart rate, while the parasympathetic division decreases it.
Discuss the influence of hormones, body temperature, and age on heart rate regulation.
Hormones such as epinephrine and norepinephrine can increase heart rate and contractility. Body temperature elevation can also lead to an increase in heart rate.
What is the role of venous return in heart rate regulation, and how does the Bainbridge reflex respond to changes in venous return?
Venous return refers to the volume of blood returning to the heart, and it affects stroke volume and, consequently, cardiac output. The Bainbridge reflex responds to changes in venous return and adjusts heart rate accordingly.
Explain the concept of preload and afterload and their impact on heart rate and stroke volume.
Preload is the degree of stretch of cardiac muscle fibers just before they contract, and afterload is the pressure the heart must overcome to pump blood. These factors influence stroke volume and, by extension, cardiac output. An increase in preload typically increases stroke volume and cardiac output, while an increase in afterload can reduce stroke volume and cardiac output.