Health & Safety Flashcards
Can you describe some of the differences introduced in the CDM 2015 regulations
- Statutory duties on clients, principal designer, designers and contractors to plan, manage and coordinate H&S throughout the project
- Improves H&S through design, planning and management
- Role of PD to influence how risks to H&S are managed throughout a project, especially pre-construction
- New obligations to notify HSE of construction projects (F10)
Can you tell me about the guidance RICS produces on Health and Safety?
Surveying Safely 2018
- Personal / corporate responsibilities (inc ‘Safe person’ concept; each individual assumes individual behavioural responsibility for their own, their colleagues’ and others’ health and safety while at work)
- Assessing hazards and risks; risk management, risk assessment techniques, risk evaluation, risk control
- RICS members’ places of work; common requirements, emergency arrangements
- Occupational hygiene (control exposure to harmful agents) and health (physical and mental effects of work on health)
- Visiting premises or sites; preparation, considerations, lone working, high structures, access/other equipment
- Fire safety; risk and fire safety management
- General procurement and management of contractors; competence, insurance, references, management/monitoring
Provide an example of how you have carried out good Health and Safety practice?
1) Developed and implemented a process to record and track all works outside of the site boundary on a refurbishment project
2) Works not approved to proceed until RAMS reviewed, and client H&S representative was able to review on site
3) Fed into lessons learnt review
How do you safeguard employees working at height?
- Avoid if possible
- Comply with WAH Regulations 2005
- Work properly planned, supervised and carried out by competent people
- Ensure safely to and from work at height
- Ensure equipment is suitable, maintained and checked regularly
- Don’t overload or overreach
- Take precautions when working on or near fragile surfaces
- Protection from falling objects
- Emergency routes and rescue procedures
What should you consider when working at height?
- Weather
- Check roof etc is safe
- Stop materials from falling
- Store materials and objects safely so they don’t injure people if it collapses
- Plan emergency and rescue procedures
You are required to keep a record of any inspection for work equipment. What equipment does this include?
- Guard rails
- Toe boards
- Barriers
- Scaffolding / MEWP
- Ladders
How often should working platforms be inspected?
- after assembly in any position
- after event liable to affect the stability
- at intervals not exceeding 7 days
What are the most commonly known asbestos types?
- Chrysotile (white)
- Amosite (brown)
- Crocidolite (blue)
What is the Health & Safety at work act 1974?
- Primary legislation covering occupational health and safety in the UK
- Enforced by the Health & Safety Executive (HSE)
- Duties to be performed ‘so far as is reasonably practicable’
- Adequate training of staff in H&S procedures
- Adequate welfare provisions
- Safe working environment
- > 5 employees must have written H&S policy
- Risk assessment
What does the Health & Safety at work act 1974 require workplaces to provide?
- Safe working environment
- Appropriate working environment (ventilation, lighting)
- Welfare provisions (toilets, wash basins)
- Comfort and sanitation
- Training to ensure H&S procedures understood
- Suitable provision of relevant information, instruction and supervision
- Written record of H&S policy
What are the punishments for failing to comply with Health & Safety at work act 1974?
- Summary conviction: max 6 months imprisonment or an unlimited fine or both.
- On indictment: the maximum penalty is 2 years imprisonment or a fine or both.
What must a company’s H&S policy include?
a. Policy statement signed by senior member of company
b. Details of the organisation’s H&S structure
c. Arrangements for H&S - risk assessments, training, PPE, reducing/eliminating risk
d. Arrangements to audit H&S protocols
What’s the purpose of CDM 2015?
- To ensure that H&S is considered in the earliest stages of design.
- Projects are designed to highest H&S standard.
What’s the client’s role under CDM 2015?
- Notifies HSE (F10)
- Appoints Principal Contractor and Principal Designer
- Provides pre-construction information
- Ensure welfare facilities are in place before work starts
What’s the Principal Designer’s role under CDM 2015?
- Plan, manage and monitor H&S in pre-construction phase
- Prepare a H&S File
- Must be appointed if there is more than one trade contractor on site
- Ensure designers comply with CDM duties
What’s the Principal Contractor’s role under CDM 2015?
- Prepare Construction Phase Plan before construction commences
- Manage H&S in construction phase.
- Ensure all workers have site induction, PPE, work in accordance with H&S principles
What is the Health & Safety file?
- Contains relevant H&S info to be taken into account during any subsequent work such as maintenance, refurbishment or demolition.
- Must be submitted prior to completion
Information including:
- Description of the works
- Hazards that have not been eliminated through design and construction, and how they have been addressed
- Structural principles
- Hazardous materials used
- H&S info about equipment that needs maintaining
- Services locations
- As-built drawings
What is Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations (COSHH) 2002?
- Requirements for employers to protect employees / other persons from hazardous substances
- Must carry out a risk assessment and prevent or control exposure
- Covers: Chemicals, Fumes/Gases, Dusts and biological agents/germs
- Doesn’t cover asbestos or lead
What should be included in a Pre-Construction Information document?
- Description of the works
- Client considerations and management requirements
- Environmental restrictions and existing on-site risks
- Significant design and construction hazards
- Health & Safety File contents & structure
What are RAMS?
Risk Assessment and Method Statement
Risk Assessment: identifying a hazard, measuring the risk and identifying the method of reducing the risk
Method Statement: Methodology by which the work will be completed. RAMS should outline the hazards involved and include a step-by-step guide on how to execute the work safely. Details the control measures to ensure the safety of anyone affected by the task/process.
What should you do if you find asbestos on site?
- Stop work immediately and make sure the area is safe (nobody else can access)
- Report to Site Manager
- Report to HSE (if required) - licenced, non-licenced notifiable, non-notifiable (depend on the type of work you are going to carry out, the type of material you are going to work on and its condition)
- Licenced contractor to test/remove the asbestos
What is an asbestos management plan?
A register of all asbestos in a property, how it will be managed and what activities will be in place to ensure people remain safe from exposure.
Should include:
- Who is responsible for managing asbestos
- Asbestos register
- Plans for work on ACMs
- Schedule for condition survey
What possible actions can you take if asbestos is found on site?
- Remove
- Encapsulate (with a protective layer)
- Manage
What H&S Regulations may be applicable to a construction project?
- Health & Safety at Work Act 1974
- Management of Health & Safety at Work Regulations 1999
- Construction (Design and Management) (CDM) Regulations 2015
- Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002
- Working at Height Regulations 2005
What’s the Designer’s role under CDM 2015?
When preparing or modifying designs, eliminate, reduce, or control foreseeable risks that might occur during:
- Construction
- Maintenance in use
What is the F10 and when is it required?
Form to notify the HSE of a construction project.
Project is notifiable under CDM Regulations if:
- Lasts longer than 30 days and have more than 20 workers on site at the same time, or;
- Exceeds 500 man days
According to RICS Surveying safely, 2018, what must all RICS regulated firms ensure they provide?
- Safe working environment
- Safe work equipment
- Safe systems of work
- Competent staff
What is the concept of a ‘safe person’, as outlined in RICS Surveying safely, 2018?
Each individual assumes individual behavioural responsibility for their own, their colleagues’ and others’ health and safety while at work.
What are the 5 steps of a risk assessment?
- Identify hazards
- Identify people at risk
- Evaluate the risk
- Record the findings
- Review the risk assessment regularly
What insurance must be in place before a contractor can start on site?
- All risks insurance
- Public liability insurance
What section of the Building Regulations deals with fire safety?
Part B
What was banned in September 2018 to improve fire safety?
The use of combustible cladding on residential buildings over 18 metres tall
What does the Management of Health & Safety at Work act 1999 do?
- Duty on employers to assess and manage risks through RAMS
- Review and inspection of H&S by employer
- Competent people appointed to assist in meeting H&S legislation
What does The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 do?
- Provides the minimum fire safety standards for non-domestic premises
- Designates a Responsible Person
- RP is required to carry out certain fire safety duties, including ensuring that general fire precautions are satisfactory and conducting a fire risk assessment.
What does the Building Regulations Part B: Fire Safety include?
- Precautionary measures necessary to provide safety from fires for building occupants, persons in the vicinity of buildings, and firefighters.
Requirements cover:
- means of escape
- fire detection and warning systems
- the fire resistance of structural elements
- fire separation
- protection
- compartmentation and isolation to prevent fire spread
- control of flammable materials
- access and facilities for firefighting
What are the main design options to ensure fire safety in buildings?
- Prevention
- Communication (fire systems are triggered)
- Escape
- Containment
- Extinguishment
What did RICS do in response to Grenfell?
- Lobbied and provided advice to government
- Provided guidance to landlords and residents
- Set up dedicated Fire Safety Hub online
- Produced documentation on the External Fire Wall review process (EWS)
What is included within the Asbestos guidance note?
- Detail on asbestos
- Examples of where found (diagram)
- Appendix A - list of types and where found
- Appendix B - List of scenarios and who the duty holders would be
What are the COSHH regulations? What year?
- Control of Substances Hazardous to Health 2002
- Duty on employers to ensure that they control manage the handling of substances
What are the WAH regulations? What year?
- 2005
- Duty on employers to make sure WAH is planned, supervised and carried out by competent people.
- Risk assessment
What are the LOLER regulations? What year?
- 1998
- Lifting Operations Lifting Equipment Regs
- Must be planned, managed and undertaken by competent people
- Equipment must be maintained, regularly tested and labelled as certified
- Keep inspection records and records of defects
What is RIDDOR? What year?
- 2013
- Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations
- Requires reports to go to the HSE for specific events and incidents
What are the RIDDOR reporting requirements?
- Any of the specified incidents such as fractures, breaks, crushing, burns, etc.
- Anything that results in being off work for 7 consecutive days
- Must be reported within 15 days
Explain the different types of work involved with Asbestos?
- Licensed Notifiable - 14 day advanced warning
- Unlicensed Notifiable - Any time before works
- Unlicensed Not Notifiable - Not required
What is the role of the PD in rectifying a design issue?
- Responsibility under CDM to plan, manage and monitor H&S in pre-construction phase
- Ensure designers comply with CDM duties
What should the H&S file not contain?
- Construction Phase accidents
- Contractual docs
- Info on demolished structures
What are the H&S obligations in the Building Act 1984?
- Empowers and obliges local authorities to enforce building regulations
- Powers include right of entry into buildings and powers of prosecution and enforcement in relation to non-compliant building work, dangerous structures and demolitions
- Building Regulations - prescribe procedures that must be followed when starting, carrying out and completing building work and set out minimum requirements for specific aspects of building design and construction
- Sets legal status of ‘approved documents’ which provide general guidance but permit alternative design solutions
- Creates role of ‘approved inspector’
What is CSCS and what are the different types of card holders?
- Construction Skills Certification Scheme
- Certifies qualifications and training to carry out work on a construction site
- Trainee, Apprentice, Labourer, Skilled, Management, Professionally Qualified Person
- PSF = Project Support Function