Health & Safety Flashcards
What are the PPE at Work Regulations 2022?
All employers must provide PPE even if for casual staff
What is a method statement?
A method statement is a document that details the way a work task or process is to be completed and approved prior to work. It outlines hazards and a step by step guide on how to do the job properly. It must also detail which control measures have been introduced to ensure the safety of all involved in the task
When must you write a health & safety policy?
If you have 5+ employees, you must write a health and safety policy following these 4 points:
1. The organisations commitment to health and safety
2. Details of the organisations health and safety structure – including roles/responsibilities
3. A risk assessment setting the risks and preventive measures in place
4. Details on the planning, implementation of the H&S policy
What are the six pack of H&S regulations?
- Management of Health and Safety at work
- Display screen equipment
- Manual handling operations
- PPE at work
- Provision and use of the work equipment
- Workplace health, safety and welfare
What are the implications of the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences 1995?
- Must report injuries within 7 days
- This must be reported to the SHE within 14 days
- Employers must keep a record of 3-day plus injuries
- All above information must be kept in an accident book which must be kept for 3 years
What is the Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Act 2007?
A breach of duty of care by a corporate body leading to a person’s death. Penalties range from fines to imprisonment
What are the key points of the Fire Risk Management Regulatory Reform Order 2005 (Fire Safety)?
- A risk assessment with a focus on fire safety
- Applies to non-domestic property in England/Wales
- Covered in Part B of Building Regs
- All reasonable fire preventive measures should be in place
- The ‘responsible person’ is the building owner or employer
The Fire Safety Act 2021 details?
This built upon the above 2005 Act, all responsible people had to reduce fire risk, the fire service could take enforcement action against responsible people who fail in their role. The Act requires there to be regular inspections, evacuation plans, supplying residents with instructions, if cladding is unsafe, the doors must comply with current legislation
What are the implications of the External Wall Systems?
- Following on from Grenfell, many tall resi buildings have unsafe external wall systems
- UK government have introduced EWS1 Form which helps with the valuation of tall resi buildings
- ESW1 forms allow a qualified professional to assess the external wall system
- Forms are valid for 5 years
- An interactive RICS tree map helps valuers decide whether an ESW1 form is needed
What is the Building Safety Act 2022?
The Act implements the Hackitt review recommendations for high rise buildings
- Combustible cladding banned
- Developers obliged to remove unsafe cladding
- Residents have a stronger voice in ensuring safety
- Introduction of a Building Safety Regulator who is responsible for the safety of people within buildings
- Section 38 of the Building Safety Act 1984 now allows civil claims for breaches of building regs, increasing from 6 to 15 years which exposes contractors to claims
- Building high rise buildings now needs fire ‘gateways’ where building regs compliance is declared at planning, pre-con and handover
What is the Occupiers Liability Act 1957?
This Act regulates the liability of occupiers for injuries caused to lawful visitors and a common duty of care is applied to lawful visitors
What are the Smoke-free Regulations 2007?
- Illegal to smoke in all enclosed public places
- ‘No smoking’ signage must be up
- Penalties range up to £2,500
What is the Defective Premises Act 1972?
The Act imposes an obligation on the landlord to ensure the premises are suitable with requirements.
What is asbestos?
Asbestos is an insulating material which can cause serious health problems and fatal diseases. If left undamaged, it poses on health risks. However, when disturbed it can release small toxic fibres. There is:
* Blue asbestos
* Brown asbestos
* White asbestos – illegal since 1999
HSE estimate that there are 4 million UK homes with asbestos which cause 5,000 deaths per year.
Statutory duty to manage asbestos in commercial buildings. Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012 – non compliance is a criminal offence
What would MSC do if a retrofit had asbestos?
MSC has an Asbestos Standard which includes the process of management of asbestos. This is a flow chart whereby reports and management plans are made. There is procedure for asbestos in offices, on site and during operations with different roles and responsibilities.
What are the key points of the Health and Safety Act 1974?
There is a ‘duty to every employer’ to reasonable ensure the health and safety of all employees. This is policed by the HSE and you can get a lot of fines. Other key points include: must report accidents, must complete risk assessments, a hazard is ‘anything which has the potential to cause harm’ and a risk is ‘the probability/likelihood that someone will be harmed’
What are the key points of Surveying Safely 2019?
Firms must ensure they provide:
* A safe working environment
* Safe work equipment
* Safe systems of work
* Competent staff
For site visits, the key points are:
* Inform someone where you are going and when you leave
* Register/sign in and out on site
* Wear the correct PPE
* Assess whether it is safe to walk around site alone
* Wear the correct PPE, including suitable, non slip shoes for ladders
* Check date tags on scaffolding
What are the health and safety risks in the office, on-site and when working from home?
There are numerous risks when working from home and in a office, including DMS. Also, if alone, you could have an accident and hurt yourself.
On site is different, and a RAMS may be needed.
What role does the HSE play within the construction industry?
The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) is named in the Building Safety Act as the Building Safety regulator. It is the government agency responsible for enforcing health and safety legislation.
It provides resources on how to align and encourage health and safety.
What were the CDM regulations and 2015 amendments?
The Construction Design & Management 2015 amendments were:
- Changed roles from the co-ordinator to the principal designer
- Client now responsible
- If more than one contractor is involved on site, there needs to be a principal designer and a principle contractor
- All consultants should self assess
- A construction phase plan should be produced for every construction project – PEP for us
What is the lone working policy for MSC workers?
There must be a risk assessment for lone workers on site. This is a RAMS
What is the Health and Safety Executive lone working procedure? Why do you follow this?
It is the same working from home as it is for lone workers.
* Taking responsibility for my safety and those around me
* We have an MSC e-learning on health and safety which also mentions lone working
* The policy is to keep in contact, do a workstation assessment, self assessment
What is the correct PPE to wear? (Personal Protective Equipment)
Steel toe boots, high vis, goggles, gloves and hard hat. Might need ear defenders
What is involved in the HSE’s workstation assessment?
The assessment should include:
the whole workstation, including equipment, furniture, and work conditions
the job being done
any special requirements of a member of staff, for example a user with a disability
This needs to happen when a new workspace is set up, a new user starts, there is a change to the workstation, or users complain of pain/discomfort
What is involved in a relevant risk assessment on site?
It is a legal requirement for organisations employing 5+ people to document health and safety risk assessments for all significant hazards. A simple risk assessment involves:
1. Identify hazards
2. Identify people at risk from hazard
3. Evaluate the risk – likelihood and the severity of them
4. Record findings on a suitable form
5. Review the risk assessment regularly
At MSC, we will in risk assessments for lone workers but RAMS are typically for subcontractors or work experience students.
Who is responsible for health & safety at MSC?
Part of the Project Execution Plan is stage 2 Construction Phase Health and Safety. This meets CDM 2015 regulations.
Roles are definitions as all relevant members of the contract team have responsibility according to their role and seniority. Health and safety is the responsibility of the entire site but for example the Project Manager is responsible for providing PPE. The site team are supported by SHE with monthly SHE team meetings and inspections which go onto SIMS. SHEQ do workplace assessments too. Martin Hall is the SHE Director.
What observations did you make on your site visit with the SHE manager?
The process is observations on SIMS. Everyone on site can do a SHE observation which are scored ‘A, B, C’ A is good practice, then compliant then bad then stop. Then actions are assigned to team members to resolve it. On Milton Keynes, the fire standards matched up with MSC visual standards and there were not trip hazards like trailing cables. It was me, PM and SHE manager (Kieran)
How do SHE Managers do their role?
They operate in each region and do site inspections which they record on SIMS. They are notified of projects in pre-con or after PCSA. SHE managers walk around with a PM or SM so they understand what you’re doing. Report gets printed off and set to Ops or Area Director so the PM/SM always wants to know
What are the MSC visual standards?
We have minimum standards, asbestos standards, visual standards, etc – these are all applied depending on the type of issue. Martin Hall makes these and signed off by Pat Boyle – signed off nationally and all SHE know these