health final Flashcards
what are the three sides of the health triangle
mental and emotional and physical
healthy habits give two examples
eating healthy and exercise, right amount of sleep, brushing your teeth
____ hours of sleep at night
8 hours
____ of physical activity each day
60mins or and an hour
what age do boys hit puberty
what age do girls hit puberty
___is a state of uneasiness usually associated with future uncertainty
the way you feel about your self and how you value your self
self esteem
the ability to bounce back from disappointment
a way dealing with the sense of loss people feel when someone close to them dies
coping skills
one way to manage stress
needs that affect your feelings and sense of well-being
emotional needs
types of anxiety disorders
panic disorder
general anxiety disorder
types of mood disorders
major depression
bipolar disorder
a type of therapy is counseling that seeks to improve troubled family relationships
a type therapy were a therapist meets with several people who all have the same or similar problems
mental health professional who is trained and licensed by the state to preform
medical doctor with specialty in the treatment of mental health problems and can prescribe medication
the study of nutrients and how the body uses them
one factor that influences what chose to eat is the psychological desire for food known as
what are the substances in food that your body needs
the body’s physical need for food
influences on a persons food choices include the availability of certain foods…
culture background
nutrients your body uses to build ,repair and maintain cells and tissues
eating large amounts of ____like butter and cheese is not good for you
saturated fats
___promote healthy skin and normal cell growth
a system designed to help American make healthful food choices is called
my food pyramid
unit of heat measures the energy available in food
nutrient that helps control the amount of fluid in your body
foods that offer few if any nutrients
empty calorie foods
is the amount of nutrients relative to the number of calories they provide
nutrients destiny
what is the most important meal of the day
when in a restaurant check for the
heart healthy selections
this vitamin promotes healthy skin and normal vision
vitamin A
releases energy for muscles, found in beans peas
promotes strong bones and teeth prevents tooth decay
this maintain helps regulate fluid balance and tissues
this mineral is needed to build and maintain strong bones
fluoride is mainly found in this food source
fish with edible bones
this mineral is needed to build and maintain hemoglobin in the red blood cells
found in fatty fish it promotes strong bones and teeth
vitamin D
needed for a healthy nervous system
vitamin B
this vitamin is found in citrus fruits and fight infection
vitamin C