Heamatology buzzwords Flashcards
What condition does a pepper pot skull/lytic lesions indicate?
What does congo red staining allow you to see?
amyloid deposition of biopsy tissue in myeloma & AA amyloidosis
What are Reed-Sternberg cells pathogneumonic of?
Hogkin’s lymphoma
What is the Philaphelphia chromosome (9;22 Translocation) associated with?
What do atypical lymphocytes on a blood film suggest?
Viral infection e.g. EBV
What do Auer rods suggest on a blood film?
What condition are bence-jones protein associated with?
Multiple Myeloma
A patient presents with the complain of being itchy after a hot bath. What condition do you suspect?
Polycythaemia Rubra Vera
What condition is associated with an 8;14 translocation?
Burkitt’s llymphoma
What condition does alcohol make worse?
Hodgkins lymphoma
What condition has haemarthrosis as a complication?
What condition has reduced levels of factor IX with christmas disease?
Haemophilia B
What condition has reduced levels of factor VIII & an increased APTT?
Haemophilia A
What is a shillings test used to show?
B12 deficiency
What does smudge cells on a blood film suggest?
JAK-2 mutation is mainly associated with what conditions?
PRV or essential thrombocythemia
NBT test is used for what condition?
Positive Schumm’s test suggests ?
Intravascualr Haemolytic anaemia
A hair-on-end skull x-ray appearance suggests?
Major Beta-thalassaemia
Bite cell, blister cells & heinz bodies suggest what?
G6PD deficiency
Russell Bodies suggest what?
Chronic Inflammaiton
Schistocytes suggest what?
intravascular haemolysis