Heart Flashcards
double walled fibroserous membrane that encloses the heart and the roots of the great vessels
The three parts of the pericardial sac
- Fibrous Pericardium
- Partietal Layer of Serous Pericardium
- Viseral Layer of Serous Pericardium
What is fibrous pericardium
- heart
- tough external layer that protects the heart against sudden overfill
what is the viseral layer of serous pericardium
- heart
- makes up the external later of the heart wall
- Epicardium
Pericardiacophrenic artery
-branch off the internal thoracic artery that supplies the pericardium
Pericardiacophrenic veins
drains the blood of the pericardium
what innervates the pericardium
- Vagus Nerve (PNS)
- phrenic nerve
- Sympathetic trunks
thick middle layer of the heart composed of cardiac
thin internal layer or lining membrane
apex of the heart
formed by the inferolateral part of the left ventricle
base of the heart
formed mainly by the left atrium
What are the four surfaces of the heart
- anterior surface (mainly right ventricle)
- diaphragmatic surface (mainly left ventricle)
- left pulmonary surface (this surface cause the cardiac impression on the left lung
- right pulmonary surface (right atrium)
Right atrium
- Right auricle
- Pectinate muscles
- opening of the Superior vena cava, Inferior vena cava and Coronary sinus
- Interatrial septum
Interatrial septum
-seperating the two atrium
oval fossa= oval depression of a hole that was there in fetus
Right ventricle
- Trabeculae Carneae
- Tricuspid valve
- Tendionus Cords (Chordae Tendineae)
- Papillary Muscles
- Right AV ofice
Tricuspid value
- guards the right AV orifice
- the tendonius cords come off the cusps and attach to the papillary muscles