Health & Safety / CDM Flashcards
What is the “safe person concept”?
Each individual assumed behavioural responsibility for their own, their colleagues’ and others’ health and safety at work.
What is the current RICS documentation on health and safety?
RICS Guidance Note 2018 - “Surveying safely: H&S principles for property professionals”
What is a “risk assessment”?
Examining what in your work could cause harm
Who could be harmed and how
What steps you can take to eliminate or reduce that risk in advance,
Record and implement findings, advise others, review regularly
What is a “hazard”, “severity”, and “risk”?
Hazard is the thing that could cause harm
Severity is how bad the outcome could be from that harm
Risk is probability that it would occur
What is involved in a “dynamic risk assessment”?
Assessing risk just before, or during, the work activity.
- Is it safe to continue
- Where are the exits
- Who is with me, where are their exits
- Is everyone with me competent
What is a risk assessment “matrix”?
Something very boring, where you create a “grid” of “hazard severity vs risk”
Give each entry in the matrix a score.
We use a more subjective approach.
What is a fire risk assessment, and when must they be updated?
An assessment report of the risk of fire within a building, undertaken by a competent person.
No strict rules, but government guidance says:
- Review annually, redo every 3 years, or after major building amendment (3 storeys+)
- Review every 2 years, redo every 4 years, or after major building amendment (less than 3 storeys)
List some examples of where asbestos is typically found in buildings.
Roof tiles, gutter/downpipe collars, soffit/facia boards
Lagging, gaskets, boiler flue
Floor tiles, ceiling spray coatings, ceiling tiles
Access hatch panels, service cupboards, bath panel
Water tanks, WC cisterns, sink pads
Electrical flashguards
Name the main asbestos legal framework in the UK?
Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012
CAR 2012
Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012
CAR 2012
Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012
CAR 2012
hat would you typically include in a Pre-Construction Information pack?
Log of info requested from client
Name the dutyholders/roles
Site information
Project nature, works and key dates
Clarify requirements for safe working (eg,. Who is responsible for site security)
Identify safety and health hazards and risks
Site layout plan
What would you typically find in a Construction Phase Plan?
Project directory, works programme
General site arrangements – identify unloading areas, welfare, access, traffic/pedestrian management systems,
Emergency procedures – Fire, terrorist, bomb procedures, route to nearest hospital, OOH contact umbers, scaffold alarm details
Risk Assessment, and Method Statement
Training records, insurance details, accident report forms
Who compiles and maintains the H&S file, and what would typically be included in it?
i. Project directory and information
ii. Hazards left on site (residual) inc. materials used (coatings, paints, flammable etc)
iii. Structural alterations/limitations
iv. Location of services
v. Info on safe operation and maintenance
List some of the duties of the client under CDM.
Appoint other dutyholders
Allocate sufficient time/resources
Provide relevant info to other dutyholders
Ensure work carried out without H&S risks
Check PD does H&S file
Take reasonable steps to make sure PD and PC comply with duties
Do F10 notification
List some of the duties of the PD under CDM.
Plan, manage, monitor pre-construction phase
Share pre-construction phase plan with contractors
Consider H&S when design, organisational and technical aspects being decided
Identify, eliminate/control foreseeable risks, both during and after works (H&S file)
Create H&S file, review and update
List some of the duties of the designers under CDM.
Take into account principles of prevention to eliminate foreseeable H&S risks
“Design out” risk completely, or reduce it
Provide sufficient info with designs
List some of the duties of the contractors under CDM.
Comply with CPP
Advise on time and resources
Ensure welfare provided
Inductions done
Ensure site security
Provide info for H&S file
What is a Design Risk Assessment?
Designer(s) providing comprehensive info about the risks originating from their designs to the PD, PC and client.
When is a project F10 notifiable under CDM?
500 person working days, or:
20 workers on site at one time, AND more than 30 working days
What are the principles of risk prevention?
Avoid risk
Remove risk
Replace risk
Minimise risk through technical means
Minimise risk through administration means
If all else fails, protection measures (PPE)
What is RIDDOR?
“Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2013
- If you are an employer, you must report any work-related deaths,and certain work-related injuries, cases of disease,and near misses involving your employees wherever they are working
- Must report accidents resulting in the death of any person; accidents resulting in specified injuries to workers; non-fatal accidents requiring hospital treatment to non-workers; and dangerous occurrences to HSE within 10 days of the incident.
- Over 7 day injuries must be reported within 15 days of the incident
- Keep a record of any reportable injury, over-seven day injury, disease or dangerous occurrence.
- Maintain an accident book (B1510) for keeping the records of injuries, kept for a minimum of 3 years after an occupational accident or injury.
- Record all injuries over 3 days’ incapacitation.
- Undertake; record; and review a risk assessment”
What is included within a Risk Assessment before going to site?
”- A list of hazards present on the site, i.e. anything that may cause harm.
- Who the hazard presents a risk to
- Assess level of risk in terms of severity x likelihood
- Action to be taken to minimise identified risks
- Identify if any residual risks remain
- List further actions if required
- Record findings of Risk Assessment”
Who are the 6 duty holders under the CDM Regulations 2015?
Principal Designer
Principal Contractor
What are the Client’s responsibilities under CDM Regulations 2015?
”- Appoint/notify other duty holders of their responsibilities
- Ensure sufficient time/resources are allocated
- Ensure there is relevant information prepared
- Ensure PD & PC carry out their duties
- Ensure Welfare facilities are provided”
What are the duties of a Principal Designer?
”- Identify, eliminate or control foreseeable risks
- Ensure the designers carry out their duties
- Liaise with the PC to plan coordination of the construction phase
- Prepare H&S File and issue to PC”
What is the role of a Principal Contractor?
- Plan, manage and monitor and coordinate H&S in the construction phase.
What are the duties of a Principal Contractor?
”- Prepare a CPP
- Ensure site inductions are provided
- Prevent unauthorised access
- Welfare facilities are provided
- Develop H&S File”
What are toolbox talks?
A short presentation to the workforce on a single aspect of health and safety i.e. Slips Trips and Fall, behaviour, asbestos awareness.
What is the role of the Health & Safety Executive?
To prevent work-related death, injury and ill health by
- helping workers understand how they can stay safe and well
- concentrating on the most serious risks, and targeting industries with the greatest hazards, and sectors with the worst risk management record
- undertaking inspections to check that serious risks are managed sensibly
- undertaking investigations when things go wrong, to establish the truth and learn lessons
- holding employers accountable for their failures and to make workplaces safer.
What documentation does the RICS produce to help with your personal safety when carrying out your work?
Surveying Safely GN, 2nd edition, 2018 (came into effect February 2019)
What are the main areas of risk when working on a construction site?
“Depends on the site. Some areas of risk include:
- Moving objects / vehicles
- Slips, trips, and falls
- Noise
- Handling of materials e.g. cement
- Structural stability e.g. fragile structures (existing buildings), collapsing trenches.
- Deleterious materials e.g. Lead, Asbestos”
Name a few risks to health and safety stated within the RICS Surveying Safely GN, 2nd edition, 2018?
- Structural stability: chimney stacks, leaning/unrestrained walls, corroded beams and columns
- Timbers, glass and sharp objects: rotten floors and staircases, weak pavement lights, projecting nails/screws, broken/weak hinges and sash cords
- Roofs: fragile roof lights, brittle asbestos cement sheets, unboarded insulation
- Danger from live and unsecured services
- Radio frequency (RF) hazards - Slip and trip hazards; & falls from height e.g. low parapets/unguarded roof edges
- Contamination e.g.water cooling plant that may contain legionella bacteria
- Impact of other people/animals on site e.g. trespassers / birds and vermin
What is the key project documentation relating to health and safety?
- Pre-construction information (living document)
- Construction phase plan
- F10
- Health and Safety File
What is the aim of the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974?
- To ensure that organisations and businesses understand their role in ensuring and supporting health and safety in the workplace – as far as is reasonably practicable. TheActsetsoutthegeneraldutieswhichemployershavetowardsemployeesand membersofthepublic,andemployeeshavetothemselvesandtoeachother.
What is contained within a Health & Safety File?
- O&M Manuals (facilities management use)
- As-built drawings (incl. services)
- Record of residual risks which may affect the maintenance and cleaning of the structure
- Hazardous materials used
- Any other information— not necessarily resulting from the design — which could affect the health and safety of any person carrying out construction work in or on the structure in the future.
What is the difference between a risk and a hazard?
A hazard is something which has the potential to cause harm. A risk is the likelihood of a hazard occurring and causing harm.
What relationship does the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 have with the various health and safety Regulations?
- Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 is the basis of British Health and Safety Law which is goal-setting and leaves employers freedom to decide how to control risks which they identify.
- H&S regulations identify specific (greater) risks and set out specific actions which employers and employees are required to do to manage health and safety under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974.
Under what legislation are the various Regulations issued?
The Building Act 1984.
Explain the different types of asbestos survey?
Management Survey = to locate the presence and extent of any suspected ACMs in the building which could be damaged or disturbed during normal occupancy including foreseeable maintenance and installations, and assess their condition.
Refurbishment & Demolition Survey = needed before any refurbishment or demolition works are undertaken to pre-2000 properties. Fully intrusive survey & destructive inspection. Survey identifies, location, product based on testing & condition within works areas.
What is the aim of the Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015?
Improvement in the way in which construction work is managed to lower risks on site.
When do you have to notify the HSE?
- Where construction phase work is expected to: last longer than 30 working days and have more than 20 workers working simultaneously at any point in the project; or, exceed 500 person days.
- F10 must be submitted 48 hours before work on site commences
Who is responsible for issuing the F10 notification?
Client is responsible for notifying HSE of project commencement (F10). Usually appoints PD / Consultant to do this.
What is the function of the health and safety file?
To provide relevant health and safety information to be taken into account during any subsequent project, maintenance or cleaning regimes, including residual risks.
What health problems are associated with Silica?
”- Lung cancer
- Silicosis
- Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
- Asthma.”
How is Silica or respirable crystalline silica (RCS) dust released?
When cutting, drilling, grinding and polishing bricks, tiles, concrete and mortar.
When are works notifiable in relation to asbestos removal?
What is a risk assessment?
An assessment of work activities in order to identify related hazards and to control associated risk.
When are works notifiable in relation to asbestos removal?
- All licensable asbestos work is notifiable to the HSE (14 day notice period)
- NNLW is notifiable (no notice period, but before work commences)
What asbestos can be removed by a non-licensed contractor?
Bonded asbestos products such as cement sheets and slates; articles made of rubber, resins or bitumen containing asbestos e.g. vinyl floor tiles.
What asbestos must be removed by a licensed contractor?
Sprayed asbestos coatings, lagging, insulation and AIB
What are the client’s responsibilities under CAR, 2012?
“Duty to manage’ asbestos contained within a building by means of:
- take reasonable steps to identify the location, amount and condition of ACMs
- - keep up-to-date records of the location and condition of the ACMs
- assess the risk of exposure
- prepare a plan i.e. management survey to deal with risks
- take the necessary steps to put the plan into action
- periodically review and monitor the plan
- provide information on the location and condition of the ACMs to anyone who is liable to work on or disturb them”
What is COSHH?
“Control of Substances Hazardous to Health, 2002
- Requires employers to control substances hazardous to health
- Identify hazards
- Decide how to prevent them (Risk Assessment)
- Provide control measures and ensuring these are adhered to
- Providing information, instruction and training for employees and others
- Providing monitoring and health surveillance
- Plan for emergencies”
What is Asbestos and what are the 3 types?
Naturally occurring fibrous mineral silicates.
- Chrysotile (white) - banned in 1990s, most common, adhesives, fireproofing, drywall, insulation
- Amosite (brown) - vinyl tiles, gaskets,
- Crocidolite (blue) - thin fibres - ceiling tiles, cement sheets
What lone working procedures do you follow?
- Inform Director of details e.g. date, time, duration, nature of visit
- Arrange ‘check-in’ calls at regular intervals and upon completion of the visit
- Advise colleague on access/rescue arrangements in the event of an emergency
- *Reference RICS Surveying Safely GN, 2nd edition, 2018 Lone Working checklist’
What is the purpose of the Construction (Design and Management) Regulations?
- Provide a statutory framework for managing health and safety during the construction, repair, maintenance and demolition of civil engineering and construction work.
- Aims:
- Sensibly plan the work so the risks involved are managed from start to finish
- Have the right people for the right job at the right time
- Cooperate and coordinate with the design and construction project team
- Have the right information abut the risks and how they are being managed
- Communicate this information effectively to those who need to know
- Consult and engage with workers about the risks and how they are being managed
What is the importance of the Health and Safety at Work Act?
To ensure that all employers protect the health, safety and welfare at work of all their employees and those on their premises.
Do the CDM Regulations apply to all construction work?
What are your duties when designing and specifying works under the CDM Regulations 2015?
”- Reduce/control risks that may arise in the construction stage and maintenance/use of the building
- Provide relevant information to other members of the project team including a Designer’s Risk Assessment”
What insurance is an employer required to carry in respect of the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974?
- Employer’s Liability Insurance- Legal limit is £5 million- Covers claims arising due to death, injury or illness to employees as a result of the employer’s negligence.
At the end of the construction phase on your projects, what do you need to check in terms of the regulations?
That the client has been provided with a copy of the Health and Safety File and that the file contains all the necessary information.
What insurance is an employer required to carry in respect of the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974?
- Employer’s Liability Insurance
- Legal limit is £5 million
- Covers claims arising due to death, injury or illness to employees as a result of the employer’s negligence.
In what circumstances would a Principal Designer not be required on a project?
When there is only one contractor.
What information did you include in the Pre-Construction Information for the Homerton Building project?
- Project description
- Key project dates of the construction phase
- Project directory
- Client considerations and management
- Environmental restrictions
- Significant design and construction hazards - Health and Safety File requirements
What was contained in the letters i.e. what were the Client’s responsibilities under CDM Regulations, and what did you inform them?
Notify the relevant enforcing authority of certain projects (notifiable)
- Confirmed that suitable welfare facilities had been confirmed with the contractors at tender stage
Informed the client of the need for further building information - asbestos survey
Confirmed that a PCI had been issued and the CPP had been reviewed
Can you give an example of some client considerations you included within the PCI for homerton?
- Planning and communication arrangements
- Communication with client and contractors - means of correspondence, design team meetings
- Arrangements for monitoring and review - health and safety audits * Welfare provision
- Ongoing design protocol
- Site security
- Vacant possession - access arrangement
- Permit to work systems
- Site area interface management - site logistics plan, working hours, parking arrangements
Can you give an example of some environmental restrictions you included within the PCI for the Building?
Surrounding operational environment
- rear road access/path
- Historical, current and record information
- - Structural modifications
- - Drawings- Ground conditions
- - Asbestos (none)
Can you give an example of some design and construction hazards you included within the PCI for the Building?
- Working at height
- Working on live services
- Working with asbestos
- Materials requiring special precautions (floor adhesives with high VOCs, use of lead)
Why was is a PCI important on a project?
- Provides a basis for Construction Phase Plan
- Assists PD & PC in planning, managing, monitoring and coordinating the works.
What PPE do you typically take to site?
- Hard Hat
- Steel capped boots
- Protective glasses
- Rubber gloves
- Trousers (splash-ups)
- Hi-vis jacket
Give me an example of one of the responsibilities your employer has under the HSWA?
- a safe place of work
- safe means of doing your work (eg. Tools and PPE)
- welfare facilities
- necessary training
- Means of reporting and recording incidents
- Do risk assessment
Give me some examples of the general requirements of the Construction (Design & Management) Regulations 2015.
All projects with more than one contractor must have Principal Designer and Principal Contractor
Works are F10 notifiable to HSE if they cross one of two time thresholds:
- More than 500 person working days
- More than 20 people on site at one time AND project lasts more than 30 working days
Did you risk assess the survey prior to arriving? What did you include?
desktop assessment.
Looked at flat roof in particular, how it could be viewed/accessed, inc. clarifying with property manager.
Access into main building.
Where the building is relative to other amenities, office, transport or hospital
What equipment to bring
Any known hazards on site
Did you report this to the LA as a dangerous structure? Should you have?
I did not.
Dangerous structures reporting to LA is to deal with immediate danger if the owner is not able to, or they are not known at time of incident. PM told me she would arrange cordon that same day.
What is the “six pack” of H&S regulations?
- management of health and safety at work.
- Display Screen equipment
- Manual Handling Operations.
- Personal Protective Equipment at Work.
- Provision and use of Work Equipment
- Workplace Health, Safety and Welfare.
What is RIDDOR:
Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous occurances Act 1995
Trigger date - 7 days incapacitation.
Reported within 15 days.
3 day plus - injuries must be recorded by employer.
kept in in accident book for 3 years.
2 seperate obligations
- duty holder
- Employer.
Duty holder is owner of premises.
Non llicensed work with asbgstos needs to be notified to HSE as well as breif written records.
What are the two types of asbestos survey
Two types of Survey:
- Management Survey
* to locate and asses it, and advise on its management during normal occupation and use of premises
no sampling of materials or analysis undertaken. - Refurbishment/demolition survey
required when premises needs upgrading etc.
Samples taken and analysed.
recommendations made regarding its management.
How does the client contribute to the health and safety file
The client’s contribution to the HSF includes providing information to the principal designer or contractor about the structure, materials used, site conditions, and any hazards that could affect health and safety. The client should also provide any relevant documentation, such as site surveys, risk assessments, and planning permission, that will inform the HSF.
Who were the duty holders under the Control of Asbestos Regulations?
Peabody were - Anyone responsible for management, repairs or maintenance in non-domestic building (could be building owner). Only applies to communal parts of flats – not flats themselves.
What is the “six pack” of H&S regulations?
- Management of health and safety at work.
- Display Screen equipment
- Manual Handling Operations.
- Personal Protective Equipment at Work.
- Provision and use of Work Equipment
- Workplace Health, Safety and Welfare.
RIDDOR: key points
- Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous occurrences Act 1995
- Trigger date - 7 days incapacitation.
- Reported within 15 days.
- 3 day plus - injuries must be recorded by employer.
- kept in in accident book for 3 years.
- What areas does the RICS Guidance Note on Surveying Safely cover?
- Personal and corporate responsibilities.
- Safe person concept
- What to do if it all goes wrong.
- Assessing hazards and risks.
- Places of work.
- Occupational hygiene and health
- Visiting premises and sites – things to consider.
- Fire safety
- Residential property surveying
- General procurement and management of contractors.
The Health and Safety at Work Act etc. 1974
Employers have a duty to ensure, so far as is ‘reasonably practical’, the health, safety and welfare of their employees (including volunteers). Every organisation with five or more employees (including volunteers) is required to have a Health and Safety Policy.
The Managing of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999.
Employers are obliged to proactively control risk. Organisations must assess ‘reasonably foreseeable’ risks (including the risk of reasonably foreseeable violence), decide how significant these risks are, decide what to do to prevent or control the risks; and develop a clear management plan to achieve this. Employers must also communicate with their employees and review their systems on a regular basis.
The Reporting of Injuries, Diseases, and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1995 (RIDDOR).
Employers must notify their enforcing authority in the event of an accident at work to any employee resulting in death, major injury, or incapacity for normal work for seven days or more ( a record of all incidents must still be reported and records kept). This includes any act of non-consensual physical violence done to the person at work.
What are the RIDDOR timescales?
A report must be received within 10 days of the incident. For accidents resulting in the over-seven-day incapacitation of a worker, you must notify the enforcing authority within 15 days of the incident, using the appropriate online form
What are the 3 types of asbestos removal stipulations?
Asbestos removal can be
notifiable non licensed works (NNLW)
What are the HSE sanctions?
An improvement notice requires a contravention to be remedied within a specified
time (no less than 21 days).
A prohibition notice is issued if there is, or is likely to be, a risk of serious personal
injury, and it requires an activity to be stopped immediately and cannot resume until
remedial action is taken.
Fines up to £20,000 and 1 year imprisonment by magistrates’ court
Unlimited fines and up to 2 years imprisonment by Crown Court
Deaths and serious injuries are investigated by the police and can lead to criminal
More serious penalties for corporate manslaughter
Does O&M go in the health and safety File
what would the PD include in teh PCI
Design Risk Assessment?
Asbestos register
ground investigation results.
etc. etc.
Why do we need the latest RICS guidance to surveying safely, when it came out?
Came out in Feb 2019 – we needed it because we need updated on certain topics like personal responsibility and also some fire safety.
Why do we need the latest RICS guidance to surveying safely, when it came out?
Came out in Feb 2019 – we needed it because we need updated on certain topics like personal responsibility and also some fire safety.
What is the client role under CDM?
Appoint other duty-holders, allocate sufficient time/resources, provide relevant info to other duty-holders, ensure work carried out without H&S risks, check PD does H&S file, take reasonable steps to make sure PD and PC comply with duties; Do F10 notification.
What did you do in this regard?
Notify the relevant enforcing authority of certain projects (notifiable)
Confirmed that suitable welfare facilities had been confirmed with the contractors at tender stage- Informed the client of the need for further building information - asbestos survey -
Confirmed that a PCI had been issued and the CPP had been reviewed.
Why was is a PCI important on a project?
Provides a basis for Construction Phase Plan- Assists PD & PC in planning, managing, monitoring and coordinating the works.
Why was is a PCI important on a project?
Provides a basis for Construction Phase Plan- Assists PD & PC in planning, managing, monitoring and coordinating the works.
Method statement:
The method statement describes in a logical sequence exactly how a job is to be carried out in a way that secures health and safety and includes all the control measures. This will allow the job to be properly planned with the appropriate health and safety resources needed for it.
Health and safety file:
Key documents are: - Pre-construction information (living document) - Construction phase plan, F10, Health and Safety File. Containing - O&M Manuals, As-built drawings (incl. services) - Record of residual risks which may affect the maintenance and cleaning of the structure, Hazardous materials used- Any other information — not necessarily resulting from the design — which could affect the health and safety of any person carrying out construction work in or on the structure in the fu-ture. When preparing or modifying designs, eliminate, reduce or control foreseeable risks that may arise during Construction and the maintenance and use of a building once it is built
A construction phase plan
(CPP) is a key document, outlining the health and safety concerns associated with a specific construction project. The plan should cover the site rules and necessary procedures that are in place to minimise or eliminate risks. Includes Project directory, works programme, General site arrangements – identify unloading areas, welfare, access, traffic/pedestrian management systems, Emergency procedures.
Were there any issues with the Construction Phase plan for Francis BAcon reviewed? –
? – No reference to a school situated opposite or safety measures needed to mitigate this risk. We invoked a policy of deliveries outside pick u/p times.
What did the CPP contain for Coopers Road:
Description of the Project- Programme details, project directory, existing records and plans Man-agement of Work- Arrangements for communication, site security, site rules, fire and emergency procedures Arrangements for controlling significant site risks - Traffic routes and segregation of vehi-cles and pedestrians- Fall protection to the flat roof edge – scaffolding.
What is the “six pack” of H&S regulations?
- Management of health and safety at work.
- Display Screen equipment
- Manual Handling Operations.
- Personal Protective Equipment at Work.
- Provision and use of Work Equipment
- Workplace Health, Safety and Welfare.
RIDDOR timescales:
From HSE: A report must be received within 10 days of the incident.
For accidents resulting in the over-seven-day incapacitation of a worker, you must notify the enforcing authority within 15 days of the incident, using the appropriate online form.
- Give me some examples of the general requirements of the Construction (Design & Man-agement) Regulations 2015.
All projects with more than one contractor must have Principal Designer and Principal Contractor
Works are F10 notifiable to HSE if they cross one of two time thresholds:
- More than 500 person working days
- More than 20 people on site at one time AND project lasts more than 30 working days
- What areas does the RICS Guidance Note on Surveying Safely cover?
- Personal and corporate responsibilities.
- Safe person concept
- What to do if it all goes wrong.
- Assessing hazards and risks.
- Places of work.
- Occupational hygiene and health
- Visiting premises and sites – things to consider.
- Fire safety
- Residential property surveying
- General procurement and management of contractors.
What is the H&S file?
a. Health and Safety file
It is a record of useful information which will help you manage health and safety risks during any future maintenance, repair, construction work or demolition. You should keep the file, make it available to anyone who needs to alter or maintain the building, and update it if circumstances change.
i. Same project directory and info BS as before
ii. Hazards left on site (residual) inc. materials used (coatings, paints, flammable etc)
iii. Structural alterations/limitations
iv. Location of services
v. Info on safe operation and maintenance
What is contained within the Construction Phase Plan?
The principal contractor (or contractor if there is only one contractor) has to draw up a plan explaining how health and safety risks will be managed. This should be proportionate to the scale of the work and associated risks and you should not allow work to start on site until there is a plan
i. Project directory, works programme
ii. General site arrangements – identify unloading areas, welfare, access, traffic/pedestrian management systems,
iii. Emergency procedures – Fire, terrorist, bomb procedures, route to nearest hospital, OOH contact numbers, scaffold alarm details
iv. Risk Assessment, and Method Statement
v. Training records, insurance details, accident report forms
What does the CPP develop into?
H&S file
Why is knowledge of Health & Safety
important for a Chartered Surveyor?
To protect the Client’s Interests
To protect yourself physically
To protect yourself mentally
To protect people who work for you
To protect people who work on your projects
To protect the general public (duty of care)
To protect your companies interests (avoid being sued)
What are the Rics common H&S questins?
What is the RICS H&S guide called?
What are the key client responsibilities under CDM Regulations?
What are the duties of a Principle Designer/Contractor etc in CDM
What are the dates that Asbestos was banned in the UK?
What are the three types of asbestos?
What are the two types of asbestos survey?
What are the health risks associated with Giant Hogweed?
What is your company’s lone working policy?
What is legionella?
What is the heirachy of risk
assess, eliminte, isolate, remove. mitigate.