Health Promotion Of The Newborn & Infant Flashcards
Newborns lose up to what % of birth wt and by what day do they do this?
10% of birth wt lost by day 3-4
When do infants gain their birth wt back?
10-14th day
When does infants wt double and when does it tripple
Double - 6months
Triples - 12 months
Infants gain how many inchs until 6 months
After that they increase ht how
1 inch per month until 6 months
Then it is in spurts
How babies head circumference increases
2cm/month for 3months
1cm/month for 4-6months
0.5cm/month 6-12months
When fontanels close
Anterior: 12-18months
Posterior: 2-3months
What indicates brain growth in an infant
Head circumference
We slowly replace what type of reflexes with what
Primitive reflexes are replaced slowly with:
Protective and purposeful movements
When primitive reflexes disappear:
Step: 4-8wks
Root: 3months
Suck: 2-5months
Moro: 4 months
When primitive reflexes go away:
Tonic neck/fencing
Palmar grasp
Plantar grasp
Tonic neck/fencing: 4 months
Palmar grasp: 4-6 months
Plantar grasp: 9 months
Babinski: 12 months
Protective reflexes and when we get them
Neck righting: 4-6 months
Parachute sideways and forward: 6 months
tilt to side and stick out hands to catch self
In 1st year of life infants RR slow to what
Different in peds resp. System
From 30-60/min down to 20-30/in
Larger tongues
Funnel shaped larynx
Fewer alveoli
Infants heart does what in the 1st year
HR and BP goes from what to what
Heart doubles in size
HR slows from 120-140 down to 100
BP goes from 60/40 to 100/50
When do teeth start to appear
Signs of teething
Low grade fever
Stomach capacity by year 1
Goes from 15-30ML at birth to accomadating
3 full meals and snacks
When can infants liver fully conguate bilirubin and secrete bile
2 weeks old
Is the glucogenesis immature during 1st year of life?
Infants have more total body water than adults
Puts us at greater risk of what
Is specific gravity low or high
Risk of dehydration
Low specific gravity (less concentrated)
Renal function not efficient until glomeruli rach maturity when?
2 years old
When is maternal iron store depleted
6months old
Immune system
Passive immunity from mother last how long
Get our own immune system how
3-6 months
Get own active immunity due to exposures and immunizarions
Sight with new borns
What kind of sight
Prefer what
Strabismus dissapears by when
Get full color vision, distance vision and object tracking by when?
Newborns are near sighted prefering human faces
Prefer objects/images with black and white contrast
Stabismus disappears by 3-4 months
Full color-distance and object tracking by 7months
Fully intact at birth
Infants can differentiate the smell of mothers breast milk by when
7days old
Prefer sweet taste
Trust vs mistrust during when
Psychological development
Birth to 1 year
When do infants develop:
Social smile
Social interaction (laughing)
More interactive with game like pee-a-boo
Social smile:
Social interaction (laughing):
More interactive with game like pee-a-boo:
When do these begin:
Seperation anxiety
Stranger anxiety
Seperation anxiety: 8months
Stranger anxiety: 6-8months
Sensorimotor stage (birth -24months)
Go from reflexive behaviors to repetitive and imitative activites
Object permanence
When its developed fully
What it is
Fully developed by 8 months
If they cant see it then they think its gone
1st form of verbal communication
Crying decreases by when
By 4 months we get what
Comprehend “no” by when
Can say 3-5 words by when
Crying decreased by 12 weeks old
4 months we get laughs, squeals, uses vowels, consonants
No comprehended by 9-10months
Can say 3-5 words by 1 year old
Gross motor skills
Fine motor skills
Gross: cephalocaudal (from head to feet it develops)
Ex: roll, then crawl, then walk
Fine: proximodistal
Gross motor skills in infancy
4: rolls from prone to supine
5: rolls from supine to prone and back again
Sits with back upright when supported
6: tripod sits
8: sits unsupported
9: crawls, abdomen off floor
10: pulls to stand, cruises
Fine motor skills in infancy
5: grasps rattle (grab toys and rattle them0
7: transfers object from one hand to the other
10: fine pincer grasp
Immunization at birth
Hep B
Nutrition birth-6months:
Supplement w/ breastfeeding
Alt to breastfeeding
Breastfeeding is complete nutrition during 1st 6 months
Vit D supplement for breast fed babies prevent deficiency/rickets
Iron-fortified formula alt. To breast milk
Nutrition 6months-1year
Reflex that disappears around 4-6 months
Interest in what, voluntary control of what, disappearance of what reflex
Tongue thrust reflex disappears around 4-6 months
Interest in solid food
Voluntary control of head and trunk
Disappearance of extrusion reflex
New foods being introduces
What is first
New food introduced over how long and how many at a time
Veggies or fruit first
When to introduce meat
Iron-fortified rice cereal first
Intoduce new foods over 5-7 days (1at a time)
Veggies before fruit bc they like sweet stuff more
once fruit and veggies added we can have meat
Introduce sippy cups/straws when?
Bottle weaning
Which meal is last one weaned (by when)
Cows milk tried when
1st dental visit when
Sippy cup: 6-8months
Replace one bottle/breastfeeding with a cut
Bedtime feeding last to wean (by 12-15months)
Cows milk (whole milk) by 12 months
Dental 1st visit by 1year old
Foods to avoid in infancy
Honey: botulism
Excessive amount of fruit juice (4-6oz per day)
(Water too)
When nocturnal sleep pattern established
How much sleep do infants get a day
How many naps do infants take by 12 months
Established by 3-4 months
Sleep 14-15hrs a day
1-2 naps by 12 months
Injury prevention: infants
Aspiration of foreign objects
Bodily harm (water safety, stairs)
Burns (stove, sunburn(no sunscreen until 6months)
Drowning (tubs)
Poisioning (lock up meds/cleaning supplies)
Suffocation (safe sleep, blinds)
AAP recommends rear facing until age what?
2 years old
Safe sleep
One what
No what?
Ceiling fan
Encourage what not what
Alone, on back, in crib
One swaddle blanket
No pillows, stuffed animals, or loose blankets
Pacifier: help avoid SIDS
Ceiling fans: circulate CO2
Encourage room sharing not co-sleeping
Preventing choking
Keep what off floor?
Avoid what foods? (4)
Big toys
Small items off floor
Hot dog pieces
Preventing falls
Restraints with what?
AAP no longer supports what?
Baby gate for stairs
Low crib with rails up
Restraints: infant seat/changing table
No longer supports walkers (use stationary devices)
Effects of hospitalization: infants
Seperation anxiety/stranger anxiety when
Nursing interventions (4)
NPO: fussy/angry
Seperation anxiety/stranger anxiety (8months)
Nursing interventions:
-encourage parent presence
-parental support
-cluster care
-atraumatic care