Heart Failure Flashcards
What is the 5 year prognosis?
50% of people die within 5 years of diagnosis
What is HF-PEF & how common?
Heart failure with preserved ejection fraction
<50% of patients with HF
What are indicators of poor prognosis in HF?
Increased age, reduced EF, raised JVP, smoking, obesity
What are the 3 most common causes of HF (think cardiac)
What high-output states can cause HF?
Liver failure
What drugs can contribute to HF?
NSAIDs, Beta blockers, CCB, cocaine
What is the pathophysiology of left-sided HF?
think RAAS, blood flow to the kidneys
Damage to the myocardium
- Reduced blood flow to the kidneys
- Activates RAAS, leading to fluid retention
- Increased filling & pre-load, which increases filling & pre-load & increases contraction strength (frank-starling model)
- Causes fluid to build up in the lungs
What is the frank-starling model?
Inc volume = inc contraction
What causes right-sided HF?
Left sided HF/ chronic lung disease (cor pulmonale)
What is the pathophysiology of right sided HF?
Inc pressure in the pulmonary artery makes it harder for the RV to pump
This leads to right-sided hypertrophy
What investigations are needed in suspected HF?
Bloods: FBC, TFT, HbA1c, eGFR, Us&Es
Urine Dip
What are other causes of raised BNP?
Age >70
What is the gold-standard for diagnosis of HF?
What would it show?
Systolic dysfunction
What is a raised BNP?
> 400
If BNP is >2000 what should you do?
Urgent referral to specialist (echocardiography within 2 weeks)
If patient is symptomatic, what drug would you give?
Loop diuretic (e.g. furosemide)
What is the summary of HF treatment?
loop diuretic + ACEi (if diabetic) + B blocker (if angina)
When should you start someone on an ACEi before a BB?
If the person has diabetes or signs of fluid overload
When should ACEi be avoided?
Valvular disease
When should someone be started on a BB over ACEi?
If they have angina
Should they start on a high dose of ACEi/ BB?
NO - start low, go slow
What can be added if HF is still not controlled?
Spironalactone (aldosterone antagonist)
What can be given if ACEi not tolerated?
ARB (e.g. losartan)
When is spironalactone contraindicated?
Severe renal impairment