Diversity And Inclusivity, Inclusive Environments Flashcards
What do you reference documents do you use to recognise diversity of user needs?
- Equality Act 2010
- Planning Regs (NPFF, Local Plan)
- Building Regs (Doc M)
- British Standards (BS 8300-2:2018)
What are ‘reasonable adjustments’?
Adjustments to be made if someone with a disability is at a disadvantage compared to those without a disability.
Physical - build ramp next to stairs
Administrative - allowing more time for dyslexic people, changing times/locations to suit people with mental health issues
Allow assistance dog, despite “no dogs at work” policy
What are the 9 protected characteristics under the Equality Act 2010?
Age, Disability, Sex, Gender Reassignment, Race, Religion or Belief, Sexual Orientations, Marriage and Civil Partnership, Pregnancy and Maternity.
What do you understand by the term ‘unconscious bias’?
- Predetermined disposition and assumptions (unintentional stereotypes) which causes discrimination without knowing, commonly influenced by upbringing
- Occurs when people favour others who look like them and/or share their values-
- Behaviour which reinforces the bias is noticed whilst behaviour which does not is ignored. This is how decisions based on unconscious bias are justified.
How can you mitigate unconscious bias?
- Be aware
- Don’t rush decisions
- Justify decisions with facts- Focus on positive behaviour of people rather than negative stereotypes
- Implement policies and procedures to limit the influence of individual characteristics and preferences
What is the duty on service providers under the Equality Act?
- To take reasonable steps to avoid a provision, criterion or practice which puts a disabled person at a substantial disadvantage
- ## To avoid a physical feature which puts a disabled person at a substantial disadvantage
- To take reasonable steps to provide an auxiliary aid where a disabled person would, without it, be put at a substantial disadvantage.
What does it mean by “reasonable” adjustment?
Will have desired effect
Won’t affect H&S of others