Health issues Flashcards
une maladie = = =
a disease, an illness, a sickness
souffrir d’une maladie
to suffer from a disease
mourir d’une maladie = =
to die of, to die from a disease
une maladie grave
a serious disease
être dans un état critique
to be critically ill
un microbe, un germe
a germ
des bactéries
attraper la grippe
to go down with the flu
un danger pour la santé
a health hazard
un fléau = = =
a curse, a plague, a scourge
What is the WHO ? = = =
Its successes ?
- The World Health Organization
- Specialized agency of the United Nations that coordinates international efforts to control outbreaks of infectious disease (SARS, malaria, Tuberculosis…)
- Carries out various health-related campaigns (ex : boost the consumption of fruits and vegetables / discourage tabacco use)
- Smallpox (variole) eradicated in 1980 = the first disease in history to be eliminated by human effort.
cancer du poumon, sein, peau
lung, breast, skin cancer
malaria, paludisme
maladie sexuellement transmissible (MST), maladie vénérienne
a sexually transmitted disease (STD), a venereal disease (VD)
avoir une maladie cardiaque
to have a heart condition
maladie d’Alzheimer, de Parkinson
Alzeihemer’s / Parkinson’s disease
une maladie neurodégénérative
a neurodegenerative disease
Disease of poor nutrition ? = = =
- enough calories but too few micronutrients
- Over half of women in India and two-fifth of those in Indonesia ara anaemic -dificient in iron
-Lack of vitamin A causes membranes around organs to shrivel, leaving them vulnerable : like eyes = half a million children become blind each year.
un symptôme
a symptom
affecter, toucher un pays
to affect a country
toucher 20% de la population
to afflict 20% of the population
la zone la plus durement touchée
the hardest-hit area
to eradicate
What is “Médecin sans Frontières” ?
- Founded in 1971 by a band of young French doctors disillusioned with the neutrality of the Red Cross in Biafra.
SIDA, syndrome d’immunodéficience acquise
AIDS = acquired immune deficiency syndrome
contracter le SIDA
to develop AIDS
un malade du SIDA = =
an AIDS sufferer, an AIDS patient
un test de dépistage
a screening test
le sperme = =
sperm, semen
avoir des rapports sexuels non-protégés
to have unprotected sex
un préservatif
a condom
la fidélité
une aiguille
a needle
la trithérapie = =
triple therapy, combination thereapy
un traitement médical
medical treatment
secret médical
medical confidentialy
une infection nosocomiale
a hospital-acquired infection
une bactérie multi-résistante
a superbug
to prescribe
une ordonnance
a prescription
un médecin généraliste
a general practitioner
un chirurgien
a surgeon
se faire opérer = = =
to have surgery, go through surgery, to have an operation
to diagnose
un diagnostic
a diagnosis
guérir un patient
to cure a patient
un remède = =
a remedy, a cure
un médicament = = =
a drug, a medicine, a medication
un antalgique, analgésique
a painkiller
un effet secondaire
a side effect
une piqûre = =
an injection, a shot
prendre des antibiotiques
to be on antibiotics
un laboratoire pharmaceutique
a pharmaceutical laboratory
des produits pharmaceutiques
un vaccin
a vaccinee
se rétablir, guérir
to recover
guérison, rétablissement
to relapse
une alerte à l’intoxication alimentaire
a food scare
un péril/une alerte sanitaire
a health scare
an epizootic disease
la fièvre aphteuse
food-and-mouth disease
l’encéphalopathie bovine spongiforme
bovine spongiform encephalopathy
la maladie de la vache folle
mad-cow disease
une maladie à prions
a prion disease
la dioxine
le scandale du poulet à la dioxine
the dioxin chicken scandal
la traçabilité
les soins médicaux / les services de santé
health care
la santé publique
public health
les responsables de la santé publique
public health officials
les autorités sanitaires
the health authorities
le système de santé = =
the health care system, the health system
les services de santé
health services
les dépenses de santé
health expenses
Sécurité sociale au Royaume Uni = = =
- National Health Service (NHS)
- Funded largely through taxes including a proportion from National Insurance payments (les cotisations)
- Headed by the Secretary of State for Health
Il vaut mieux prévenir que guérir
Prevention is better than cure
Se porter comme un charme
To be as fit as a fiddle
ne pas être dans son assiette = =
to be under the weather, to be off-colour
avoir un chat dans la gorge
to have a frog in your throat
être bien vivant
to be alive and kicking
être à l’article de la mort
to be at death’s door
casser sa pipe, passer l’arme à gauche = =
to kick the bucket, to pop your clogs
L’avenir appartient à ceux qui se lèvent tôt
Early to bed, early to rise make a man healthy, wealth and wise.